Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 265 Killing the Invisible One

Xina and her black glove team were very fast and as precise as a scalpel. In the last ten minutes, they took down all thirteen people with lightning speed.

Five people were killed directly, eight people were captured alive, and no one slipped through the net.

On the other side, in the corridor on the fifth floor of the hospital, Morsi, Pochi, and Wayne successfully entered the interior of the hospital with the help of the angle hound.

"Hold your breath," Morsi said immediately.

Then the three people held their breath at the same time, and then Morsi took out a small blood bottle from his arms, then raised his head and poured two drops of bright red blood into his eyes like eye drops.

As blood entered his eyes, Morsi's eyes turned blood red and emitted bursts of strange red light.

Even the red blood vessels that invaded his temples turned into red protrusions, like vines crawling under the skin.

Morsi handed the vial of blood to the other two men.

After the two people followed the drip, they immediately saw clearly what was in this space.

"It's a special parasite that doesn't belong to this world at all. It mainly enters the human body through the respiratory tract." Morsi said calmly.

Wayne thought for a moment and took out a small silver-gray iron rod.

Then he opened one end of the iron rod and could see a dark red solid substance inside, like wax oil.

After the flame was ignited, one end of the thin iron rod suddenly burned with a very strong flame.

As the flames were ignited, the three people saw the parasites surrounding the three of them leaving as quickly as they saw natural enemies.

"Sure enough, it is afraid of fire. It seems that this parasite cannot tolerate high temperatures." Wen said.

Morsi smiled and said: "According to the famous saying of the young master, more hair is weaker than fire. There is a lot of hair on this parasite."

After solving the problem of parasites, the three of them immediately saw the corpse covered in blood, the altar at the end of the corridor, and the skull above.

"That skull should be the source of this weird weather and parasites."


At this time, there was another heavy crash outside, and the three people immediately turned around to look, but they only saw the terrifying yellow sand in the sky and the shadow of the winged monster in it.

"Get rid of that thing first." Morsi said, taking out a small blood bottle the size of a thumb and pouring it into his mouth.

Immediately, the muscles in Morsi's entire body began to squirm.

In an instant, Morsi transformed into a tall, muscular man with exaggerated muscles.

"Oh my God! What are all these things?" Dr. Boqi is not responsible for this aspect. He still doesn't understand these things at all.

Morsi waved his arm, which was filled with scary muscles and was thicker than Dr. Pochi's thigh, and said, "It is a temporary muscle strengthening agent that is effective for half an hour, but it will accumulate a small amount of toxins in the body."

After hearing this, Dr. Boqi looked amazed: "Oh my God, you have researched some terrible things recently."

Morsi stepped forward and said: "This drug is more flexible. As a consumable strengthening agent, it can have a large market in the future and make those buyers absolutely dependent on us."

Just when Morsi took two steps forward, the angle hound beside him suddenly barked strangely.

Doctor Porch immediately shouted: "Don't move! There is something there!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the space in front began to distort, and then the door on the side opened, and then all three people were involved.

At the critical moment, Pochi also screamed strangely, seeming to be calling.

Then the angle hound rushed forward, first with two paws at the twisted space, and then with one bite.


Then the distorted space was like a broken mirror, disappearing with the sound of shattering.

Venn whispered: "It seems to be the spatial entropy that shuttles through the theory, resulting in spatial chaos caused by the extreme conditions of thermal motion in different spaces."

Morsi was a little surprised: "You still know physics?"

Wayne adjusted his glasses and smiled: "I have six doctorates, and physics is one of them."

Morsi was a little surprised, but didn't say much.

He knew exactly what to do now.

I saw him striding forward, and his big hands like bear paws directly took the suspended skull off the altar.

At the moment when the skull was taken down, an extremely angry roar suddenly came from outside.

Immediately, the three people saw a strange-looking black figure crossing the wind and sand like crazy, rushing towards this direction.

"Be careful!" Morsi quickly left with the two men.


With the windows and walls broken, a monster three meters tall and wearing a yellow robe rushed outside.

The human body is no longer visible under the yellow robe, it looks more like a polymer of countless tentacles.

Although this monster looks terrifying, it is full of all kinds of tragic wounds at this time, as if it has just suffered an extremely violent attack.

The tentacles carrying the powerful force whipped over suddenly, but were hugged by Morsi's thick hands.

Although he hugged him, the huge force still caused Morsi to spit out a large mouthful of blood.

At this time, the second tentacle swung out.

Wayne on the side threw away his glasses, and his body instantly transformed into a giant like a mountain of meat.

This giant is also three meters tall, with muscles that are more exaggerated than Mursi, and there are a lot of red hair on the surface of the muscles, which looks like a diamond star.

The monster jumped up with a howl, and directly held the second tentacle in his arms and pressed it firmly under his body.

"You damn bugs! Die!"

Accompanied by an extremely angry roar, under the hood of the yellow robe, the octopus-like tentacles squirmed, and a dazzling light was brewing in it.

In an instant, the three people felt a breath of death approaching at the same time.


At this critical moment, accompanied by a irritating cry, a huge figure suddenly fell from the sky.

Then a two-meter-long black spear pierced the monster's head from behind.

Then the monster's head tilted, and the weird yellow light spewed out and hit the ceiling.

In an instant, the ceiling was corroded by the light to form a circular hole with a diameter of two meters.

At this time, the three turned their heads and saw the man standing on the monster.

His dark green clothes were already very tattered, with scary wounds everywhere. There was a fist-sized hole in his left abdomen, and his right arm had been torn off from the shoulder.

His left eye had become a dark bloody hole, and his neck was cut in half, and the spine could be clearly seen in the flesh and blood.

"Director Whickett?" Morsi's eyes were full of shock when he saw this man.

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