Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 252 I'm just an ordinary postman

At this moment, Rum, who was ready to give up his life, burst out with great power, and a lot of blood spurted out of his skin, and the whole person was like a fountain spurting blood.

However, at this moment, he still did not give up running, and even ran faster.

"Is this kid crazy?" The invisible man did not expect Rum to be so crazy.

The bulk of his power at this time was not here. He did not want to fight with anyone and was distracted. He just planned to trap this guy here.

But unexpectedly, this guy burst out with such a terrifying power with such determination.

At this moment, Rum had run to a distance of less than two meters from the edge.

At this distance, he only needed to pounce hard to get out.

Faced with such a situation, the invisible man sneered: "Unfortunately, people's greatest despair is when hope is at hand."

As he spoke, he waved his arms.

In an instant, five tentacles extended from under his sleeves and directly entangled Rum's bloody body.

Then the huge force directly brought Rum's distance from the edge from less than two meters to five meters.

"No!" Rum screamed and struggled desperately.

His body changed rapidly, turning into countless blades to attack the tentacles, but it was useless.

The gap between the two was too big. If the invisible wanted to use real power and kill, Rum would not even survive five seconds.


Rum's legs and arms turned into strange corner shapes, and then pierced directly into the ground to fix his body.

However, the tentacles had terrifying power and could only slow down the speed of being dragged.

Seeing the furrows plowed on the ground getting longer and longer, Rum had no intention of giving up. He desperately used various means to grasp the hope that was already illusory.

"I like crazy people, but I don't like such people in my enemies."

Seeing such Rum, the invisible seemed to see his younger self, so he was ready to kill.

Here, Rum felt the huge pressure transmitted by the terrifying tentacles in an instant.

This terrifying pressure directly acted on his bones and internal organs through his steel body.


In less than two seconds, his ribs were directly broken, and a feeling of severe suffocation followed.

At this critical moment, suddenly a strange creature with wings fell from the sky, and then a cold light flashed, and the tentacles that squeezed Rum were directly cut off.

Rum, whose will was a little blurred, immediately supported the last energy and looked up.

He just vaguely saw a middle-aged man with dark skin wearing black clothes, standing on a winged monster.

At this time, the middle-aged man said with certainty: "Little guy, your persistence and perseverance deserve the highest praise."

After speaking, Rum felt himself floating up, and then he was thrown out by the middle-aged man.

With a metallic roar, Rum, lying on the ground with blood all over his body, saw the bright sunshine and the blue sky.

He knew that he had come out by himself.

At this time, Jike, who had just been patrolling the hospital, suddenly saw Rum outside the wall.

Then he ran over in shock and asked hurriedly: "Rum! Rum!? What happened!?"

Rum coughed up blood and said: "Uncle Zeke... There is an enemy in the hospital. He has a plague that turns everyone into zombies... He wants to... destroy Arkham..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he fainted.

At this time, more people gathered, and other patrol police who heard the news also rushed over.

Zeke instantly realized the seriousness of the problem: "Quickly send Rum to Arkham Sanatorium, notify them to block the entire hospital."

After a pause, Zeke reminded: "No matter what happens, don't enter the hospital, stay outside the courtyard wall, and no one is allowed to enter or leave."


Now Arkham's police system has a very strong mobilization capability.

Then these policemen split into three groups.

Two policemen took Rum to Arkham Sanatorium.

The two policemen immediately notified the police station through the phone of a nearby shop.

The remaining police immediately began to evacuate the citizens, guarding the hospital gate first to prevent others from entering the hospital.

At the same time, inside the hospital

The invisible man standing in the wind and sand looked down at the severed tentacles, then raised his head, his face gradually turned livid.

"What are you doing! Do you know what you have done! You idiot!" As he spoke, the invisible man's voice gradually turned into a loud roar.

At this time, Chief Whicket of the Arkham Post Office sat there quietly and said calmly: "Of course I know, I am protecting my town from being destroyed by lunatics like you."


At this time, the monster under Chief Whicket kept making waves of weird roars.

This monster looks very strange and hideous. It seems to be an extremely huge bird with a neck like a vulture, and its head and chin are covered with black horny armor. You can't see the eyes, but you can see a big mouth full of fangs.

It has three pairs of wings, one pair near the head, one pair near the body, and one pair near the limbs.

Its lower body is different from other birds. It has a lower body similar to that of primates and no tail.

Although its legs looked skinny, they were full of strength. If it stood up completely, it would be as tall as two adults.

It had a bald neck similar to that of a vulture, and the front half of its body was covered with sharp black spikes like steel needles, while the back half was covered with a keratinous shell like armor.

At this time, the monster squatted there, and Whicket stood calmly at the back half of its body.

When the Invisible One saw this monster, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he let out a sharp roar: "Impossible! This is impossible! You blasphemer! Blasphemer! Why can you summon the messenger of the Great Lord!? Who are you!"

Whitney said calmly: "I am just an ordinary postman, and I want to spend the rest of my life here in peace."

"Damn blasphemer! You summoned the messenger of the Great Lord, but you dared to help those heretics and interfere with the advent ceremony of the great King in Yellow!?"

Facing the questioning of the Invisible One, Whitney replied calmly: "The King in Yellow that I believe in is not the same as what you crazy people want."

"To me, you are the most hateful blasphemers. It is you crazy people who have turned the great shepherd god into an evil god that everyone wants to kill. It is also you crazy people who have forced us ordinary believers to hide our beliefs!"

At this point, Whitney's face was full of gloom: "Blasphemer, you will die today!"

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