At this time, Rio looked at the pretty woman in front of him with difficulty. He still didn't know how he was exposed.

As the top scout in the army, he possesses extremely strong concealment and counter-reconnaissance skills.

He has been lurking here safely for two months, and has even gotten along with everyone he knows.

He couldn't understand how the other party found him accurately at such a critical time.

You know, there are only ten minutes left before the explosion.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry? We still have many fun projects waiting for you in Arkham." The red-haired Larry said with a warm smile on his face.

Rio, whose neck was pinched and gradually suffocated, kept struggling, but found that the opponent's body was like steel. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not hurt the opponent at all.

"" Rio struggled to say something, but couldn't.

Larry threw him to the corner of the wall and opened his suitcase. After seeing the detonators and explosives inside, he turned around with a smile and asked, "Mr. Rio is too polite to come here to play." He also prepared fireworks by himself, it seems that Mr. still likes our Arkham."

At this time, I took two hard breaths in the corner. Taking advantage of Larry's opportunity to relax his vigilance, he suddenly rushed forward and was about to exit the room through the door.

But just as he ran out of the door, a dark shovel came towards him, and the shovel's surface hit Rio hard on the nose.

In an instant, Rio felt dizzy, severe pain passed from his nose to his brain, and tears and blood flowed out freely.

He staggered two steps and knelt weakly on the ground. He raised his head with difficulty and opened his eyes to look.

Through the tears that kept flowing out, Rio saw a young woman wearing an apron.

The woman was in her mid-twenties, with brown hair in two big braids.

Thanks to good skin care and makeup, the woman looks quite attractive.

At this time, the woman was holding a shovel in her hand. It was obvious that her hands were shaking, as if she was afraid.

But her dark eyes now held a frightening sense of excitement and novelty, as if she had awakened to something special just now.

"You..." Rio recognized this woman at a glance.

She is the proprietress of this revolving hotel, Mrs. Thomson. When she came in, Mrs. Thomson went through the procedures for her.

Mrs. Thomson seemed a little scared at this time, but then she seemed to remember something, and then she said with hatred on her face: "You damn guys! Why haven't you died yet!"

On the last hunting night, Mrs. Thomson was almost violated by soldiers of Major General Pigou's Second Corps. Kenneth saved her at the critical moment.

From then on, the seeds of hatred were planted.

But this time, the anger and hatred that had been stored in his heart for a long time completely burst out with the shovel.

Here, after Larry handled the explosives and came out, he said to Mrs. Thomson: "Make a call for me."

Mrs. Thomson seemed to have known this for a long time. She nodded and left with the shovel.

Larry knelt down and looked at Rio with a smile on his face and said, "Now you can officially feel the simple and warm folk customs of Arkham, right?"

Rio was covering his nose at this time, and the inner perseverance just now was gradually covered by fear. He whispered: "So what if you catch me! You can no longer prevent the destruction of this city!"

Larry reached out and pinched his neck to lift him up and said, "Really? Although I don't know how our Arkham was destroyed, I know very well how the thirteen of you were destroyed."

! ! ! !

Hearing this, Rio's eyes suddenly widened, and the hand covering his nose fell down weakly.

" all knew..."

Larry said casually: "It's not too early. You turtles are really hiding. If it weren't for this large-scale operation, you might still be hiding, right? So we gave you a chance to show your face." Waiting for the chance to be caught.”

"Okay, time is tight, I have other work."

Larry said, his hands like iron pincers waving.

Accompanied by a harsh sound of bones breaking, and amid the screams, all the bones in Rio's limbs were crushed by Larry.

Then Larry threw him at the counter on the first floor like trash and left him in the care of Mrs. Thomson, waiting for the police to come.

Here Mrs. Thomson said: "It has been notified."

Larry nodded and ran out quickly.

At this time, Rio, who was pale because of the pain, was shaking all over his body.

Mrs. Thomson looked at him with fearful but longing eyes, and then picked up her shovel and hit him hard on the chest. As the shovel went down, Mrs. Thomson's eyes became brighter and brighter, fearful. gradually decreases.

Rio was witnessing this process at this time.

"No! Don't! My wife is still waiting to go back! My child needs a father! I can't die here! I can't die here!" In an instant, Rio's spirit collapsed.

Tears and nasal discharge flowed freely.

But Mrs. Thomson had no intention of stopping, and the beast in her heart was awakening.


At the same time, similar situations were still occurring throughout the central area.

Located on Highland Street on the south side of the Center District, in a vacant lot across from Arkham Gas Station.

A sturdy man in ordinary clothes pulled the trigger frantically, but it was completely useless. He watched the monster approaching him.

The wound caused by the bullet did not even have time to bleed. The bullet hole healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the bullet stuck in the body was automatically expelled.

"Don't come over! Don't come over!" The sturdy man shouted frantically.

After the bullets were used up, he waved the short dagger in panic.

Sion on this side immediately stepped forward and punched down with a thousand pounds of force, knocking the sturdy man unconscious.

On the other side, the Qingquan chain department store was two streets away from here.

In the alley between the department store and the second-hand car market, Jiying looked at the pale and sweaty young man in front of him and smiled: "You seem to like playing with bombs? Then I'll give you one, how about it?"

As he said that, Gene raised his finger and snapped it.


As the sound rang out, the other side's young man's arm holding the suitcase suddenly exploded.

A large amount of blood, along with broken bones and blood and flesh, was everywhere on the alley walls and ground.


The man hugged his shoulders and screamed while shouting: "Monster! Monster! You monsters! The Empire will definitely kill all of you monsters!"

Ji Ying walked over gracefully, took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood off the suitcase, picked up the suitcase and said lightly: "Really?"

Then, the second finger snapped.

Then the man's whole body twisted, and then exploded completely, leaving no trace of his body.

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