"Dr. Laban is missing?" In the morning, Ross, who had just arrived at the office, received Danny's response.

Danny: "The time of disappearance should be about four days ago."

"How can I see it?"

Danny replied: "According to the information provided by the surrounding residents, Dr. Laban was drinking coffee and reading a book in the coffee shop nearby five nights ago."

"According to Dr. Laban's habit, he would stroll down the street at seven o'clock every morning, and then stand at the door waiting for the newspaper at half past seven."

"But in the past four days, residents on both sides have not seen Dr. Laban. We only conducted an investigation when we found out that Dr. Laban did not come during the regular meeting this morning."

Ross said directly: "No, although I have taken back the rights to the North District, it is still the territory of the Redemption Society. As the leader of the Redemption Society stationed here, he has been missing for four days, and his subordinates have not responded at all? "

Danny was shocked when he heard this, and clapped his hands and said, "That's right! I'm going to investigate the relevant members of the Redemption Society now."

Then Danny quickly said goodbye and turned to leave.

Looking at Danny's leaving figure, Ross frowned slightly, vaguely feeling that something was not right about this matter.

"What's wrong? Master." Lilith asked, standing aside.

Ross tilted his head slightly and said, "Danny has always been very meticulous and steady in his work. There is no reason for him to omit such a basic investigation."

"Maybe you're anxious?" Lilith didn't feel the problem.

Los then asked: "What was your impression of Dr. Laban?"

Lilith was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly her eyes widened slightly: "Master, I...I can't remember what Dr. Laban looks like. I only vaguely remember that he wore black sunglasses."

Ross chuckled and said: "That's the problem. For some reason, Dr. Laban's presence in everyone's memory is quickly disappearing. This has also been four days since he disappeared, and no one in the Redemption Society has felt anything unusual. reason."

Lilith was shocked when she heard this: "Can you subtly affect people around you's memory of a certain person? Isn't this ability a bit too scary?"

Ross didn't comment too much. He lowered his head and looked through the documents in his hand and asked, "Are there any special events in Arkham recently?"

Lilith shook her head first, but she seemed to think of something again and said: "Four days ago in the morning, there were some problems at the station. A passenger suddenly went crazy after vomiting and attacked a staff member named Ruel. , after being successfully stopped, both people are now in the city center hospital.”

"Then what?"

"Then there was no news."

"Four days ago...don't you think this is a coincidence?" Lose stood up.

After hearing this, Lilith said with a look of reverence: "Great master, your wisdom and thinking are truly great."

While the two were still talking, there was a knock on the door, and Debbie walked in cautiously.

"Mr. Mayor! Ms. Lilith." The girl said timidly with a little excitement on her face.

Today, Debbie is completely different from the malnourished little girl she was.

Debbie has smooth and fair skin, her chestnut hair is styled into a high ponytail, and she has a standard oval face with a few light freckles. She is handsome and full of the vigor and vitality of a girl.

Already 1.5 meters tall, his figure is well-proportioned and toned due to special training. He is wearing a student uniform of a white shirt and gray vest modeled after Miskatonic University, and a white coat with the Arkham family crest printed on it. This is Uniform attire for apprentices at Arkham Sanitarium.

"What's the matter, Little Debbie?" Ross asked with a smile.

Seeing that the great mayor actually smiled at her, Debbie was very happy. She straightened her tone and said, "Doctor Kullwin said that according to Her Majesty the Queen's drawings, the first containment room has been built. Dr. Kullwin Please come and inspect it.”

After hearing this, Los was very happy and said: "Very good, let's go!"

The three men then left the town hall and headed to the nursing home.

On the way, Lilith touched Debbie's head lovingly and asked, "Have you studied hard recently?"

Debbie nodded vigorously: "Dear Ms. Lilith, Debbie studies hard. We will follow Sister Ruixue and the others for martial arts training every morning, and then go to the nursing home to experiment and learn with Teacher Morsi and Teacher Wayne. "

"Thanks to seeing the perfect form of the great mayor that day, I feel that my spirit seems to have undergone a special transformation. These days, with the help of Teacher Morsi, I can faintly see through the wall and see the inside of the human body. a special substance.”

"Teacher Wayne told me that those are human mental fluctuations. If I can successfully master them, I can repair the minds of patients with abnormal thinking and restore them to health."

Hearing this, Los and Lilith felt surprised at the same time. Then they looked at each other and looked at Debbie again.

Lilith asked: "So where is Little Debbie now?"

Debbie's light brown eyes flashed with excitement and said: "I can now touch the special wave of the white mouse. When I hold that wave, the white mouse lies there as if it is dead, and I Once released, it can be revived instantly.”

Ross was even more surprised. He knew very well that there was no so-called soul in this world, but in Debbie's current situation, it seemed that she could see the soul, and even be able to directly control and contact it across forms?

Los turned to look at Lilith and motioned for her to pay more attention.

If Debbie can continue to grow and develop in the future, this is likely to be another trump card for Los.

Lilith was also very optimistic about this little girl at this time, because she had the ability to influence the human spirit, and she had never encountered a second being with similar abilities to herself in such a long time.

Now Debbie's appearance makes her feel like a treasure.

While listening to Debbie's report, the group had already arrived at the nursing home.

As soon as he entered, he could see Charlemagne holding a wooden sword teaching little Rum how to swing the sword correctly.

Seeing Lose approaching, the two people stopped and said hello warmly.

"I didn't expect you to be quite good at teaching students." Lose smiled.

Charlemagne replied: "Rum has a very firm belief and strong fighting spirit, and his body is designed for close combat. Seeing such a genius go to waste, my ancestors are afraid that they will enter my dream and scold me." I."

"Have you learned anything these days?" Lilith asked Rum.

Rum nodded vigorously: "I learned it! Under the teachings of Teacher Charlemagne, I can control my body better!"

As he spoke, Rum waved his arm, and his entire arm turned into a long steel sword.

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