Arkham Public High School.

Lilith sat calmly on the leather chair, leaning back naturally on the chair, looking at the woman across the desk with a smile on her face.

This is a woman who looks to be about fifty years old. She has good skin and looks younger because she takes good care of herself.

But the subtle wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and mouth can still determine her approximate age.

The woman wears a long, form-fitting black dress with a robe draped over it.

Brown hair with a few strands of white strands is tied behind her head, and under her high eyebrows are a pair of deep and wise black eyes.

Even though those eyes are now obscured by flower-framed reading glasses, the depth and wisdom can still easily penetrate into other people's hearts.

This person is the principal of Arkham Public Middle School, Ms. Anita.

"I don't like you. You are born with a demonic nature that will only bring darkness and chaos. You are supposed to be a witch of chaos who should not appear in this world." Ms. Anita sat there and said calmly.

With a calm smile on her lips, Lilith replied calmly: "But I was still born, and I am sitting in front of you now."

Anita's deep eyes stared at Lilith at this time: "If it weren't for the mayor of Arkham, I would kill you directly."

Lilith was not surprised: "That's true. If I hadn't met the master, there were only two possibilities for my future. One was to kill all the people in Arkham Sanatorium and then die, and the other was to destroy Arkham Sanatorium." Make a big fuss and then die.”

Ms. Anita clenched her index fingers at this time: "I once saw a person destroy the entire Arkham. That person's whole body was filled with sacred light, but he carried countless blood and destruction."

"I thought it was you, but when I saw the Mayor of Arkham I knew I was wrong."

Ms. Anita's eyes gradually sharpened: "That person is the mayor of Arkham. He will destroy the wave of blood and destroy the entire Arkham."

"Then build a brand new Arkham. This is why you have never been an enemy of the master!" Lilith said unhurriedly.

Anita nodded silently, then pushed a notebook over: "Everything you need is here."

Lilith leaned forward, opened the book, looked at the contents, and then said, "Borrow the phone."


Then Lilith called Daryl: "Inform Kos to go to the Arkham Theater to support Barlow and liberate Hardy and Minisha as quickly as possible."

"The real core is not the hospital, but the Desert Emperor of the Grand Theater."

"In addition, notify Chambers, Kenneth, and Hindvall to go to the Arkham Public Newspaper Office, Carter Glass Factory, and Juke Woman Laboratory respectively."


Putting down the phone, Lilith pushed the notebook back and said, "Thank you."

After saying that, he stood up and prepared to leave.

"If it weren't for the survival of Arkham, I wouldn't help you. It would be better for us to meet less in the future." Ms. Anita said calmly.


The terrifying and violent sword energy wiped out all the ghost soldiers in front of him in an instant.

At this time, Barlow and others arrived with their reinforcements, Charlemagne.

Charlemagne, who holds the Moonlight Holy Sword, can be said to be chopping up melons and vegetables in the true sense of the word when facing this kind of battle.

The special aura of the knight itself has a natural restraint on these undead.

And this moonlight holy sword not only has sacred attributes, but also has purification and sharpness.

At this time, the four people joined forces with each other and actually wiped out all the thousands of ghost soldiers.

Also defeated was the male protagonist, Prince, who was attached to Reno.

But the strange thing is that although Renault has been defeated and has even been purified by the moonlight, at this moment, the ghost prince still has not come out of Renault's body.

"What's going on?" Seeing this scene, even Charlemagne was a little confused.

At this time, Captain Eve came over holding the King in Yellow script in her hand, knelt beside Renault and whispered: "Old soul, listen to my orders."

"Your glory has passed, and it is impossible to exist in this world. If you are really as the script says, then accept my suggestion."

As Captain Eve said, she leaned into Renault's ear and muttered a series of words that no one could understand.

About two minutes later, Renault, who was lying on the ground, suddenly stood up and knocked on his chest: "I already know your wish. The contract has been completed, and the Desert Empire will last forever!"

Then the golden light receded, and a pale and unconscious Renault emerged from it.

Eve hurriedly supported Renault and put him down.

"What's going on?" Minisha asked curiously.

Eve whispered: "This incident started because of me, and it will naturally end because of me."

"While you were fighting, I read this book in detail. I discovered the wishes of all the characters here, so I made a contract with them."

"What contract?" Charlemagne asked.

Eve looked down at Renault and said: "From now on, they will always be attached to the bodies of these actors, and I will become the container of this book, so that when we defeat the Desert Emperor, their dynasty will continue to survive, Survive in our troupe.”

"In the meantime, we can use their power."

While speaking, Hardy on the side vaguely saw that the Yellow King was now attached to the chest of her clothes, as if it was gradually merging with her skin.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other, not knowing whether this development was good or bad.

Barlow whispered: "We can only ask the mayor about this matter later, but the problem now is how we can defeat the Desert Emperor. Now we are trapped in a special space, which should be maintained by the Desert Emperor."

"And just after a brief contact, I found that the Desert Emperor has a powerful force of level 45."

"And this is not the worst."

"The worst thing is that Minniesha and Hardy are trapped here, and the people outside still need Hardy to teleport. If the plague breaks out, Minniesha's control is still needed... So our top priority now is not to defeat the Desert Emperor, but to send Minniesha and Hardy out first, and then we will deal with them."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

"But how do we get out?" Mark asked.

Charlemagne: "I just came here for a one-way transmission."

For a moment, the room fell into a desperate silence.


Just when everyone was silent, accompanied by an attack with great power, everyone felt that the whole space began to tremble violently.


After another sound, everyone found that the wall behind them was gradually cracking.


The moment the third sound came, the wall was directly smashed.

Then Kos walked in with a bloody machete.

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