While Dr. Laban was stunned, the ghoul lord Danny, who had been hiding in the dark, rushed out directly. With a sharp wind, his powerful and sharp claws pierced the proliferated flesh and grabbed his cervical vertebrae.

Then, with a sudden pull, accompanied by countless blood splashing, Dr. Laban's head and his entire spine were torn out of the twisted flesh by Danny.

With the departure of the head and spine, the constantly squirming body suddenly collapsed on the ground like mud without support.

Then it began to collapse rapidly at a very fast speed. Before everyone could come to their senses, the huge body had completely disappeared, and no one knew where it went.

"Thank you, Mr. O'Banion." At this time, from the twisted mouth, came Dr. Laban's weak but calm voice as usual.

Danny looked at Laban indifferently and said, "I can crush your head anytime now."

Dr. Laban's twisted face showed a smile: "You don't have to crush it, I won't live long."

Danny put away his weapon, took off his mask and said, "Sure enough, the price of looking directly at the incarnation of the gods is so heavy."

Dr. Laban's polyp-filled eye sockets seemed to see the container in Charles' hand. At this time, a strange peace gradually appeared on his filthy and twisted face.

"Ah! My eyes, after so many years, I finally see you again."

As he said, a little blood gradually flowed out of the gap between Dr. Laban's eye sockets and polyps, which seemed to represent his tears.

"Where have you been hiding for so many years?"

Danny said calmly: "It's under your bed."

Dr. Laban was silent for a while, and then suddenly let out a wail like a cry, as if he had encountered some incomparable sadness.

Charles knew that he didn't have much time left, so he asked directly, "What did you see at that time! And what is your relationship with the Brotherhood of the Yellow King?"

Danny had previously conducted a very detailed investigation of Dr. Laban's residence, and then found a container containing eyeballs under the bed, and a diary in the secret compartment of the study.

But what was strange was that the entire diary was compiled with a special compilation code, and Danny couldn't understand it at all.

Fortunately, Charles had just arrived, and he learned a lot of knowledge in the Eye of Insight, including the decryption of this encrypted file.

He quickly deciphered the contents of the diary and found that it was an experimental report.

According to the date of the diary, the record of the bimonthly calendar in 1891, it can be determined that this was an experiment nineteen years ago.

From the content, it can be seen that Dr. Laban, who was still young at the time, was already very knowledgeable. After he obtained a double degree in language and history from the University of Saint Marne, he entered the Redemption Society under the Redemption Society of the Father God through the club of the Redemption Society of the Father God.

In an unintentional study, he discovered a great god that made him obsessed. It has different titles in the long river of history, but the most revered name is the sacred name of the King in Yellow.

In the following years, Dr. Laban has been pursuing the consciousness of meeting the King in Yellow.

Later, he succeeded.

After the success, Dr. Laban gained a special vision, learned a special potion that can make people reveal the truth through dreams, and can also get the protection of a special monster.

But as a price, he lost his eyes.

The content describing the successful summoning in the diary was completely wiped out.

But the knowledgeable Charles still guessed vaguely that he lost his eyes because of meeting the King in Yellow.

In the end, the two people found a large number of books related to the King in Yellow.

But from the arrangement, the most important book was missing.

It was a script, a script called "The King in Yellow".

Then they quickly followed the mark left by Vic and came here.

After the harsh whine, Dr. Laban fell into silence for a few seconds.

Then he whispered: "It is a transcendent existence, a great existence. With the tiny body of human beings, they are not even qualified to meet the greatness."

"Hehe... I didn't expect that everything that was forgotten would be remembered when I was dying."

Then Dr. Laban raised his head slightly: "In order to forget the horror of Him, I dug out my eyes and sealed all my memories of it in my eyes. I thought I could live a peaceful life in this way."

"Hahahahahaha!" Dr. Laban suddenly laughed strangely.

"For them! We humans are just a group of bugs. They don't care about our life or death!"

Danny immediately asked: "Where did you send the script of the King in Yellow!?"

Dr. Laban said in a strange tone: "Of course it was sent to a place where it can exert its power."

"Arkham Opera House!" Danny suddenly thought of it.

Charles continued to ask: "Who have you been in contact with in the past two days? Have you been in contact with anyone from the Yellow King Brotherhood!?"

Dr. Laban whispered: "When the wind comes, the sand will come... The great existence has risen from the lake, and its vision has spanned countless spaces and is looking down on ants like us."

"Mayor Arkham is right, gods... will only bring fear and destruction to mankind."

"Answer my question!" Charles asked in a low voice.

Dr. Laban seemed not to hear: "Please tell the mayor of Arkham not to respond to the call of the stars."

After that, Dr. Laban's head fell off his spine, and then rolled twice on the bloody ground like a ball, and died completely.

"You can't die yet!" Danny shouted.

Char didn't continue to pay attention to the dead Dr. Laban at this time, but put his eyes on the eyes.

At this time, the eyes seemed to be staring at a certain direction.

Char immediately turned the direction, but found that the eyes inside also turned, always staying in one direction, southwest.

Danny whispered here: "We must inform Ms. Lilith and Barlow about what happened here as soon as possible."

Char nodded and whispered: "Maybe these eyes can help us find what we want to find."

Danny was stunned after hearing this, and then said happily: "Let's go!"

Then, the two rushed out like the wind.

Only Vic and Sander were left, looking at each other.

"That... can we clean it up?" Sander looked at the messy wax museum and felt his heart bleeding.

Vic came to his senses and asked, "Do you have insurance?"

"You still have insurance for this kind of damage?" Sander was stunned.

Vic then skillfully took out a notebook and said, "This is the property insurance that President Lewis recently launched. Take a look. It's very affordable..."

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