At this time, Sina was walking casually on the street with Sion, Larry, Jiying and other five beneficiaries of the first blood therapy.

"How many have you confirmed?" Larry asked Jiying.

Jiying opened his eyes and said, "Thirteen."

"Everyone in the central area is here, start the action." Sina gave the order directly.

At the same time, in a very ordinary room in the rotating hotel.

A middle-aged man dressed as a businessman opened the heavy-looking suitcase in his hand.

Inside was a whole box of detonators and explosives.

These detonators and explosives have been specially treated and have a certain delayed explosion effect.

Putting the explosives on the bed, Rio walked to the window. Across Hyde Street outside was the Xintong Cinema and Arkham City Bank.

This is a good location. This place is on the edge of the west side of the central area, and there are not many people nearby.

Although there are not many people, as long as the explosion occurs, it will cause a good effect.

After all, the only cinema and bank in Arkham are across the street, which will definitely attract a large number of police and defense forces.

Rio calmly took out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and said leisurely: "Enjoy the last moments of your life!"

He is a seafood merchant and a military spy who has been lurking in Arkham for two months. At first, his task was just to monitor the actions here and not let the guys from Rhodes Chamber of Commerce destroy the military's experimental plan.

With the destruction of the entire legion and witnessing many incredible situations, his thinking has actually changed a little.

Especially in the past month or so, he has witnessed the changes in the entire city of Arkham with his own eyes. The chaotic, filthy and backward city before is rapidly transforming.

If he didn't have that identity, he really wouldn't mind living here all the time and becoming a part of it.

After all, that mayor does have powerful abilities and personal charm like a god.

But as a qualified soldier, obeying orders is his destiny.

The iron will of the giant will not let him change his camp because of this temptation.

Halfway through the cigarette, Rio took out his pocket watch and looked at it.

There are still ten minutes before the time to act together.

"When this mission is over, I should retire and enjoy my life." Rio thought of his two children who always regarded him as an idol and his virtuous wife who always worried about his safety.

He looked down at the circular photo on the inner cover of the pocket watch, which was a black and white family portrait.

Rio, with a restrained smile on his face, was next to a middle-aged woman with a gentle smile, and in front of the two was a pair of children aged twelve or thirteen.

At this time, the whole family was smiling happily, and through the black and white photos, one could feel the joy of this family.

At this moment, the door suddenly rang.

"Who?" Rio turned around quietly, closed his suitcase and put it aside and asked.

A female voice came from outside the door and said, "Hello, sir, I am a staff member of the Arkham Cultural Center. We are conducting a survey on the evaluation of the current appearance of Arkham by foreign businessmen."

Hearing this, Rio frowned slightly. He had indeed heard of the Arkham Cultural Center, and their staff had indeed been doing similar work recently.

He didn't expect that he would meet this group of guys now.

"I'm not very convenient now, let's wait until tomorrow!" Rio said, using his voice to cover the sound of the bullet being loaded.

The woman outside the door said: "Sir, it's just to fill out a questionnaire, it only takes you two minutes."

Rio was silent for a while but did not refuse.

Arkham is notoriously conservative, and with the recent martial law, it is easy to attract the attention of the other party if he refuses too much.

You know, the relationship between the people and the police in Arkham is much stronger than anywhere else in the empire.

Thinking of this, Rio walked to the door and opened it. He had already planned that if the other party felt something was wrong, he would directly eliminate the other party and then detonate the bomb in advance.

In the action plan, everyone has received orders. Although there is a clear time, if it involves a crisis, the bomb can be detonated within five minutes of the error.

The door opened a crack, and Rio saw a very beautiful woman outside with a very eye-catching red hair.

She was wearing a black suit, looking very business and formal.

At this time, she was holding a notebook with a stack of not-so-thick questionnaires on it.

"Sir, thank you for your cooperation." The woman said with a smile.

Rio looked at the other party cautiously and said, "You ask."

"What do you think of our Arkham culture and customs?" the woman asked.

Rio smiled and said, "Very good, very warm and hospitable."

"How is the public order in Arkham?"

"Not worse than the imperial capital at all, it's very safe here."

"Are you satisfied with the scenery in Arkham?"

"Of course, the scenery here is one of the best I've ever seen."

"Do you plan to come here to work or live again in the future?"

"Only a ghost would be willing to come here!" Rio muttered this sentence in his heart, but said with a smile: "Of course, this is simply my second hometown."

The woman's smile became more and more joyful and brilliant, and she said, "Arkham has recently opened some fun entertainment facilities. Do you want to go out and play now?"

Rio shook his head: "Sorry, I still have some work to do, and I don't want to go out and play for the time being."

As soon as the voice fell, the woman leaned over with a warm smile and said, "No, you want to!"

The woman pushed the door suddenly, and the door panel dented, and the safety chain connecting the door and the door frame broke completely.

Rio's eyes widened instantly, and his body took a step back, pulling out his pistol and ready to shoot.

At this time, the woman suddenly stepped forward, and her palm directly covered Rio's gun muzzle at a speed faster than lightning.

"Idiot!" Seeing this scene, Rio even saw the scene of blood splattering when his palm was pierced in the next second.


After a muffled sound, Rio did not see the splattered blood.

At this time, Rio looked closely and suddenly found that the palm that was holding the muzzle of his gun was covered with green scales.

The claws that had completely transformed into a monster crushed his greatest support in the next second.

The pistol in the woman's hand seemed easier to crush than the fluffy and soft white bread.

Years of combat experience made Rio react quickly. The moment he lost his gun, he stabbed with the dagger on his waist.

But he felt a fierce wind blowing in his face. When he came to his senses, he found that he was being lifted into the air by the woman holding his neck.

At this time, the woman looked at him as if he was looking at a dead chicken.

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