The next four days were very peaceful. Ross accompanied Su Yi to Innsmouth every day to conduct relevant investigations and collect evidence.

As the investigation deepened, the details of the relevant investigations were gradually disclosed by major newspapers along with the manuscripts of various reporters.

In the face of such ironclad evidence, people's anger towards the military has reached an unprecedented level.

And this is exactly what Su Yi and Ross wanted to see.

The five-day investigation ended successfully, and Su Yi had perfectly completed her plan this time.

And Ross had established a sufficiently solid alliance of interests with the queen.

These days, the two sides have been interacting more deeply.

According to the queen's formula, Ross ordered the brick factory controlled by Danny O'Banion to start the firing of Dragon Flame Steel.

Because the technology provided by the queen was too mature, Su Yi had even combined the scientific capabilities of the current era and made relevant detailed annotations, including temperature, small problems that are easy to ignore, containers, and the proportion and purity of each material.

There are even very detailed introductions to the relevant purification methods and storage methods of raw materials, which are comparable to the real fool-proof operation.

Thanks to such detailed technical descriptions, Danny brought good news on the night when Los and others had just finished the second day of investigation. The first batch of Dragon Flame Steel had been fired. The first batch of experiments totaled 1,000 pieces, and the qualified rate of finished products reached 95%.

Hearing this, Los immediately felt very satisfied, and then ordered Danny to start all production capacity for production.

Time was tight, Su Yi could only stay here for eight days. He hoped to build a complete containment room before she left, and conduct experiments through angle hounds to see if the Dragon Flame Steel could lock up this naughty guy.

In contrast, Su Yi and Elizabeth have not been idle these days.

With the deepening of cooperation, they not only got the fat inhibitor with very mature technology, but also got the muscle enhancer.

And this first shot was naturally for Yingge.

When injecting Yingge, Su Yi did not explain what it was, but she continued to lie along Los's deception route.

At that time, this operation made Los dumbfounded, and then he immediately understood.

This group of core guards, Su Yi intended to brainwash them into the most fanatical and loyal guards.

The queen has potions that can strengthen the body, and so do others, because they are external things, not exclusive to the queen.

But what if this power is obtained through faith in the queen? The degree of loyalty and dependence between the two is a world of difference.

On the other hand, after receiving four consecutive days of guidance and training from Los, Inger found that his body was strengthening at an unimaginable speed.

Soon he found that his strength was about three times that of a normal person!

This immediately made him extremely excited, and at the same time he became more convinced and fanatical about this training method.

After getting the powerful effect of the muscle enhancer, Su Yi was even more envious of the other techniques that Los now mastered.

She was also going to ask for something related to blood therapy, but was rejected by Los.

Because now only the muscle enhancer is enough for her to consume for a period of time.

Su Yi did not feel dissatisfied with this, but admired Los's rationality and the old city.

At the same time, it was not just the two of them who were busy, but the whole Arkham was busy.

With the arrival of the Queen, Arkham's tourism industry has ushered in a real spring. In addition, with Los's governance of the entire Arkham, ordinary people who come here find that this city full of historical heritage and characteristic buildings is not as bad as rumored.

Even the public security and safety factors here are even higher than those of the provincial capital, and living here is more reassuring.

The central area, commercial area, college area, etc. are actively welcoming tourists and making a lot of money.

In addition, the Arkham Grand Opera House is also making relevant preparations.

After the four-day investigation, in order to celebrate, Los is preparing to celebrate through a gorgeous opera, while expressing respect for the Queen and showing the unique culture of Arkham today.

The entire Grand Opera House has been preparing very intensively during these four days.

"Hurry up! Everyone, hurry up! After this battle, our Arkham Opera Company can completely turn over! Don't embarrass the great mayor!" The head of the opera company, Eve, mobilized loudly.

Then, the actors bowed their heads and memorized the lines and nodded excitedly.

Although they were exhausted from the intense rehearsals in the past few days, they were still very excited and couldn't stop.

This was a performance for the greatest queen of the empire. Regardless of whether they could make money, being able to perform was a great honor!

You know, now the entire acting community is proud to be able to serve the royal family. This is a recognition of qualifications!

Eve said loudly: "We have experienced many hardships over the years, but we never gave up. Now we have been favored by the God of Fortune."

After a pause, Eve cursed loudly: "Go to the God of Fortune, we have been favored by the great mayor and are qualified to perform for the queen. We have to prove it to those arrogant guys! Although we are not from a high family, our performance is no worse than those heavily made-up stars!"

"Understood!" Everyone responded loudly.

Then, Eve didn't say anything. She was so excited that she couldn't sleep these days. She used to be an excellent actress, but because of her underground background, she didn't make it in the capital for nearly 20 years and suffered all kinds of discrimination and insults.

She returned to her hometown to recruit this opera troupe, desperate but unwilling to admit defeat. They had not had good luck in recent years because of the rise of movies, and people had lost interest in opera.

Many performances were at a loss, and they could only perform and work part-time to barely keep the opera troupe going.

And now, their efforts and persistence over the years have not been in vain!

"Wait! I will prove it to you!" Eve clenched her fists.

"Captain, have the lines here been modified?" The female lead of the opera troupe, 27-year-old Gloria, asked curiously.

Eve was a little curious and went over to take a look. She was so excited that she didn't pay much attention: "Maybe I didn't notice it before, anyway, it didn't appear much, and such a good script is not easy to find."

"Good!" Gloria didn't say much, they all admired and respected Eve very much.

She is not only the leader, but also their mentor and guide on this road.

Here, Eve took out the script and read it again and said, "Ah! It is really an epic plot."

Then she put the script down and saw that the name of the script was: "The Gift of the Yellow King".

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