Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 246 The Beginning of the Shelter

Seeing the progress of these two children, Los felt very happy and satisfied.

Debbie and Rum have always been a kind of sustenance and symbol in Los' heart.

The core foundation for a city to truly develop is talent.

And talent needs to be educated and excavated from an early age.

The talent Los needs now is not just the kind of office worker, but the kind of talent who can shuttle between the ordinary and extraordinary worlds at any time.

This kind of life may be exciting and sound great, but it also faces huge risks and pressures.

Nowadays, there are very few people in Arkham who can do this kind of work. Most people have become accustomed to their own pace of life. Even if they have gained powerful power, they still cannot get out of their original circle, such as Daryl and Tracy.

Tracy is the first person who has been favored by Los since he came to this world. She has the real blood of the ancient gods and has great potential.

But now she still goes to school every day to study, and occasionally deals with some troubles, but in most cases she is no different from an ordinary female student.

Going to school, shopping, taking a walk, playing, etc.

Daryl also received a favor during the development of blood therapy. Now he is still a municipal manager at level 20, and he works diligently to maintain the municipal work.

Los did not think that the behavior of the father and daughter was bad. On the contrary, they were extraordinary people who could hide among ordinary people without any trace, which was Los's trump card at the critical moment.

Imagine that a gathering of ordinary people was attacked by superhumans. When Daryl showed up and showed his strength and killed the group of people, the favor he received was extraordinary.

In the future, Los will still vigorously develop such talents, and Borg of the Sulk family is a core member.

But for Arkham, more people who can travel between two worlds are needed.

Saying goodbye to Debbie, Rum and others, Los and the others went directly to Kurven.

At this time, Kurven was excitedly discussing something with Pochi.

"What are you talking about?" Los asked.

Dr. Pochi smiled and said, "We are discussing how to make better use of this group of special monsters in the future, and design different rooms for them according to the differences of each containment."

After listening, Los said with approval, "Very far-sighted, let's go! Go and see the results."

Then the four people followed the passage to the underground space.

This underground space was once the bottom floor where Lilith was imprisoned. Now most of the rooms here are empty, only the cell where Lilith was once imprisoned and the cell next door, where the guilty people and angle hounds are imprisoned.

The model house being built now is at the other end of this floor.

The entire model house is three meters high and has an area of ​​30 square meters inside. There is nothing at present.

The whole room is made of dragon flame steel and stacked. The mud used in the stacking process is also a special material given by Su Yi, called space gray.

That is, this material can be combined with dragon flame steel to perfectly play the role of space partition.

The four walls, ceiling and floor of the room are all made of this fiery red bricks and gray-black mud.

The craftsmanship of the masons is very good, the whole is very neat, and the gaps are neatly painted, comparable to the walls of modern houses.

Los strode in from the door. The moment he stepped in, Los could clearly feel a very strong sense of spatial dislocation.


At this time, the door was open. Los, who was standing on the inside, released his perception ability, but he could not sense anything.

And looking at the three people outside through the open door, Los had a feeling of standing on the shore looking below the water surface, with a sense of distortion of light refraction, which was very strange.

"It is worthy of being an outstanding product of civilization. I am afraid that Yog-Sothoth does not have this kind of knowledge." Los admired in his heart.

At this time, Lilith and the other three also followed in. After feeling that feeling, they all showed full surprise.

After confirming that this room was indeed useful, Los turned around, opened the door and took out the angle hound lying in it, and then put it into this space.

It can be clearly felt that the angle hound showed a very strong confusion after entering this space.

Los immediately gave it an order to escape from here at all costs.

Then he turned around and walked out and closed the door.

Just a few seconds later, waves of strange fluctuations continued to come out from it.

But after this wave was processed by the wall, it was almost impossible to transmit to the outside.

Dr. Kurvin and Dr. Bochi were a little excited when they saw this scene.

Because if this structure is successful, then many difficult patients can be detained here at the beginning of treatment in the future.

About an hour later, Los opened the door.

The moment the door was opened, the angle monster rushed out like crazy, but Los grabbed its neck and said, "Be honest!"

Being grabbed by the neck by Los, the angle monster suddenly calmed down and crawled beside Los without moving.

Then everyone walked in and took a look, and found that there were many special claw marks on the wall, and some blue body fluids unique to angle hounds were scattered on the ground.

It can be seen that the Angle Hound was very crazy just now. Its abilities were useless against these walls. No matter where it went, it could not leave this hellhole.

"Very good." Los nodded with satisfaction.

The angle hound seemed to be very afraid of this place. At this time, he stuck close to Los, like a scared dog.

Unfortunately, Los was not going to leave this troublemaker outside.

Many times he didn't have time to manage it, and he believed that its presence here would be of great help to his subordinates.

After the test of the angle hound was completed, everyone retreated, and Lilith led the imprisoned guilty person into the room.

After everything was ready, Los and the other two came to the door and found that it was very quiet inside, and there was nothing unusual.

Lilith said: "It seems to like it here very much. When I went in, I could feel that his body had a little relaxation, and then he leaned against the corner of the wall, motionless."

Los turned around and said: "Call some people over, including patients, to ensure the effect of this wall."


In the next three hours, Los and others successively conducted various extreme tests on the two containments.

It was found that this thing really has absolute isolation as Su Yi said.

Seeing this result, Los breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to cheer up.

With these foundations, his containment plan can be fully launched.

You know, his purpose is not only to contain these monsters, but also to contain the clans, ancient gods, and outer gods!

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