Hearing this, the crowd was not too surprised. Dean Orleans and Charlemagne were not ordinary people, and Debbie had just experienced a similar experience.

Charlemagne looked at Rum, who was like steel, and said: "No one's physique can be generalized. People can indeed force themselves to have more potential in some extreme situations, thus opening some switches that cannot be opened on weekdays."

And Orleans looked at the two children and felt that the two children looked familiar.

"Have you two been hospitalized here?" Orleans' memory was already very poor, so he asked tentatively.

Debbie nodded: "That was more than a month ago. We were frightened because of something."

The two of them had been frightened because of the problem of the guilty person before, and stayed in the hospital for a few days. Because of this opportunity, under the introduction of Sister Tracy, they changed their fate.

The old dean Orleans immediately remembered, and a burst of amazement appeared on his face.

The last time they met, the two little guys were still pale and thin, and they were trembling with fear.

This time, the two children have become superhumans with special powers.

"Los Arkham, what kind of magic do you have?" Orleans was curious about Los for the first time.

After a few simple words, Charlemagne quickly made a plan, and the core of the plan was naturally Rum.

Rum had no resistance to this dangerous plan, but was eager to try it.

Because this time, he could finally really help the great mayor and really contribute his strength to Arkham.

Then, Rum's bright silver head nodded vigorously.

If the dark Rum before looked like a boy carved from a rough iron block.

And Rum at this time was like a metal warrior made of fine steel with top-level craftsmanship.

Everyone was not a person who was good at writing. With the help of the old dean, they pushed open the window directly.

At the moment the window was opened, waves of wind and sand sounds like ghosts and wolves howling came.

The gravel in the wind was like countless terrifying monsters gnawing at the human body. As long as any human walked in, they would be attacked by these insects and then their bodies would be gone.

Faced with such a scene, Rum didn't even need to take a deep breath to prepare. Without any hesitation, he jumped out of the fourth-floor window.

At the moment he jumped out of the window, Rum felt a huge force acting on his body. He felt like he was walking outside in a huge typhoon. It was very difficult to stabilize his body.

At the same time, the gravel hit his body, and there were waves of extremely dense impact sounds, as if high-speed gravel hit a steel plate.


With a heavy sound, Rum's body landed steadily.

In this form, his weight has exceeded 250 kilograms, which allows him to still have a very stable center of gravity when facing such wind and sand.

Looking up and looking forward, Rum immediately found that the wind and sand seemed to be a big bowl covering the hospital below.

In this direction, the hospital wall is about 30 meters away from the edge of the big bowl.

If it were normal, he could rush over this 30-meter distance in two seconds, but now he can only walk over step by step like a normal person.

And he had to take one step at a time. He knew very well that if he took one step unsteadily and his center of gravity shifted, he would most likely be blown away by the terrifying sandstorm.

"Great mayor, please give me strength!" Rum roared and began to take the first step.

It seemed that this field had discovered the problem, and the whole wind sound suddenly became more rapid, making a series of piercing whistles.

Rum's face was firm at this time, and every step he took was very steady.

Although the dense beating of the sandstorm had made his skin feel a little stinging, he had gradually figured out the intensity of the storm here.

After ten steps forward, Rum, who had adapted a little, began to speed up.

He felt that the pain was even stronger at this time.

You know, in this case, bullets hitting him would not cause him pain.

"Move! Move!" The extremely firm belief and indestructible determination made Rum burst out with great power at this time.

At the thirteenth step, Rum had already started to walk fast.

Charlemagne, Debbie and others in the room could only pray for Rum at this time, hoping that the great mayor could protect Rum.

When Rum took the fifth step, they could no longer see Rum's body.

"Rum will be fine! Definitely!" Debbie kept whispering.

In the terrifying sandstorm, Rum had taken thirty steps. At this moment, he had walked two-thirds of the way, and victory was in sight.

But at this moment, the owner of the sandstorm finally felt Rum, the movable iron block.

A transparent figure came here like the wind, and it was the invisible person who met with Barn and others.

When he looked down at this time, a gloomy flashed in his eyes: "I really underestimated you. You found the blind spot of the sandstorm bottle so quickly, and there happened to be a person who could exploit this blind spot!"

"Fortunately, I came to take a look, otherwise this thing would really be ruined by you kid!"

While speaking, the invisible one flew directly from the sky to the ground.

Rum on the ground seemed to feel something. At this time, his eyes were wide open, and he burst out all his strength and began to run with big strides.

"Invisible erosion." The invisible one who approached squeezed Rum with both hands.

The next second, Rum's running body suddenly froze, and then his body seemed to be pierced by countless sharp steel needles, and a large amount of blood mist instantly spurted out of his body.

The bright red blood continued to flow along his skin, and almost in a few breaths, Rum turned into a bloody man.


Rum, who felt the horror and pain, became crazy and hideous.

The injustice he had suffered since childhood kept flashing in his mind. He longed for opportunities, longed for learning, and only longed for a little light and warmth.

However, this cruel society did not give him any chance. He worked hard to live and struggled hard. Except for Debbie and himself who depended on each other, he still did not get anyone's recognition and appreciation.

Then, they met the great mayor. Under the mayor's wings, they felt the care and warmth they had never had before.

"For the mayor!!!"

The horrible pain has twisted Rum's spirit, and the huge force has broken his iron muscles and torn his skin.

But he no longer cares about so much.

For his own beliefs, he can even give up his life.

Because this is the time when he needs to show his value.

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