"Mr. Coase!" Seeing Coase appearing like this, several people were suddenly surprised and happy, just like desperate students seeing their omnipotent teacher.

Looking at Kos's tall and thin body, Barlow still felt a trace of fear in his heart. When the two sides were still enemies, he had deeply felt the terror and power of this person.

"Although it was a terrifying existence for everyone as an enemy, at the same time as a teammate, it is also a reliable and reassuring existence." Barlow couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

You know, there is a space barrier in between that even Hardy can't break through. It's like existing in two different spaces.

The space wall in the middle cannot be easily broken by human power.

But now, such an indestructible space wall has been smashed alive by Kos! !

At this time, Charlemagne looked at Cos, his eyes filled with unbelievable shock.

This was not the first time he saw Kos, but it was the first time he saw Kos take action.

The existence and legend of Kos have been circulating among the top leaders of Arkham, but Charlemagne left the sanatorium too late and had no direct idea.

He just heard people say that Kos is the second most powerful existence in Arkham, even more powerful than Lilith.

He had been doubtful before, after all, he knew deeply how powerful Lilith was. She was at level 49 and was infinitely close to being a demigod.

If he is stronger than her, he will be a demigod who has gradually separated from human existence!

At this time, it seemed that Charlemagne was extremely convinced that this strange, human-like monster was the second most powerful existence in Arkham.

Kos walked in through the ruins and looked around. The strange eyes in the sunken eye sockets flashed for a while: "This is the first time I have encountered such a thing."

After saying that, he turned around and said: "Minisha, Hardy get out of here quickly. People outside still need your help. Go to Arkham Central Hospital first."

After hearing this, the two people immediately thought of their mission, turned around and ran out along the big hole in the wall.

Mark asked: "Mr. Cos, the situation here is weird, you still need to be careful."

Kos opened his mouth in a rare way, showing a weird smile full of interest and said: "It's just a fifty-level ghost."

"More than level 50...just!?" After hearing this, several people suddenly looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

They have no idea what level Kos is. In their opinion, level 40 is already a rare strong man in the world, and level 50 is even more legendary.

But at this moment, the demigod who can easily destroy a country seems to be nothing more than this?

As Kos spoke, he had already crossed the gate and walked out.

Charlemagne protected Eve by his side, while Barlow picked up Renault and hurriedly followed Cos.

Several people walked along the corridor just now and came to the backstage again. At this time, there were still more than twenty ghost soldiers guarding here.

At this time, under the gaze of Barlow and others, the fearless ghost soldiers who had just faced them were trembling and stood there after seeing Kos, not daring to make the slightest move, just like a group of people who were frightened. It's like an ostrich pretending to be dead there.

Kos glanced at the group of soldiers and then said: "With such a large-scale virtual existence, there should have been an extremely powerful existence that materialized their souls when they died."

"An extremely powerful existence...how powerful is it?" Barlow asked tentatively.

Kos seemed to be reminiscing, and said two words lightly: "True God."

! ! !

Several people were shocked. In their previous knowledge, the true god was almost a legend and did not even exist.

But now it seems that the true God is not far away from them.

While talking, they followed the passage to the side and came to the performance hall again.

Now the entire performance hall is covered by yellow sand, and on the stage, invisible forces have woven a sizable palace there.

Seeing this scene, Eve hurriedly said: "We can't let him continue! Otherwise they will completely invade the world and directly integrate with matter again. At that time, he will continue to draw power from Arkham's leylines. , turning the entire Arkham into a deserted land!"

Although Eve's voice was not loud, it was so harsh in this quiet performance hall.

Sitting on the throne at this time, the mummy had already put on a decent royal robe and a crown on his head. Even the previously shriveled body gradually took on the shape of a human body.

"I didn't expect you to be able to deal with those soldiers."

At this time, a young man wearing a yellow robe fell from the sky.

"Brotherhood of the King in Yellow!" Barlow whispered.

The young man smiled and said: "As expected of a former member of the Eye of Insight, he knows a lot."

As he spoke, he bowed slightly and said, "Brotherhood of the King in Yellow, spirit seducers."

"It's really your fault!" Eve said loudly.

The spirit seducer smiled slightly: "Otherwise, how could you think that you mortals could pull out such huge energy? You should thank me. Because without me, you would have been sucked into mummies by this script."

"Brotherhood of the King in Yellow..." Kos here seemed to think of something, a light flashed in his eyes: "Ha#%#@¥¥"

Several people vaguely heard a name followed by a "ha". For some reason, Charlemagne felt dazed and didn't hear it clearly.

The spirit descender over there seemed to have heard the name. At this time, his eyes widened and he looked at Kos in disbelief: "You... How is it possible! How can you say such a name! Who are you!? Why can you say this name! Why do you know this name!"

Kos took a step forward at this time, and the spirit descender who just felt very good about himself immediately focused all his attention on Kos.

Then, his expression became horrified, his face became distorted, he opened his mouth and muttered: "How is it possible... That orphan... That orphan actually..."

Before he finished speaking, Kos had come to him lightly, and then the pale palm waved casually, and directly beat the spirit descender with level 38 into a pile of meat paste.

"I will not let you and them go."

After dealing with the instigator, Kos turned his attention to the man on the throne.

At this time, the man also felt a strong sense of danger and stood up from the throne under the gaze of everyone.

In an instant, the terrifying pressure like a tsunami broke out, and in an instant the entire performance hall was filled with a terrifying sandstorm.

This terrifying sandstorm, like a huge millstone, can easily grind a car into powder, not to mention human flesh.

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