North District, 443 Garrison Street, Sander Wax Museum.

Golden monkey Vic and his two subordinates approached the wall cautiously, and then after gesturing to each other, they did not rush in, but put their ears against the wall to listen to the voice inside.

"Mr. Sander, I...what's wrong?" A low and hoarse voice came faintly from the other side of the wall.

Facing this voice was a deep and steady mature voice: "Dr. Laban, you are fine, you just didn't sleep well last night."

Vic whispered: "It seems to be the voice of Laban and Peter Sander. It seems that they are not completely out of control now, ready to fight."

Peter Sander is the owner of Sander Wax Museum. He is 42 years old this year. He is a top student who graduated from the Imperial Central Academy of Arts. After working outside for a few years, the 34-year-old Peter Sander returned to his hometown to open a wax museum.

The wax figures he made are exactly the same as real people. Many celebrities in Arkham have intersections with this talented and handsome artist.

There are even rumors that Sander secretly won the favor of two wealthy widows at the same time.

Rumors among the people are always messy, but what is certain is that Mr. Sander is a kind, popular, and talented artist.

The owners and guests of the Guardian Apartments, Aunt Lucy's Restaurant, and the Tilden Hotel around the wax museum would stop here for a while when they were free or waiting for a long-distance bus to appreciate this wax museum that records the customs and people of Arkham.

Vic and the other two quietly walked to the door, and just when they were about to go in, they found two black tentacles at the door.

They carefully looked over the edge of the door and saw that Dr. Laban's body was twisted and covered with crazy black flesh.

Half of his head was submerged under these flesh, and his hands and one leg had become tentacles. The two tentacles at the door grew out of his buttocks. The shape was grotesque and weird, and it was very disgusting.

At this time, Dr. Laban, who was already two meters tall, squatted there with his back to the gate. Although he looked very rational, the saliva that kept dripping from his mouth told everyone that he was unstable at this time.

Not far from Dr. Laban, Mr. Sander, who was wearing a white shirt, black overalls, a mustache, and a 3:7 hairstyle, looked calm, but at this time, his body was obviously stiff and cautious.

"Mr. Sander, please use your wax figure to help me return to normal. I hate the way I look now. I... I shouldn't be like this!" Dr. Laban, who had turned into a monster, whispered.

Sander stepped forward cautiously and said, "Dr. Laban, although I think there is nothing wrong with your current appearance, if you are in trouble, it is a better choice to go to the mayor of Arkham."

Hearing this, Dr. Laban's body trembled suddenly, and then he suddenly raised his head, staring at Sander with two empty eyes without eyeballs.

It seemed that Sander's words completely angered him, and a large number of black polyps appeared from nowhere and gradually filled his eye sockets.

"Why do I need his help! I have come into contact with a greater existence! I have received a higher level of gift! Yes! Eyes!"

As he spoke, Laban, whose mind was already confused, began to wriggle again, and his thick tentacles rose up and stared at Sander greedily: "Yes! It must be because I lost my eyes that I became like this! Mr. Sander, give me your eyes! With eyes, I can return to normal!"

Sander had already noticed Vic at the door at this time, and his eyes quickly winked at Vic.

Although the two had met so many times that one hand could count them, Vic still understood the meaning of this look in the critical moment.

Then, he launched an attack without any hesitation.

Three ghouls appeared directly and rushed directly towards Dr. Laban.

"Arkham's lackeys, you took everything from me!" Seeing Vic and the other two, Dr. Laban roared, and the tentacles twitched wildly, instantly entangling the three ghouls.

At this moment, Sander's hands kept moving like playing a piano in the air and said, "Go."

As this word sounded, the lifelike wax figures in the entire wax museum seemed to have life in an instant, and then rushed towards Dr. Laban at a speed far beyond that of ordinary people.

However, Dr. Laban had completely lost control at this time. He abandoned his reason and released terrifying power.

At this time, he had become a real monster, and his terrifying tentacles kept twitching. While pulling these wax figures away, he also entangled Sander who controlled these wax figures.

"Eyes! Eyes!" Laban roared in a low voice at this time, and then small tentacles appeared on the big tentacles and extended towards Sander's eyes.

Sander was not a real combatant. Facing such a scene at this time, he struggled desperately but found that he had completely underestimated Dr. Laban at this time.

"What happened?"

You know, Sander, who had a combat power of level 23 before, was much stronger than Laban, who was level 18.

But now, the situation of both sides has completely reversed.

At this critical moment, a dazzling cold light flashed by, and then the indestructible tentacles that were entangled with the four people were cut off directly.

Everyone was delighted and turned to see Charles wearing a black mask covering his mouth and nose, leaving only a pair of sharp eyes.

In his hand, he held a strange-looking machete.

One side of the machete was a sharp blade, and the other side was a ferocious sawtooth. The machete seemed to be deformable and foldable, because the handle he was holding was not at the end of the blade, but above the blade.

"It's out of control!" Charles was not surprised.

A sharp and strange howl kept coming out of Dr. Laban's mouth, and a large amount of dark red and smelly blood spurted out from the broken tentacles.

Charles said loudly: "Stay away from those students, this crazy blood has a very strong polluting property."

Vic and Sander woke up from their dreams and quickly retreated.

The intense pain and anger overwhelmed Dr. Laban's last sanity.

His completely deformed body squirmed wildly and rushed towards Charles.

Charles looked calm and took out a glass bottle.

In the glass solution, there was a pair of yellow eyeballs.

The pupil of this eyeball has completely collapsed, but it exudes a strange demonic quality that makes everyone feel creepy.

After seeing this eye, the completely crazy Dr. Laban froze there, motionless, as if he had seen the eyes of Medusa and was petrified.

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