After leaving Arkham Sanitarium, Ross returned to Arkham City Hall without stopping.

Because there will be a very grand press conference there today.

Today, Arkham has gathered reporters from more than fifty newspapers, and each one is like a bird waiting to be fed, staring and hooting, waiting for the results of this important investigation.

Naturally, this press conference that finalizes the military's charges is very important.

Led by Suyi and Los, including all investigators, relevant experts, and evidence this time, the evidence must be displayed in detail for these reporters to record.

Lilith was not idle either. When Los was hosting, she called over Minisha, who had been busy recently.

"There is an important matter that we need to investigate. Let's go!" Lilith said and walked out.

Minisha quickly followed behind and asked curiously: "What else requires you to take action personally?"

"Dr. Laban of the Redemption Society has disappeared, and his presence is rapidly decreasing." Lilith said, some changes gradually appeared on her face, and she soon turned into a very ordinary woman.

Minisha also slightly changed her appearance through control of her body and suddenly asked: "Dr. Laban of the Redemption Society?"

Then she said excitedly: "I had some impression of him before, but now I can't remember what he looks like?"

Lilith whispered: "This thing... is much more dangerous than it seems. The ability to eliminate a person's sense of existence is terrifying."


While Lilith and others were preparing to investigate, Barn and two of his men were hiding in their hidden stronghold.

At this time, sitting in front of them was a very strange-looking, translucent person.

This man was barefoot, wearing a somewhat shabby yellow robe, and a shabby linen hood on his head. His face could not be seen clearly, which was very strange.

"Mr. Invisible One, can we start taking action tonight?" Barn asked.

The man nodded slightly, and then said in a hoarse voice: "The seeds have been planted. As long as the songs of praise are heard, the entire Arkham will be completely reduced to ruins."

After a pause, the man turned his head slightly and seemed to look at Barn and said, "You have to know that in order to help you, we used the forbidden book that has been buried here for many years."

Baan nodded happily after hearing this, and then said: "Don't worry, sir, after everything is done, I will give you everything I promised you."

The man stood up slowly: "It's best, otherwise... you know the consequences very well."

After saying that, a special kind of creeping light appeared on the man's body, and then the whole man simply disappeared.

After the man left, the three people immediately let out a breath, and the tall young man on the side said: "Captain, these guys are really dangerous."

Baan smiled confidently: "Danger is danger, but as long as it is used properly, it is still a sharp blade in our hands."

"Go, notify all the secret sentries, and immediately break out after receiving the order, causing chaos here so that they can't take care of anything else. You must not interfere with the ceremony when the wind and sand are spreading!"

"Right now, both Arkham and Queen are still immersed in the arrogance of success. They have no time to worry about other things during the press conference. This is our opportunity."


Then the three people quickly separated and left, preparing to do something big.

Time is passing quickly.

The entire press conference starts at 10 am and is expected to last until 5 pm.

The whole process not only involves various questions and records, but also the introduction of relevant physical evidence, visits and photography.

East End Church.

After the five people stopped their final high-intensity training, they began to pack up their clothes and equipment.

The power of the blood in their bodies has completely calmed down and blended perfectly with them.

These years of hard training have not only continuously tempered their bodies, but also tempered their incomplete wills.

The five people standing here have willpower that is beyond human reach, but due to those problems they also have various psychological defects and related psychological disorders.

During these four days, Hina continued to use the spiritual guidance methods she learned from the great mayor and the spiritual tempering methods she learned from her master to continuously improve their incomplete spirits.

Thanks to the power of blood therapy, the five people were absolutely grateful and trusting Xina, so the whole process went very smoothly.

Through various psychological suggestions and guidance, the five people have now become five very qualified warriors.

Soon, the five people put on a very decent black dress. The clothes were specially tailored and made appropriate improvements to make them look elegant and decent without affecting their activities.

The hair of the five people was neatly combed, and they were wearing black dresses. Their spirits and spirits had completely transformed.

Perseverance, restraint, mystery and elegance are synonymous with them.

Xina looked at the five people with satisfaction and said calmly: "First of all, congratulations on successfully passing the training. You have officially become one of the special members of the Arkham government and are qualified to serve the great mayor."

The five people had solemn eyes and listened carefully without speaking.

Xina continued: "In the future, you will belong to the Arkham Cultural Center under my command. Different from the normal employees on the surface, you will also need to walk in another world and battlefield."

"Do you see the gloves on your hands?"

The five people looked down at the black gloves on their hands.

The material of the gloves is very special, close to the body and very comfortable, as if they were not wearing anything.

Xina continued: "From today on, the department you belong to is called Black Gloves, and your accusation is just like the black gloves you wear, to take action against those who want to destroy our Arkham!"

"Do you understand?"


The five people nodded vigorously, their expressions solemn and solemn, and their tone sonorous and powerful.

Hina nodded: "Very good, now I will start to assign tasks."

As she spoke, she took out the relevant information: "The leader is named Barn, an agent of the Imperial Military. There are only three people in the team. The purpose of coming here this time is very simple, to disrupt the order of our Arkham."

"Although there are only three people, I can now be sure that they have at least 20 secret agents in Arkham. Our goal today is to catch those secret agents first!"


Hina turned around and said: "Let's go, let's go."

Then, a group of new warriors quietly joined the battlefield and took the first step of Arkham's extraordinary defense system.

At the same time, Arkham Post Office.

Director Whicket looked in the direction of the city center hospital, frowning: "This feeling of uneasiness... still can't be ignored."

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