Charlemagne raised his hand to open the door, and the old dean Orleans said: "Young knight, follow the guidance of your heart and protect your own will."

Charlemagne nodded vigorously, pushed the door and left.

Debbie also wanted to follow, but soon thought that her current fighting power was just a burden.

The old dean seemed to like this smart and calm little girl very much. He smiled and said: "Everyone has his own position, and your battlefield is not there."

"You have special powers. The people I protect here are the top doctors in the entire hospital. If you can pull out those special things in their bodies, then this will be a great help to the mayor of Arkham."

Hearing this, Debbie's eyes lit up, turned her head and looked at everyone eagerly and said: "I'll try!"

Charlemagne, who had just left the room, came to the corridor, and then he was like a lamb thrown into a group of lions. The doctors and patients wandering around rushed towards him like crazy.

At this time, it can be seen that these people have begun to mutate.

The most obvious thing is that their left hands have begun to turn black, and at the same time, the palms are gradually gathering and turning into a greasy tentacle.


At this time, a heavy sound suddenly came from outside the window. Charlemagne looked out of the corner of his eye and saw the wind and sand blowing rapidly, and there were several huge winged creatures flying in it.

Waves of irritating sounds came from far and near.

"They really started fighting." Charlemagne's eyes lit up, and then a strong golden breath burst out from his body.

This breath made his hair shine like the sun, like a burning golden holy fire, full of light and sacred meaning.

"Extreme circumstances call for extreme measures!" Charlemagne had an unruly smile on his face, his body arched, and then his body rushed out like a rocket.

In an instant, these people were like bowling balls that were knocked away, and were hit aside by Charlemagne with great force.

Windows, walls, roofs, ground, corners, everywhere.

After passing through these people, Charlemagne went directly to the fifth floor along the stairs, the top of the entire hospital.

He had a feeling that the secret here was on the fifth floor.

As he rushed up the stairs, Charlemagne suddenly felt a strong gust of sand blowing towards him.

The huge force made him take a step back and instinctively close his eyes.

But at the moment he closed his eyes, Charlemagne suddenly felt someone blowing cold air on the back of his neck.

This feeling immediately made Charlemagne's hair stand on end, and his body instinctively turned and swung his sword to cut.

After the green sword light, Charlemagne opened his eyes and found that he was in a dark place.

This is still the fifth floor of the hospital, but the light has become dim at this time, and the whole hospital has become extremely dilapidated, as if it has been abandoned for hundreds of years.

However, the weirdest thing is that the ground and walls here are full of blood, internal organs and broken limbs.

People's heads fell on the ceiling of the corridor through tentacles, which looked extremely terrifying.

In an instant, the normal hospital turned into a terrifying and bloody hell.


Suddenly, a bubbling sound came from behind him.

Charlemagne looked back and found that the stairs he had come from were covered with blood. The bubbles in the blood were like pustules on human skin, and the disgusting smell filled the air.

In an instant, the young Charlemagne grew up quickly and turned into Charlemagne in werewolf form.


At this moment, hideous bloody claws suddenly appeared from the blood, and then a thin human monster with blood-red short hair crawled out.

"Kill! Kill! Kill everyone!" The resentful voice came from their mouths, and then the monsters jumped up and rushed towards Charlemagne.

Charlemagne's face was calm at this time, and he raised the moonlight sword and swung it.

The monster that pounced on him did not look strong. It was directly shattered by Charlemagne's slash, and turned into countless blood splashing in the air, many of which splashed on Charlemagne's body.

Seeing his black hair stained red with blood, Charlemagne frowned slightly, always feeling that something was wrong.

At this time, more monsters appeared, and Charlemagne continued to swing his sword to kill calmly.

"This feeling... doesn't feel like spiritual emptiness, nor does it feel like an illusion... Then where is this place? Why did I suddenly come here?"

As Charlemagne was thinking, he suddenly felt his hands were very sticky.

He looked up and found that his whole body was stained with blood, and he turned into a blood-red werewolf.

"You monster! Why are you killing us! Why are you killing us!"

At this time, Charlemagne suddenly felt countless palms pinching his ankles and pants.

He looked down and saw countless bodies that he had split open gathered under him. They grabbed him with their hands, and the face covered with blood and short hair gradually returned to normal.

These people... are the doctors and patients in this hospital.

"Why! We just want to survive!"

"You bloody butcher! Why are you still alive!?"

"My child! My child!" A mother with only half of her body left hugged the child that Charlemagne had split in half, sad and full of resentment.

"This..." The change in this instant immediately made Charlemagne confused.

In this world that is both real and fake, he knew very well that these monsters might have completely different bodies.

"All this is fake! All this is fake!" Charlemagne kept reminding himself.

But at this time, more monsters rushed over.

A panicked Charlemagne swung his sword and chopped, and with the splash of blood, he saw the hospital gowns and the stunned and incredible expressions of these patients.

"Aren't you... sent by the mayor to save us?" A girl with half of her body chopped off looked at Charlemagne in disbelief.

The endless resentment and the endless monsters constantly impacted Charlemagne's heart and judgment ability.

I don't know how much time has passed, and Charlemagne doesn't know how many monsters he has killed.

When he came to his senses, he found that he had turned into an extremely ugly and hideous monster.

"Is this the descendant of the legendary Paladin? He killed so many civilians for his own life." A low and hoarse voice came out.

At this time, the blood gradually receded. The doctors in white coats, the patients in blue and white hospital gowns, and the family members in ordinary clothes, their eyes widened, their bodies chopped into pieces, and they surrounded Charlemagne in all directions.

"Charlemagne, even if you have awakened special abilities, so what? Your essence is still a crazy monster."

Hearing this voice, Charlemagne turned his head suddenly, then gritted his teeth and said: "Pullman Willy!"

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