While talking, the two had come to the Arkham Theatre, located at the junction of the Central District and the North District.

Although there were not many people in the Arkham Theatre, it was not small in size. The predecessor of this place was a temple full of Gothic style. The people worshipped in the temple are now unknown because a strange incident happened here thirty years ago.

All the statues in the temple lost their heads, and the temple's sacrifices disappeared.

And the people around did not feel any disobedience to the changes here, as if everything was logical.

Then after the temple was abandoned for a period of time, it was presided over by Los's grandfather at the time and transformed into the current Arkham Theatre.

It was daytime at this time, and the door of the theater was closed. Only the small doors on both sides were slightly open, but no people could be seen coming and going.

It looked very normal, because all the performances in the theater were after six o'clock.

But the two people immediately felt something was wrong when they arrived at the gate.

Mark raised his hand slightly, and a lazy orange cat appeared, walking briskly along the steps towards the side door.

But just as he approached the gap of the door, he suddenly became furious, his face showed a fierce look, and he kept making threatening howls.

Mark immediately said: "It seems that something has happened inside."

Barlow did not rush in directly, but went to a store next to him to make a phone call.

Soon, with a door opening, the doormen Hardy and Minisha came over.

"There is a force inside that is disturbing me, I can't get in." Hardy said.

Minisha said: "You wait here, I'll go and take a look first."

"Are you sure?" Barlow asked.

Minisha smiled confidently and strode towards the small door on the side.

As soon as she arrived in front of the door, Minisha immediately felt the whirring sound coming from behind the door.

Along with the sound of the wind, there were waves of heat.

Minisha looked at the door and saw that there was a corridor behind the door. It was as dark as a sandstorm, and the sunlight outside could not shine in through the glass at all.

Minissa put her hands in front of her, and then, with her chest bulging, she took a deep breath and blew forward suddenly.

Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, gusts of terrifying cold wind burst out directly, forming a powerful ice tornado that swept the entire corridor.

This move was a new move she mastered after Lilith's teaching and a deeper understanding of her abilities.

As the terrifying cold wind blew, everything was instantly frozen.

The wind stopped, and even the gravel in it was frozen into ice crystals and fell to the ground.

Minissa put down her hands and waved to the three people.

The three people then walked over quickly, and when they saw the frozen corridor, their eyes couldn't help but widen.

Although they all had extraordinary powers, their systems were very different.

And it was the first time they saw such a gorgeous and exaggerated freezing ability.

"Let's go!" Minissa took the lead and walked in.

The three people immediately came to their senses and followed.

The frozen corridor was very safe. After the three people passed through quickly, they came directly to a place similar to a reception room.

Just when they came in, they saw a group of ghost-like soldiers floating in the air.

They wore khaki armor and their bodies were as thin as mummies.

The ancient armor had been damaged, and even the weapons in their hands had rusted, but from their scarlet eyes, it could be seen that these guys were very powerful.

Facing these soldiers, the three people did not care and attacked directly.

The average level of these soldiers was only level 15, and there were less than 20 of them.

And they were not ghosts that were ineffective against physical attacks, but a special form of matter.

Barro, who had an extremely fast movement speed, pulled out his blade, and rushed up instantly with red eyes, and eliminated five ghost soldiers in one encounter.

Minisha and Mark then showed their magical powers and quickly cleared the miscellaneous soldiers.

At the same time, a large amount of sand had appeared on the stage in the center of the entire temple for some reason.

On these sands there was a throne made of gold.

At this time, there was a mummy man wearing a tattered imperial robe sitting on it, overlooking the entire audience.

At the same time, the other people in the opera house were expressionless at this time, and all kinds of tattered clothes appeared on their bodies.

Court officials, princes, princesses, queens, generals, etc.

"All invaders must die." At this time, the mummy on the throne made a low and resentful voice.

Then, thousands of soldiers appeared in the audience, turned around and whistled away.

At this time, on the chandelier in the air of the opera house, sat a young man wearing a tattered yellow robe.

"This Arkham is really unusual. Almost at the same time as the invisible was discovered, I was discovered here directly?"

Although the young man was a little surprised, he was still confident at this time: "But unfortunately, the performance here has been completed, and the last king of my Lord is enshrined. The Desert Emperor has come to this world again. You can no longer destroy this place."

Outside, the four people who had just dealt with the more than 20 soldiers did not wait to take a step forward, and then saw the terrifying soldiers who were like a Jedi flood.

"Oh my God! Cat God, what happened here!?" Mark felt incredible when he saw this.

Barro felt his scalp tingling when he saw this.

At this time, Minniesha whispered: "Withdraw first."

As soon as the voice fell, she swung her hands suddenly, and a huge wall of fire appeared directly, temporarily blocking these ghost soldiers.

But just when the four people turned around and prepared to leave, they found that the passage behind them actually... disappeared.

Hardy sensed something almost instantly and said: "Not good! The space here is closed."


At this time, the tsunami-like soldiers had torn through the wall of fire and rushed towards this side.

You know, dozens or hundreds of level 15 are acceptable, but these tens of thousands of level 15 have far exceeded the node where quantitative change leads to qualitative change.

At this critical moment, Hardy seemed to feel something. He suddenly stepped forward, grabbed a door handle directly, then opened the door and said: "Go in quickly!"

Then the four people rushed in in an orderly manner, and closed the door directly when the group of ghost soldiers were within reach.


After walking through this door, the four people just breathed a sigh of relief and heard an extremely excited voice.

"Mr. Mark! Mr. Barlow!?"

Hearing this voice, the four people turned their heads and saw a middle-aged woman looking at the four people as if she saw a savior in this narrow space that looked like an attic.

This person was the leader of the Arkham Theater: Eve.

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