The old man looked at the two people and said in a kind and kind voice: "These two should be agents sent by the mayor of Arkham, right?"

Charlemagne came back to his senses at this time, and then quickly transformed into his original form, and said with a serious face: "David Charlemagne, a subordinate of the Mayor of Arkham."

Debbie said: "Apprentice at Arkham Sanitarium, Debbie Scar."

After listening to the introductions of the two people, the wrinkles on the old man's face gradually piled up, and he laughed and said: "What a formidable young man! For the two of you to be so loyal to him, the mayor of Arkham is worthy of being the most important person in Arkham. Outstanding and excellent mayor.”

Debbie said emphatically: "Please don't get me wrong. It wasn't that I became loyal to the great mayor after I gained the ability. It was the great mayor who took us in, and then we gained the ability we have today."

Hearing this, the old man was not surprised. He looked at Debbie and said, "These are beautiful eyes. I haven't seen such clean eyes for a long time."

After greetings, the old man introduced directly: "I am the president of Arkham Central Hospital. You can call me Dean Orleans."

Charlemagne nodded immediately. Although he was very curious about the old man's identity, in this form he knew the current priorities. Then he asked: "Dean Orleans, is there any way for us to get out now?"

Although he was very interested in what happened here and what happened, talking about it now would only be a waste of time.

Dean Orleans shook his head: "At the moment, there is none. It is a kind of power that I have never encountered before. This kind of power is very strange and special. It is completely different from the system I know. Although I can barely suppress it. Something in the air, but something that now surrounds the walls of the hospital that cannot be broken.”

After hearing this, Charlemagne turned to look at the window. At this time, he could see from the inside that a special wind of sand was raging outside. Looking from here, the entire Arkham seemed to be shrouded in a sandstorm, and the entire sky turned into Dark yellow, it can be said that the sky is dark and the earth is filled with dust.

"Enchantment?" Charlemagne said an ancient word.

Dean Orleans denied: "No, it is more like a special isolation barrier, a special barrier that does not belong to this world, so it can easily divide the space of this world into two."

Hearing this, Charlemagne said clearly: "Sure enough, the things here do not belong to this world."

"Who is that guy in the hospital? What is his purpose?" Debbie asked at this time.

Dean Orleans pondered for a moment and said, "Although I don't know who he is, I can vaguely guess the organization he belongs to from this special method."

"What organization does it belong to?" Charlemagne's eyes lit up.

As long as you know the source, you might be able to break this thing open.

Dean Orleans said: "This similar spell seems to originate from a very ancient and mysterious organization called the Brotherhood of the King in Yellow."

"Brotherhood of the King in Yellow?" Upon hearing the name, Charlemagne and Debbie shook their heads at the same time, expressing their ignorance.

Then, Debbie said: "We must find a way to escape from here, even if we are alone!"

"As long as the message here is passed on, it doesn't even take a great mayor, Ms. Lilith, Mr. Cos to solve the problems here."

Dean Orleans whispered: "Don't underestimate him. The people we are facing now have at least level 40 strength. This is why I can only hide here."

Charlemagne was sitting in the corner. Under the gaze of everyone, his body quickly shrank and then turned into a slender little girl.

The little girl Charlemagne pondered for a few seconds and then said: "Although I don't know the specific situation, I can confirm that nothing happened when we came in. In other words, he is afraid that the hospital's affairs will be discovered and has unilaterally blocked the hospital. He It seems that something is still brewing, so we can’t be distracted during this period.”

Debbie was suddenly startled: "Is he accumulating some kind of power and wants to spread this substance throughout Arkham?"

Thinking of this, the two of them suddenly trembled in their hearts. The little girl clenched her fists: "We must stop him! Even if he causes chaos here, he must attract the attention of the outside world."

Immediately, the little girl said: "The person responsible for patrolling near the hospital is Jike's jurisdiction. According to his footsteps, a patrol will take about an hour. It is one forty now, we can only bet that he is on time, and today Didn’t encounter any problems.”

Debbie said: "Uncle Jike has a delicate mind and a keen sense of smell. As long as we make a slight movement at the right time, Uncle Jike will definitely notice it."

"The question is, what kind of ability would it take to create some movement?"

Dean Orleans said at this time: "I also tested this thing just now. It is not like a barrier, but a world. The wind and sand inside are like sharp knife tips, and the damage to humans through the physical strength is Irresistible.”

"It seems that that space has been specially treated and is only full of hostility and aggression toward humans."

"Then send out non-human beings!" the little girl said.

"not human??"

The little girl said calmly: "Rum! After he transforms, he will completely break away from the human form, and his whole body will turn into inorganic matter in the form of steel. At that time, he will be completely beyond the scope of human beings."

"But Rum..." Debbie's face suddenly turned painful.

The little girl sneered: "Don't underestimate Rum's power!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a heavy knock at the door.

Dean Orleans immediately released the golden light and then opened the door.

Then everyone stood at the door with a silver-gray metallic luster.

At this time, the iron man was in tattered clothes, with a lot of blood and saliva on his clothes. Although he was a little embarrassed, his face was still calm.

"Teacher, I'm back." At this time, Rum's voice was full of calmness and determination.

"Rum!" Debbie wanted to rush up and hug him to express her concern just now, but she controlled her instinct because it was not the right time.

"How did you get out?"

Rum walked in and said with a smile: "After I was caught, I transformed instantly, and then rolled myself into a ball like a hedgehog. Although those crazy people were crazy, their physiques were no different from normal people, and they couldn't break my defense at all."

"Although I was temporarily safe at the time, I felt that these guys were getting more and more dangerous. When I felt the danger was getting closer, my brain started to work rapidly, and then at a certain point in time, I felt a click in my brain, as if something was opened, and my body became like this."

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