Now that Arkham has a very good telephone network, the news about the hospital was quickly passed to the ears of those who needed to hear it.

Danny, who had already tracked down some traces of Dr. Laban in the North District, changed his face after hearing this, and then said: "Vic, you lead your subordinates to continue the investigation, I will go back first."

"Understood, Boss." Golden Monkey Vic took a book from Danny and continued to track.

Leaving the North District by car, Danny wanted to report to Los in the central area first, but then he thought of the importance of today's press conference.

At this time, he happened to pass by Denison's ice cream shop. He hesitated for a moment and called Kos directly.

"What's wrong?" Kos's voice is always so low, giving people a dark and damp feeling.

Danny then gave a brief account of the hospital's affairs: "Mr. Kos doesn't need to take action here. You just need to help us keep an eye on whether there are other unusual movements in the city."

Kos was silent for a second and asked: "What are the characteristics?"

Danny: "I investigated Dr. Laban's disappearance today. His disappearance is related to an evil god named the Yellow King. He seems to have been wiped out by the wind and sand."

"And now the hospital is surrounded by wind and sand. There must be a special relationship between the two. Since the other party attacked at the same time, it must not be limited to these two places."

Kos nodded: "I will pay attention."

"Thank you."

After making the call, Danny turned to the ice cream owner Denison and asked: "Manager, have any special suspicious people appeared here recently?"

The owner of the ice cream shop, Denison, is an ordinary person. He is 45 years old this year. He is a kind uncle with a bald head, ordinary face, and always smiling.

But this uncle was once a very good hunter when he was young, so he has very sharp eyes and insight.

Before this, he had helped Xina and others to arrest Joseph and others of the Green Covenant and took them to the police station.

Denison thought briefly and said, "At about ten o'clock this morning, two guys seemed to be wandering around here. They walked back and forth twice. Although there was nothing unusual, I still recognized them."

Danny asked after listening, "What are the characteristics of those two people?"

Denison said, "About an hour ago, I told the characteristics to Mrs. Arkham and another very beautiful lady. Do you still need to know?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Arkham, Danny did not ask any more questions. There was only one person who could be called that, and that was Lilith, who was respected as the Holy Mother of Demon.

Since Lilith had already taken Minisha to track this line, there was no need for her to waste time on this.

At this time, the door of the ice cream shop was pushed open, and Hardy, wearing a righteous suit, walked in: "Mr. O'Banion, the meeting is about to start."

Danny nodded after hearing this, and told his subordinates to wait here, and then followed Hardy through the door, and then went directly to a very simple and solemn church.

The church was formerly the First Temple of Arkham. About a hundred years ago, it was a place where the bishops conferred noble titles.

Later, with the decline of religion, the entire church has been abandoned for sixty years.

Recently, this church was re-opened by Hardy.

As the most magnificent and best-preserved cathedral in the entire Arkham, Hardy transformed it into a stronghold connected to Arkham with the help of Los.

At the same time, this church was renamed the Storm Church, and the person enshrined was naturally Los himself.

Today's Storm Church is located in the entire former lowland southern area. The current church is in the middle and is considered a landmark building in the entire church area.

At this time, Danny was standing on the second floor of the cathedral's inner hall. When he opened the door, he could see a huge, ancient round table inside.

There were a total of twenty-one seats around the round table.

The seats were centered on the tall throne in the right position, with ten on each side.

At this time, Lilith and Kos were already sitting on the left and right sides closest to the tall throne.

When you walk in, you will find that now each of these chairs has a special pattern, and each chair has its own name.

Now, there are already quite a few people sitting here.

Lilith, Minisha, Sina, Kos, Char, Barro, Dr. Murthy, Kurvin, Father Hurst, Daryl, it seems that only I am left.

After Hardy sent Danny in, he closed the door and waited quietly outside.

Danny, who came last, did not speak, and sat quietly in his own position, the fourth chair on the left.

On the right side of it is Sina.

Lilith, who was sitting on the left side of the throne, saw that everyone was there, and the mature and solemn voice like the Virgin Mary sounded in the empty conference room.

"It's a pity that this is the first time we use the Storm Council, and the master is not here."

Everyone did not speak, and listened quietly.

Now in Arkham, in terms of status, Lilith is absolutely second to none and above ten thousand people.

Lilith continued, "The master has given us enough gifts and power. As great as he is, he has given us enough shelter and time. Now it is time for us to give back to the master."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

All along the way, Los has been doing a lot of important things himself. Many times, they did not help the great mayor. Instead, they needed the help and guidance of the great mayor because of their weakness and incompetence.

How to truly reflect their own value is what they have always been looking forward to.

Lilith continued: "Everyone should have heard about the matter and related situations."

Everyone nodded, and Mursi said: "I vaguely heard something from Rum."

Lilith said immediately: "Time is tight, I will quickly tell you all the information I have integrated now, and issue relevant orders at the same time."

"First of all, it can be clearly said that this matter can be said to be the biggest crisis for our Arkham since the rebirth of the ancient gods. I hope that you can now reflect your own value and contribute your own strength to the great master."

Everyone nodded quietly. Although there was no passionate and spirited answer, they could clearly feel each other's determination and passion.

Lilith said directly: "Although the enemy this time is the Imperial Army, the people we really need to deal with are not them, but an ancient cult organization called the Brotherhood of the Yellow King."

"This organization is quite mysterious. It is not clear how many people they have and how powerful they are, but it is certain that they believe in a god that does not belong to this world and possess special powers that do not belong to this world."

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