Just when the whole Arkham was preparing intensively, Los and Suyi's press conference entered a short break.

After eating a big bowl of chocolate ice cream, Los, who felt very tired just now, suddenly felt energetic and felt that he could brag to the reporters for three hundred rounds.

At this time, Lilith came over quietly and told them what had just happened and her decision.

After hearing this, Los was shocked. He didn't expect that when he was bragging with these reporters here, so many things happened in the city of Arkham! ?

Lilith asked tentatively: "My master, is my decision okay?"

Los coughed and said: "Of course there is no problem. It is indeed my most correct decision to leave Arkham's government affairs to you."

Then, Los thought in his heart: "The dean of the hospital is actually an old paladin? There are still people in Arkham who are related to the King in Yellow? What's the situation? Why don't I know?"

Lilith asked here: "Master, do you know anything about Dean Orleans and the mysterious man?"

Los wanted to say that this was the first time I heard of these two people.

Unfortunately, in order to maintain his dignity as mayor, he said: "Dean Orleans was a long time ago. Well, I will tell you when the time comes."

Lilith then said with understanding: "You are worthy of being my master."

"As for the mysterious man, it should be that one if nothing unexpected happens." Los looked deep in his eyes and looked at the sky in the distance.

Such a mysterious look immediately made people think that Los knew the mysterious man very well.

Lilith sighed: "Sure enough, nothing in Arkham can escape your control."

Loss coughed and said: "What he is riding should be an extraterrestrial creature called Byager. I will tell you about the rest later."

Lilith naturally did not dare to ask more questions, and asked: "Master, I want to visit two people now, and I hope you will allow me."


Lilith said: "Stationmaster Morton of the North Shore Railway Station, and Ms. Anita, the principal of Arkham Public High School."

Loss was stunned when he heard this: "Why visit them?"

Lilith blinked: "Molton's painting ability can effectively seal the enemy, and Anita's astrology can help us better calculate the other four detonation points."

? ? ?

Hearing this, Loss blinked a little confusedly. He knew these two NPCs, after all, he designed them.

But in the original design, these two people were ordinary people without any special abilities!

"Master?" Lilith was a little surprised.

Los did not speak. He stood up slowly, turned to the southwest, and said to Lilith with his back to him: "Lilith, I feel very relieved."

"Now you can finally make your own judgment on a matter without my guidance."

"Morton... and Anita's abilities are really useful for this matter."

After listening, Lilith said with admiration: "My guess is indeed correct. You have known about their existence for a long time. The reason why you didn't tell me so early is to exercise our abilities."

"Your greatness and your foresight make Lilith so fascinated and admired."

At this time, Los's eyes kept turning and said: "Go, let go and do it. Even if you fail, don't be afraid, there is still me."

"Yes! My beloved and great master." Lilith then turned and left with an obsessive and fanatical look.

After Lilith left, Los breathed a sigh of relief, and he even felt a trace of sweat on his forehead.

For a long time, he has been an omniscient and omnipotent existence in front of his subordinates. When encountering any matter, he is calm and confident, which is the sign of his supreme leader.

Because before, everything was under his control.

But this time, he was really confused.

"How many people are hidden in Arkham?" Los looked at the town, and he found that even now, he did not dare to say that he had a 100% understanding of the town.

"You are really amazing. A terrifying woman like Lilith was tamed by you to be so obedient and fanatical." At this time, Su Yi came over with admiration on her face.

Los laughed dryly: "It's the same for you. You are not worse than me in taming people like Elizabeth and Inger."

"It's far worse." Su Yi shook her head.

"Elizabeth and Inger's shortcomings and limitations are too obvious. The two of them together are not even as good as the iron policeman under your command."

Los smiled: "People like Conte are rare talents here."

Su Yi turned and asked: "What happened? Do you need my help?"

"No, the matter will be resolved soon. I hope you can implement the relevant policies and benefits for Arkham as soon as possible." Los said.

Su Yi waved her hand: "Don't worry, I will announce it in a while. I wonder if your relevant medicines are ready?"

"Of course, it will definitely satisfy His Majesty."


At the same time, when Barro left the Storm Church, he had found his helper, Uncle Mark, who believed in the cat god and opened a restaurant.

Both of them were of noble birth and were considered wealthy upper-class people. These days, the two of them got along very well and often drank and chatted together. The most important thing was that both of them liked wine tasting and watching opera.

The two were walking on the road to the Arkham Theater at this time, and Barlow had briefly told Mark about the current situation.

Mark showed disgust between his eyebrows after hearing it: "These crazy guys are like mad dogs. No matter where they run, they will bite indiscriminately without distinguishing between enemies and friends."

Then Mark asked: "How did you determine that one of their targets is the theater?"

Barlow said: "The purpose of these guys is to destroy the entire Arkham City, and the core target is naturally the mayor and the queen."

"Tonight, there is a celebration party at the Arkham Theater. It is their best opportunity to take action here."

"In addition, when we were performing the mission before, we heard about an incident, that is, there is a cursed opera script. If it is successfully performed, both the performers and the viewers will suffer a terrible curse."

"And the name of the cursed script is "The King in Yellow."

Speaking of this, Barlow sneered: "In such a scene, if they recommend the script to the crew through Dr. Laban, isn't it a perfect time?"

Hearing this, Mark was immediately shocked: "What a wonderful analysis."

Barlow said modestly: "My knowledge is nothing, I just happened to know some key information."

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