Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 262: Lone Wolf Seeking Moonlight

Pullman Willie was a classmate who grew up with Charlemagne. The two studied together, competed with each other, and finally fell in love with the same girl.

This is how the old story started. Charlemagne was better than Pullman Willie in everything. Reluctance and jealousy began to rise in his heart, and finally reached the peak after Judy chose Charlemagne.

After that, the two of them turned against each other and kept fighting.

When Charlemagne got into trouble, Willie actually teamed up with Judy and imprisoned Charlemagne together.

Pullman Willie smiled slightly: "That was my name in the past. Now my name is Awakener."

While speaking, Pullman Willie took a step forward, reached out and touched the Moonlight Great Sword in Charlemagne's hand, and said with jealousy and greed in his eyes: "From childhood to adulthood, why do you think you are better than me? It's all because you have this Moonlight Holy Sword!"

"If we talk about qualifications and talents, how can you compare with me! You are just a waste who can't control your spirit, otherwise how could you fall into the trap we prepared for you?"

At this time, Charlemagne's eyes suddenly released waves of man-eating madness. The twisted monster body kept struggling, but he found that he was gradually losing control of his body.

Willie had taken the Moonlight Holy Sword at this time and sneered: "You are gradually being devoured by the beast, and you are no longer qualified to use this holy sword. You will always sink into madness and killing."

Willie said, raising his hand and pointing at Charlemagne's head.

In an instant, Charlemagne lost the last of his sanity and completely turned into a crazy monster.

"No! No!" Feeling that his spirit was locked in the deepest part of his body again, Charlemagne kept screaming madly, but it was useless.

At this moment, the animal madness had taken over a little. At this moment, his reason seemed to be a prisoner in a cage, and he was surrounded by madness and distortion.

Then, his last reason merged with these distortions.

On the fifth floor of the ward, Charlemagne, who had just stood still at the stairs, began to twitch rapidly, and then a lot of long red hair grew on his body.

On the top of the steps, Pullman Willy, who was wearing a yellow coat, was holding the Moonlight Holy Sword he had just taken with a smile on his face.

"Finally! Everything you have belongs to me!" Willy waved the holy sword he had longed for all his life, extremely excited.


At this moment, Charlemagne, whose body was covered with red hair, had begun to swell and mutate.

"Become a beast in silence, and then die at the hands of your companions." Willy turned away with irony.

At the same time, Charlemagne, who had completely fallen into madness, seemed to have had a nightmare from which he could never wake up.

The whole nightmare was like a mess, and it was impossible to understand it no matter what, so he lost all the ability to think.

But just when Charlemagne's body was about to be completely transformed into a beast, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his crazy and turbid consciousness.

This flash of light was instantly caught by Charlemagne, who was thirsting for reason, as if he had caught the last spider thread to enter heaven.

Charlemagne, who caught the light, recalled everything about himself with difficulty. His memory was already confused.

But he still had the memory of the last half an hour.

He thought of the old paladin, and then thought of the words he warned himself: young knight, follow the guidance of your heart and protect your own will.

"Follow the guidance of your heart... protect your own consciousness..."

"What is my inner guidance?"

Charlemagne, who was confused, thought in his heart, and suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

"Darkness, madness, filth, suffering, the light that has not left me after experiencing all this, the great spirit that protects the soul of the Paladin... the moonlight that guides my people in countless despair and darkness..."

Accompanied by the low chanting, Charlemagne felt that dots of silver and blue light gradually appeared in his dark world.

They gradually gathered and formed a special light linking his body.

At this moment, these lights were like countless elves, constantly flying in front of Charlemagne, leading his will to move forward.

He slowly raised his head and saw a white, bright moon in the dark sky.

At this time, the moonlight was like a blessing from the goddess, turning into countless elves, surrounding Charlemagne and supporting his filthy body.

Afterwards, Charlemagne felt that he was flying up and was gradually leaving this dark world.

At the same time, his thoughts became clearer and clearer.

Soon, he felt that he could gradually control his body, and then he felt that he had gotten rid of the stench of blood.

Then he got rid of the stickiness and bloating of blood, and finally got rid of the boundless madness...

In the corridor, Willy, who was holding the Moonlight Holy Sword, suddenly found that the lightsaber suddenly burst out with a very dazzling light.

This light was very abnormal, because the great sword symbolizing the moon could not normally burst out with dazzling light.

Just when Willy felt something was wrong, an extremely cold voice came: "If I am not qualified, you are even less qualified."


Before the voice fell, a ferocious claw covered with blood-red long hair directly pierced Willy's body and directly held his heart in his hand.

Feeling the incredible power, he lowered his head with difficulty, and then under his gaze, the ferocious claw was changing rapidly.

The red hair faded, the nails disappeared, and it was quickly turning into a normal person's palm.

"No! This is impossible! How can you escape from madness! This is impossible!"

Charlemagne sneered, without any hesitation, and crushed Willy's heart directly.

At the same time, he waved his palm, and the Moonlight Holy Sword soared up and fell into Charlemagne's hands again.

Then the holy sword, with a dazzling blue sword light, directly chopped off Willy's head.

After dealing with Willy, Charlemagne did not stay any longer, and did not even look at the corpse.

Crossing the stairs, Charlemagne quickly moved along the corridor.

Soon! He saw a strange-shaped altar at the end of the corridor.

On the altar floated a strange skull full of cracks.

At this time, the whole skull floated there, with its mouth wide open, and a lot of wind and sand emerged from its mouth and came out along the window.

"That's it!!" Charlemagne saw it and immediately quickened his pace to rush up.

But at this moment, Charlemagne suddenly felt a distortion in space, and then he felt dizzy.

The next second, he walked into a door by mistake.

When he came to his senses, he suddenly heard the sound of fierce fighting, and at the same time heard a familiar voice.

"Find a way to leave here! Otherwise, we will all die here!"

Charlemagne turned his head and saw Minisha, Mark, and Barro through the gap in the door.

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