One o'clock in the afternoon, Arkham City Center Hospital, third floor ward.

"Don't... don't... don't!" Ruhr, the former railway employee, was livid at this time. Although his body was tied to the bed, his face was full of panic, his body was struggling constantly, and his mouth was roaring loudly.

At this time, there were three other people with similar symptoms to him in the ward. These three people were the other three railway employees who had gone up to pull him.

Outside the door of the ward are the families of these four young people. At this time, they have worried faces and are much thinner.

"Doctor, what disease does my husband have?" A 30-year-old woman asked the doctor beside her while crying.

At this time, the doctor in his forties also looked confused and explained: "Madam, don't worry, this seems to be a brand new disease. We have conducted detailed examinations on them, but there is no examination." to any germs.”

"It's more like they have a mental illness."

"Mental illness? How is this possible! My husband has always been in good spirits, and they have never been frightened. How could this happen!?"

"Yes! My husband is too..."

Harsh noises echoed in the corridor.

The doctor immediately comforted him and said, "Don't worry. Just calm down first. We've sent people to Arkham Sanatorium to hire the best psychiatrist. The doctor will be here soon. It'll be fine."

As soon as he finished speaking, the doctor suddenly started coughing.

"Doctor Aite?" the nurse on the side asked tentatively.

The doctor rubbed his throat and said, "Why do I feel like pharyngitis? It feels like there is gravel in my throat."

"Gravel?" Before the nurse could react, the patient's family members started coughing weirdly.

For a moment, coughing sounds echoed in the corridor.

As everyone kept coughing, the patients inside suddenly stopped screaming.

At this time, the four people turned their heads and stared at the people outside the door with bloodshot eyes. They grinned and said, "Welcome to the fear of wind and sand!"


At half past one, Charlemagne brought Rum and Debbie to the hospital.

The strange thing is that the usually busy outpatient clinic is now empty, which is very strange.

As soon as he walked in, Charlemagne immediately felt something was wrong, and in an instant he turned into a tall werewolf.

After sniffing it with his slender nose, he immediately said: "Cover your nose, there is something in the air."


But before the three people could make any other moves, a strange wind suddenly blew behind them.

Charlemagne, holding two people in each hand, jumped suddenly and threw himself five meters away to barely escape the strange wind.

"What?" Rum, who had transformed into a steel form at this time, was not afraid, but eager to try.

Charlemagne's body changed again at this time, and he turned into a very ordinary middle-aged man in the blink of an eye.

What's weird is that this middle-aged man actually has a pair of eyes on his forehead, with a total of four eyes.

At this time, Charlemagne's voice also became a little older. He looked around with great caution, and then said: "There is something covering the entire hospital, and we can't get out."

Debbie stood up, her eyes swept, and she said in a voice: "A spirit full of malice. This hospital is filled with such chilling malice."

Charlemagne's four eyes kept scanning, trying to find something useful in this space.

However, he faintly discovered that the other party seemed to be more powerful than himself. He could clearly feel the other party's existence, but could not see the other party's body.

In the blink of an eye, Charlemagne turned into a young man of sixteen or seventeen again.

This seems to be the appearance of his own boy, with hair as bright as the sun, which stands upside down like a Super Saiyan.

A pair of eyes also shone with a special golden light, and the whole person was filled with a burning and bright temperament.

At this time, Charlemagne was still stunningly handsome, but his temperament looked very sharp and sharp, and his whole person was like a lightsaber full of offensive desire.

"This..." This was the first time for the two children to see Charlemagne in such a form.

At this time, Charlemagne said in his clear, flying and unruly voice: "Don't be afraid, little sister and little brother, those things don't dare to get close to my sun breath."

"Sun Knight, I didn't expect that in this era, there would still be a Sun Knight with such pure blood."

At this time, hoarse and sinister voices came from all directions in the hall.

The young Charlemagne then said loudly: "You show up to fight with me! You can't be a hero if you are sneaky!"

"Haha, I'm not a hero. If you are a hero, then go and see how to save these dying people!"

The voice didn't seem to mean fighting, as if trapping them here would be considered a success.

Hearing the expressions of these three people change, young Charlemagne quickly ran down the stairs to the second floor with Debbie and Rum.

As soon as they ran up, the three people were frightened and took a step back.

At this time, a large number of civilians, patients, and doctors and nurses were lying in the corridor.

Their faces were livid at this time, their expressions were ferocious, their eyes were wide open, and their bodies were struggling constantly, but they seemed to be restrained by invisible forces.

"what's the situation?"

Before the three of them could recover, the group of humans suddenly turned around and set their sights on the three of them.




A sharp, ferocious, irrational howl suddenly erupted, and then they, who had been restrained just now, rushed towards the three people like tigers leaving the cage, as if these three people were their enemies.

Facing these civilians, the three people naturally couldn't kill them.

The young Charlemagne yelled: "Despicable!"

Immediately, he took the two teenagers and fled quickly.

Running quickly down the stairs, Debbie said: "I found a lot of special things like sand attached to their bodies."

"Can you see it?" Charlemagne was a little surprised.

Debbie nodded, looked around and said, "The air here is full of that weird sand, but the sand seems to be afraid of the light on you and doesn't come close."

After hearing this, Charlemagne said with some pride: "This is the sun ray of the Sun Knight, with powerful evolution..."

Before he could finish speaking, a ward on the third floor was suddenly opened, and a large number of arms suddenly stretched out from it to grab Debbie.

"Careful!" Rum yelled and pulled Debbie over, but he was firmly grasped by those hands.

"Rum!" Debbie was stunned when she saw this and let out a piercing scream.

Charlemagne raised his hand to fight, but found that those people were doctors, nurses, and patients in hospital uniforms.

As a young man, he was not so experienced and decisive.

During the hesitation, Rum had been pulled into the room and disappeared.

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