After talking with the artist, Barn once again deeply felt the extraordinaryness of Arkham today. If Ford's intelligence was inaccurate and could not be fully trusted, then the former comrade in front of him was the one he could trust the most now.

"What plans do you have?" The artist threw out a handful of grains.

Barn seemed to be confident and said, "Before coming out, Mr. Zoe had calculated the danger here. Mr. Zoe said that as long as we make sure there are no gods here, it will be fine."

The artist warned, "Don't underestimate the danger here. According to my observation, there is at least one superhuman above level 40 here, and even the legendary demigod."

Barn smiled confidently, "Don't worry, this matter will not be investigated on us. It is not appropriate for us to reveal too much technology now. After all, our real enemies are the August Empire and the ghosts."

The artist did not ask much after hearing this. The meaning of his existence here is to pass on the news. As for the intelligence of the organization, the less he knows, the safer he is.

After the chat, the two left one after the other very naturally, and it seemed that no one noticed.


At the same time, Arkham North Railway Station

Due to the stop of the Royal train, the operation of this old train station has changed.

Now only five trains are allowed to stop here every day, and this situation needs to be maintained until the Queen leaves here.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, this is the second train to stop here today.

These two trains have 20 carriages, of which five are for passengers and 15 are for cargo.

"Tell them to behave themselves and surround Her Majesty's train. Don't let those dishonest guys get close."

On the platform, Stationmaster Morton personally led the staff to form a wall to separate the cargo workers from the Queen's train.

Morton is the stationmaster of this 54-year-old historical station. He is 54 years old this year and has served in the railway system since he was 17 years old.

After working at the bottom for 20 years, he was gradually promoted to the stationmaster of the only train station in Arkham in three years after Ross's father, George Arkham, took office.

The fifty-four-year-old Stationmaster Morton looks at least ten years younger than his age. He is not tall, only about 1.75 meters tall, with a straight body and a slightly protruding beer belly.

Stationmaster Morton's ancestor seems to be a down-and-out noble. Although he has fallen, his family in Arkham is also above average since he was a child, which makes Stationmaster Morton have a good family education.

A well-fitting dark blue uniform, with his neatly combed black hair, well-groomed mustache and handsome appearance, makes this old man full of the charm of time and maturity.

Among the divorced middle-aged women in Arkham, Stationmaster Morton is indeed very popular.

Not only is his family well-off, he also looks quite good, and even has a very elegant artistic temperament.

Painting, red wine, cigars, are the labels attached to Stationmaster Morton in the past twenty years.

As long as he is in his spare time, people can often see him sitting in the yard full of sunflowers, or by the wall covered with morning glories, painting realistic paintings, holding a cigar, and tasting fine red wine.

"Hey! Stationmaster, have you seen the queen? Is she beautiful?" Two days have passed, and the people below are still asking questions.

Stationmaster Morton touched his mustache and shook his head with a smile: "I didn't see it. The entire train station was taken over by Mayor Arkham that day, and I could only see it from a distance."

"What a pity! I heard that Her Majesty the Queen is the most beautiful woman in the entire empire!" The young and energetic young men below were a little restless.

Stationmaster Morton smiled and didn't say much.

Stationmaster Morton is not only the favorite of middle-aged and elderly women, but also has a good popularity in the circle of men.

When mentioning this stationmaster, the first thing that comes to mind is that he is easy-going, kind, and kind to others. He is a real good person.

It is said that the stationmaster has not quarreled or had an unpleasant experience with anyone for almost 20 years.

Let alone the orderly Arkham now, even in the previous chaotic period, the gang members and thugs of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce never embarrassed Stationmaster Morton when they entered and exited the station, and even did not say bad things.

Stationmaster Morton trained his men very well. Although he did not say much, the group of young people immediately stopped, clenched the batons in their hands, and looked around with all their energy.

As the passengers gradually walked out of the station, the entire station became deserted.

At this time, Morton found that a young man was holding a pillar and vomiting continuously.

"Ruel, go and have a look." Because he had to guard the Queen's special train, Morton could not move casually.

The sturdy young man in his thirties standing next to Morton strode over, patted the young man who was vomiting continuously and asked: "Sir, are you okay?"

At this time, the vomiting young man slowly raised his head, and it can be seen that his face was pale and a little blue, the pupils of both eyes were a little scattered, and there was some filth at the corners of his mouth.

"I feel... very uncomfortable." After the young man finished speaking, he lowered his head again and began to vomit.

Luer held his breath and looked down, and found that what the young man vomited out was no longer half-digested food, but a large amount of sand-like things mixed with strange yellow hairs, which looked very strange and disgusting.

Seeing this scene, Ruhl couldn't help but clench his fists, and all the hair on his body exploded.

The next second, he wanted to turn around and leave quickly, but found that he had lost control of his body.

At this time, the young man's head suddenly turned at an angle that ordinary people could hardly reach, grinning with his mouth full of filth, and said in a somewhat crazy tone: "Did you see it? The great angels are flying in the air, and the elves in the deep sky are filling my body."

The next second, the young man's eyes gradually bulged outward, and then he rushed directly to Ruhl.

Ruhl, who was 1.85 meters tall, didn't react at all and was directly thrown down.

The other staff members who saw that something was wrong rushed over and pulled the young man away.

"Go, call the police." Stationmaster Morton said to another young man, and didn't move casually, because protecting the Queen's special train was his first task now.

But he was not idle either. His deep dark blue eyes swept twice, and then he saw the vomit vomited by the young man.

"Good people don't come, and those who come are not good." Stationmaster Morton clenched his fists.

At the same time, a cool autumn wind blew by, and the spitted sand seemed to follow the autumn wind and leave the station...

Yesterday was Mid-Autumn Festival... Awkward. Maybe I ate too much yesterday, which short-circuited my not-so-smart brain.

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