Arkham Central Hospital.

At this time, with the dispatch of the police, the 300-meter radius around the hospital has been temporarily cleared.

The people were very cooperative in the entire clearance work. On the one hand, these people were used to this kind of life. On the other hand, of course, the prestige of Los Angeles and the daily performance of these policemen made all the people willing to believe that everything the police did was perfect. It's for their own good.

Outside the hospital, Morsi, Kurwin, and Wayne stood at the door and were studying the situation inside.

Jike walked over quickly. He had just received information about Dr. Laban from Charles and Danny.

After listening to the report, Dr. Morsi said: "Perhaps, this is the alien god that the young master said we may need to face in the future."

As one of Los's most central confidants, Morsi is now the core engine driving the advancement of blood therapy. Los has given him a lot of knowledge, including content related to outer gods and dependents.

Kurwin did not frown slightly: "A power that does not belong to this world. Logically speaking, this kind of power should not be able to operate in our world."

Upon hearing this, Wayne's eyes suddenly widened: "Yes! That's it!"

"What?" Kelvin was stunned.

Wayne held a pen and drew on the drawing in front of the three people and said: "We have just studied the structure and principles of this barrier, but we have ignored one point, that is, how does it overcome the material rules of this world?"

Hearing this, Morsi seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: "Contained objects!?"

"That must be the case!" Wayne said seriously.

Morsi suddenly said: "Yes, it must be a containment object, otherwise it would be impossible to build a special magnetic field of this level with human power."

Kurwin also roughly understood the conversation between the two people, and asked silently: "I remember the mayor said that the angle hound also has a bloodline that does not belong to this world. If we use the special ability of the angle hound, we can Can’t go inside directly?”

After saying this, the three people looked at each other, and immediately felt like they were seeing the sun through the clouds.

"But... who will be responsible? You know, that monster is currently only following the young master's arrangements." Kurwin was a little embarrassed.

As soon as he finished speaking, the three people said in unison: "Doctor Poch!"

Dr. Pochi, who is responsible for compiling the shelter's database, has received the young master's gift after completing his task outstandingly.

The young master used a special method to unlock his mental shackles, allowing him to gain special insight and communication skills.

In the past few days, Dr. Boqi has been underground and rarely comes up. According to the person who delivered the food, he seems to have been able to get along peacefully with the angle hound.

Thinking of this, the call went directly to Arkham Sanatorium.

Doctor Boqi, who was taking detailed notes at this time, heard this and his eyes lit up: "Okay, I'll be there right away."

Immediately, Dr. Porchi put down his pen, turned around and walked towards the basement like crazy.

After completing the construction of the asylum information, the great Master Arkham used a special key to open a brand new door for him.

He felt that his spiritual potential had been greatly released, and he had gained a lot of fascinating knowledge.

One of them is communication of will.

He can communicate across racial lines through his own spirit and will.

Over the years, he has been hanging out with angle hounds, and he has been training this ability.

After all, among the three contained objects now, only this naughty little guy can communicate.

Today's hounds are equivalent to the age of a two-year-old human child. Although they are very weak, they already have some consciousness.

Communicating with him was very difficult at first, but after figuring out his preferences in a few days, the relationship between Pochi and him has become quite good.

Skillfully opened the door of the room forged by Longyan Steel. At this time, the hound, whose shape kept changing its angle, was lying lazily on the ground, very comfortable.

When he first came in, he was still a little resistant, but with Pochi being able to communicate with him and bringing him delicious meat every day, he felt that this kind of life was also very good.

The door was opened again, and the angle hound immediately stood up, just in time to see Dr. Pochi walk in carrying a large bunch of meat.

Then the angle hound ran over happily, and his thoughts were conveyed: "It's delicious! It's delicious!"

Pochi smiled and said he took the meat over and asked, "Little guy, do you want to eat more delicious food?"

The angle hound ate the things in three strokes, and still had more to say: "Is there more?"

"Do one thing for me. Take our people to a place and give you more delicious food when we come back." Pochi was like a bad uncle who deceived children.

"Okay!" The immature hound readily agreed.

Pochi said happily: "Let's go!"


At the same time, inside the hospital.

Rum had been gone for an hour, and everyone looked anxious, not knowing what was going on.

After all, they all heard Rum's constant roar in the wind and sand before, and they were afraid that Rum had been poisoned.

"Wait...the owner here seems to be in trouble." The keen Debbie suddenly said.

"Why?" Charlemagne asked.

Debbie pointed outside and said: "The yellow matter in the air is accelerating and decreasing rapidly, and it seems to have suffered some huge impact, constantly producing collision ripples."

"The barrier was broken? Impossible. Someone came in and fought with the invisibles?" Charlemagne suddenly thought.

"That's not quite right. In this case, except for the mayor, no one should be able to fight with the invisibles in this wind and sand."

Debbie said: "It could also be Mr. Kos."

"Mr. Kos?" The old dean's drooping eyebrows suddenly raised, a little curious.

Debbie nodded vigorously and said: "Yes, Mr. Kos is very powerful. It is said that Mr. Kos is much more powerful than Ms. Lilith and is the second most powerful existence in Arkham now."

"Who is the first?" The old dean asked curiously.

Debbie raised her chin proudly and said, "Of course it's the great mayor!"

Charlemagne turned into a teenager again, holding his moonlight sword and said, "Let's go! This is a good opportunity. No matter who he fights with, he should not have time to worry about us now. I always feel that he has hidden a lot of secrets here, and it should not be just the plague."

The old dean looked at Charlemagne and said, "Young knight, what you need to do now is to protect, not to take risks."

Charlemagne tilted his head slightly. Although he respected the old paladin very much, he had his own principles of action.

"I'm not a knight, I'm just... a lone wolf who just found a home, and now I want to fight for my home."

I've been very busy these two days. I read the comments today and thank everyone for their blessings.

I've been busy with marriage and furniture recently. I tried to buy sofas, beds and dining tables online, but the results were terrible.

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