Hearing this, everyone present heard of such an existence for the first time.

Gods that do not belong to this world, powers that do not belong to this world, this represents the mystery and unknown of the other party, which is the most difficult situation.

Kos straightened his body slightly at this time, as if he was very interested in this group of guys.

Lilith continued, "Their purpose is very simple, that is, to let the Yellow King descend into this world by sacrificing the humans in a city. This time, our Arkham is the existence that is sacrificed."

"This time, they cooperated with the military, and with the help of the military, they let a superhuman with level 42 enter Arkham quietly. This superhuman is called the Invisible One. His ability is unknown, but his body seems to be in a special state, and conventional attacks cannot take effect."

"Now, I don't know how many people the Yellow King Brotherhood has hidden in the city, but what is certain is that if you want to complete the sacrifice of a city, it is not enough to rely on the dozen secret agents of the military. They must have hidden other people and plans in places we didn't notice."

"The intelligence I have now includes the following."

1. The Invisible One controls a special plague that does not belong to this world. After being infected with this plague, people will fall into madness, and as the infection deepens, normal humans will become monsters.

According to what Rum knows, the entire hospital is now shrouded in the plague, and the Invisible One is among them.

2. There is a person in our city who has similar power to the other party, but is hostile to the other party. The person riding a monster saved Rum.

3. The invisible one wants to use the hospital as the center and turn it into a huge plague bomb, so that it will radiate the entire main city of Arkham after it explodes.

4. The military will cooperate, and their spies will launch attacks all over the city at the same time to distract our attention.

5. The other party has very powerful infection and mental control capabilities.

6. The hospital is the core. If you want to complete the sacrifice of the city, you need at least four infection nodes.

After hearing this, everyone fell into deep thought.

This is Danny saying: "To add, according to our investigation, Dr. Laban was also infected and disappeared for unknown reasons. He is likely to be wandering around the city now. If other nodes are needed, it must be related to Dr. Laban."

Char then added: "The Yellow King Brotherhood, I have dealt with them before. They are a group of real lunatics. The existence they believe in has special powers that can distort and change the human body. It is very powerful and terrifying."

"There are no low-level believers in the entire brotherhood. Although the number of people is sparse, everyone is the elite among the elites. The person we met before was called the Summoner. He just made a weird sound. The people in our two teams at that time began to fester rapidly, and then turned into a pool of thick water."

"The reason why I was able to survive was because I had a special amulet on me at the time, which helped me block the terrible curse."

Hearing this, Daryl and others His face changed: "So scary?"

Char nodded seriously: "Yes, everyone must be careful."

After hearing this, Lilith said directly: "We don't have time to worry about so much now. From the current situation, the central hospital has accumulated enough viruses. Once the barrier there is destroyed, the outbreak of the virus will cause huge losses even if it does not infect the whole city."

"And we don't know what kind of power the strange sandstorm inside will have after it breaks out."

"So we need to divide our troops into six groups now."

"First, we need to ensure that the plague in the hospital will not spread and break out. Now we can be sure that the special breath of the paladin can suppress the activity of those things, but now the two paladins are in the hospital and can't get out."

"This team is very dangerous because it is very likely to face the plague. Who wants to go?"

As soon as the voice fell, Mursi said: "I am the most suitable for this matter."

"And me." Kurven followed.

Lilith nodded: "Okay, I'll leave the hospital to you two. You must handle it within two hours. The other party already knows that their plan has been leaked, and they may do something desperate at any time."


After hearing this, the two stood up directly: "Time is tight, we'll leave first."

Lilith had no objection and continued: "Team Two, deal with the spies hidden in the military in Arkham as quickly as possible."

"Leave this to me." Sina automatically accepted the order.

Lilith nodded slightly, and Sina turned around and left.

"Team Three, find Dr. Laban and the special existence in his hands that may be related to the King in Yellow as quickly as possible."

Danny stood up and said: "Leave this to me, I already have a lot of clues here."

Char followed and stood up: "I also have some understanding of this aspect, I can help in the past."

Lilith nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Team Four, find the place where mutations may have begun in the city and contain them in time."

Barro stood up: "Ms. Lilith, leave this to me, I just got a vague clue."

"Are you sure?" Lilith asked.

Barlow smiled confidently: "70% sure."


"Team Five, find all the members of the Yellow King Brotherhood in the city who may belong to it."

"Leave it to me." Kos stood up in a deep voice.

"Team 6, re-allocate the entire city's transportation resources and communication resources to ensure that this incident will not affect the press conference or cause a huge commotion."

Daryl stood up: "Of course this is my job."

Father Hester also stood up: "Count me in, I have some experience in this area, and I can protect you by the way."

Daryl only received the most basic blood therapy, and now he is only at level fifteen.

After the roles were assigned, Lilith and Minisha were the only ones left in the huge conference room.

Minisha blinked her big watery eyes: "What about me?"

Lilith was not in the mood to tease Minisha at this time and said directly: "You have a special mission."

"Say!" Minisha said eagerly.

"Your ability of ice and fire is very important. The spread of plague cannot be separated from the air. You and Hardy are waiting here. Once you determine where there is a problem, you go there immediately and create an ice wall to seal the entire area. Don't let those Something leaked out.”

After hearing this, Minisha clenched her fists and was eager to try: "Okay! This time, I will definitely impress you."

After finishing speaking, Minisha looked at Lilith: "What about you?"

"I need to visit two people and determine their true identities."

Minisha didn't ask any more questions after hearing this, and left happily.

Because this time, it was finally her turn to show off her skills.

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