"What exactly happened here?" In the small attic of the Arkham Theater, Minisha, Barlow, and Hardy, who were temporarily trapped here, looked at Yi, who was now pale and trembling. Fu.

As a former second-tier actress, Miss Eve, who was hailed as the Pearl of Arkham a few days ago, no longer has the stubbornness and calmness of the past. She looks like a frightened child.

Looking at the people in front of her, except for Hardy, the remaining three people all knew each other, and they all had good relationships, which made Eve's nervous heart relax a little.

"The script...that script hides monsters and ghosts." That seemed to be a very scary thing. When Eve recalled it, she felt very scared.

Mark walked up to Miss Eve and casually handed over a chubby orange cat and placed it on her lap.

In a few steps, Eve instinctively put her hands on the soft and fluffy fur of the fat orange cat and stroked it gently.

Time passed little by little while petting the cat.

After about two minutes, listening to the fat orange cat's comfortable cooing, Eve completely regained her composure.

She took a deep breath and said, "Everything is that script, the script called "The King in Yellow."

Hearing this, Barlow and Mark looked at each other and saw each other's understanding.

"Who gave you the script?" Barlow asked.

Eve whispered: "It's Dr. Laban. About four nights ago, Dr. Laban brought a man in a yellow robe here to listen to the opera. After the opera, the two of them came backstage and said they had a It’s a wonderful script, and it’s available to us for free.”

"At that time, we had just received notice from the city government that we were going to perform for the mayor and Her Majesty the Queen. We were nervous and anxious, so we read the script with the attitude of giving it a try."

Speaking of this, Eve hugged her knees with her hands, pinched her sleeves with her palms, and her eyes flashed with an uneasy expression.

Minisha raised her hand, and hot flames rose in her hand, like a goddess who had mastered the flame.

"Don't worry, with us here, those monsters can't hurt you."

This flame seemed to be the original fire that completely dispelled the darkness and cold. Faced with such a flame, Eve was not surprised, but regained her composure again.

"We read the script and were attracted by the epic story and plot, so we happily agreed and started practicing intensely."

"There are five main characters in the entire play. The male protagonist is a prince, the female protagonist is a religious priest, and the rest include a nobleman who seeks to usurp the throne, as well as the great desert emperor and the messenger of the gods."

"At the beginning, our performance was as usual. All the actors were very dedicated and quickly integrated into the content of the script."

"According to the script, as the youngest son of the Desert Emperor, after his parents and brothers were killed by the usurping nobles, he escaped with the help of the priestess, and then began to seek ways to restore the country."

"When the two people encountered the messenger of the gods in the story, the hero and heroine had already discovered something strange. They... seemed to be possessed by something. The depth and weirdness made my hair stand on end."

"I thought they were completely into the drama and didn't think much about it... I'm so stupid... What kind of actor can be so into the drama... I should have stopped them at the time..."

At this point, Eve started crying full of self-blame.


Fat Orange, who was lying next to her, let out a meow. This meow seemed to have special magic power and quickly calmed down Eve's spirit.

Barlow and Minisha were surprised when they saw this.

Mark smiled slightly: "The goddess's grace will appease every kind soul. Ms. Eve often rescues stray cats on weekdays."

Eve here came to her senses, wiped her tears and said, "I'm sorry... I was so out of control."

Minisha said: "It's okay, just keep talking."

Eve nodded: "Afterwards, the mutations of the male protagonist Reno and the heroine Gloria became more serious, and they even sometimes forgot about us. But due to time constraints, we did not pay too much attention."

"To this day... when we once again performed that the integrity of the hero and heroine moved the messengers of the gods, so the messengers of the gods helped them resurrect the assassinated great emperor, the Desert Emperor."

"With the appearance of the Desert Emperor, the stage was instantly filled with sand and rocks. The terrifying wind and sand enveloped the entire theater like a sandstorm, and I saw countless roaring and ferocious ghosts."

"I was completely frightened. Under my watch, the Desert Emperor infected all the actors and staff on the stage and turned them into his ministers and generals."

"And because of this book, I stumbled and hid here."

After finishing speaking, Eve took out a very old-looking book from her arms.

On the cover, the four characters King in Yellow are engraved on it, which looks very conspicuous.

"That's the book!" Barlow said immediately.

At this moment, there were bursts of harsh crashing sounds coming from outside the room.

The terrifying power seemed to destroy the entire room in the next second.

"Get ready to fight! They must not let them get this book!" Barlow shouted.


At this time, the door was directly smashed by a huge force, and then a heroic general wearing a golden armor and holding a spear walked in with his soldiers.

This heroic general has a strength of about level 28. Although his level is lower than that of everyone else, he exudes a special aura, giving people a very dangerous feeling.

"Heretic! Hand over the Book of Genesis!" The young general shouted loudly.

Eve saw this face of grief, and she shouted loudly: "Renault! Wake up! You are not the Prince of Sand! You are Renault! Actor of Arkham Theater!"

"Remnants of the Prince of Oasis, my king has been merciful by not killing you, and you are still barking here."

As the general said, he threw the spear in his hand instantly.


The sharp spear was caught by Barro's arm less than ten centimeters away from Eve's neck.

At this time, Barro's eyes turned red, and his blood-thirsty fighting instinct had fully awakened.

"Kill them!" Barro said, and as he threw out his spear, a large-scale conflict broke out between the two sides around the door.

Looking at the power of ice and fire of Minisha, the cute orange cat that had just turned into a terrifying golden lion, and Barro, who was just elegant and intellectual but now completely violent, Eve felt incredible for a while, and she felt that she needed to do something.

"This matter started with me! It will naturally end with me!"

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