Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 249 The Old Man in the Golden Light

Seeing Rum being dragged in by the crazy crowd, Charlemagne left quickly with Debbie without any hesitation.

They were now trying to find a way to leave here so that they could tell others about the mutation here.

Ms. Lilith, Ms. Minisha, or Mr. Kos, all of them would be fine.

As long as they knew the situation here, they could stop the madness here.

"Rum! Rum!" Debbie, who was held under Charlemagne's armpit, had tears in her eyes.

In the years since she lost her parents, only Rum and herself depended on each other. Rum was not only a friend, but also a relative.

Charlemagne whispered, "Control your emotions. As long as we get out of here as soon as possible, Rum may still be saved."

Debbie wiped her tears after hearing this, and then she turned over and jumped down flexibly to follow Charlemagne.

At the same time, Debbie's eyes were rapidly turning into a strange purple.

Soon, her brown pupils turned into a very obvious bright purple, and then a "rice" shaped pattern gradually emerged in them.

With the rapid changes in her eyes, Debbie felt that her perception and control of that kind of spiritual power began to rapidly strengthen.

Soon, she was like a person with severe myopia who put on the right glasses and saw the world clearly.

At this time, all the things in her vision lost their original colors and became only black, white and gray.

But in addition to these three very depressing and cold colors, there is also a very obvious ice blue, bright red, and dark brown.

Seeing these colors, Debbie almost instantly understood what these colors represent.

Ice blue represents a normal spirit, bright red represents a frenzied spirit, and dark brown represents a completely crazy and chaotic spirit.

At this time, in addition to these three colors, the entire air was covered with a layer of yellow dust like wind and sand, which filled the entire hospital.

Although it looked like sand and dust at first glance, Debbie looked carefully and found that this thing was more like a living creature with life.

"Get out of the way!" Debbie screamed at this time.

Charlemagne reacted instantly and rolled over with Debbie in his arms.

The next second, a large number of scary arms suddenly stretched out from behind the door.

The arms of these people have begun to mutate, with a large number of wet, dark blood vessels on them.

These blood vessels gathered together and were turning the arms of these humans into very slippery tentacles.

When Charlemagne saw those tentacles, cold sweat suddenly seeped out of his forehead: "Something is not right. I have an instinct that those tentacles are definitely not from this world."

Debbie, who had calmed down at this time, said calmly: "Not just tentacles, the whole hospital is, they don't belong to this world."

Charlemagne turned his head to look at Debbie, and then saw the changes in her eyes, and then asked: "You seem to be able to see more things?"

Debbie nodded and said: "Follow me! The road to go has been covered by dark brown."

She could see those things through the wall.

Looking back at this time, the room where Rum was just captured was filled with bright red, indicating that those people were just frantic and not out of control.

The room that just attacked the two people was filled with dark brown, indicating that these people had completely lost control and gradually turned into monsters.

At this time, the dark brown in the corridor ahead was like swamp mud filling the corridor. There was no way out.

Charlemagne heard this without any hesitation and believed Debbie unconditionally.

"Here! Life is on the fourth floor!" Debbie said loudly, and then took Charlemagne up the stairs quickly.

After the two people quickly came to the fourth floor, they found a large number of doctors and patients wandering in the corridor.

At this time, under Debbie's gaze, the color of these guys was gradually evolving from bright red to dark brown.

After seeing the two people, this group of crazy patients attacked from both sides and rushed towards this side.

"Where is the life!?" Charlemagne's face was tense when he saw this.

Debbie's forehead was also full of sweat at this time: "Here!"

The two people quickly ran along the corridor on the left. In less than five seconds, the two people were about to collide with the crazy people in front.

At this critical moment, an extremely strong light suddenly burst out from the door on the side.

This light with a faint golden light formed a circle of halos, pushing the crazy people on both sides to retreat quickly, unable to get close to here.

Facing such a light, Charlemagne was stunned, as if he had discovered something incredible and was extremely shocked.

At this time, the door opened, and an old man in white clothes said weakly: "Come in."

The two woke up as if from a dream, and then quickly followed the old man in.

After entering, Charlemagne found that there were about ten other people here. Although these people's faces were not very good at this time, they were at least rational.

There were doctors, nurses, patients, and cleaning ladies here, all kinds of people.

After Debbie's eyes swept around, she found that the whole mental state of the people here was blue on the outside, but there were already many signs of red on the inside.

And in their bodies, there was a lot of yellow matter slowly creeping.

But what is strange is that the yellow substance seems to be suppressed by some force and cannot further affect the spirit of these humans.

At this time, Debbie turned her eyes to the old man in the white coat among these people.

The old man's hair and beard are white, his body is a little thin, and his body is a little hunched.

But from the broad skeleton, it can still be seen that the old man was a tall man when he was young.

The old man's skin is full of wrinkles, losing all the smoothness and moisture. His eyes are covered with wrinkles, and even his pupils are a little hard to see.

The old man looks at least ninety years old, holding a black cane in his hand, old and frail, and it seems that walking two steps is already very difficult.

But such an old man appears extra clean and transparent in Debbie's eyes.

The old man's whole body is covered with that kind of soft golden light, which is somewhat similar to the young Charlemagne, but it is many times stronger than Charlemagne.

And this light is not sharp at all, giving people a feeling of quiet water flowing over pebbles, soft and silent.

Debbie was sure that it was this special light that suppressed the madness of these people and made those yellow things dare not approach here.

Compared with Debbie's prism and rationality, Charlemagne's face was very excited at this time. At this time, the young man's lips kept trembling, and his tone was full of disbelief as he said: "Paladin... Knight!"

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