If such a terrifying sandstorm spreads, it can crush all the buildings above the ground in Arkham in less than an hour, turning them into dust all over the sky, and then turning the entire city into a desert.

This is the terrifying ability of a demigod above level 50, which can easily destroy a city!

The whistling sandstorm made Barro and others suffer tremendous pressure. Even a strong man like Charlemagne could only last here for ten minutes at most.

As for ordinary people like Eve, I am afraid that they will turn into countless blood mists and their bodies will be gone as soon as they meet.

Fortunately, at this time, Kos, who was standing beside them, radiated bright light from his white skin.

Then, behind Kos, two streamers suddenly floated up.

Boom! Boom!

Accompanied by bursts of harsh thunder, countless lightning and thunder fell from the sky, and then formed a more powerful field with Kos as the center.

In this field, the terrifying lightning and thunder continued to run away and explode, and its horror was at least two levels more terrifying than the sandstorm!

"What...the...fu*k..." At this moment, everyone saw this scene, and several people's eyes widened. At this time, they had no other adjectives in their minds.


At this time, outside the thunderstorm, in the sandstorm, a roar that shocked the world suddenly sounded, and then more than a dozen terrifying giants more than ten meters tall rushed directly into Kos's territory.

Each of these giants has at least level 40 strength, and the solidity of the surface even exceeds the strongest material known to mankind.

And if you look closely, you can see that these giants are the ministers of the Desert Emperor, that is, the other members of the troupe.

Behind these giants, the Desert Emperor stood in the air.

Kos also became interested at this time and said, "Don't move here."

After that, Kos held his flesh and blood sword, and then jumped out like a cannonball.

After that, several people saw a scene that they would never forget in their lives.

In a thunder and sandstorm, Kos, who was only 1.9 meters tall, burst out with extremely terrifying power, and the flesh and blood sword in his hand seemed to have the terrifying power of opening a mountain.

He jumped up, and the terrifying sword directly split the general giant in front of him in half.

Then he turned around and easily caught the one-meter-long terrifying fist with his small hands, then hugged the giant's palms with both hands, threw his body backwards, and threw the giant out with great ease, knocking down the other two giants.

Without waiting for them to stand up, Kos raised his head and suddenly screamed at the sky.

Boom! Boom!

Then more than a dozen terrifying lightning bolts with a diameter of more than three meters fell directly from the sky, accompanied by the terrifying power of destroying the world, directly splitting the dozen giants into ashes.

Here, Eve hurriedly said: "Please... take me over! I can't let them die like this, now only we can save them!"

Charlemagne and Barro pondered for a moment, then nodded vigorously, escorting Eve forward carefully.

Fortunately, because of the trembling of the two people, the power of both fields was concentrated on each other, so it was not a big threat to them.

After destroying all the giants in one fell swoop, the Desert Emperor raised his hand, and then countless yellow sand solidified into a yellow sand scepter, pointing at Kos: "Heretical blasphemer! You will pay for everything you have done."

Kos was a little ferocious at this time, holding his placenta sword and said: "I don't have any price to pay anymore!"

After that, Kos stepped on the air with his feet, jumped again and rushed directly to the Desert Emperor.

Next, it was a melee that could be said to break mountains and rivers.

The collision of weapons and bodies of both sides can easily send out the terrifying sound of artillery bombardment, and the shock wave transmitted by the collision of the bodies of both sides can easily tear apart a level 20 transcendent.

On the other side of the ground, Eve, holding the script of the King in Yellow, has found the heroine of the priestess in the script of the oath, Gloria.

At this time, although Gloria's giant form was chopped into charcoal, after retreating from the giant form, the physical form is still preserved.

Now she is still in the form of a priestess, wearing a dark yellow robe, a metal mask, and holding a staff tightly in her hand.

Eve lay down at this time, and still lay down in her ear and said something like before. The spirit of the priestess floated up, indicating obedience and re-entered Gloria's body.

"Next!" After awakening the two, Eve seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

The three people looked carefully and found that Eve had unconsciously reached level 17 from level 7.

"There is such a operation!?" The three people were surprised.

In the process of moving forward, the three people also found that some special wind-like patterns appeared on Eve's arms, and a strange three-small pattern appeared on her forehead.

"For some reason, she is merging with the script. She is going to become a container that will always hold the entire script, and also the mother body that carries all this power." Charlemagne, who has extensive knowledge, saw some clues.

"Will there be any danger?" Barro asked.

Charlemagne shook his head: "I don't know yet. This probably requires the mayor to personally evaluate it."

While speaking, Eve had awakened the third person, and the level directly reached level 22.

"Awakening a person who has been promoted to level 5? Her body will not be able to bear it if she continues like this!" Barlow's face changed.

The human body has its limits. Rapid decline and rapid evolution will cause the collapse of mankind.

At this moment, some cracks like porcelain appeared on the face of Eve, who had reached level 22.

"Hey! You will die if you continue like this!" Mark stepped forward to organize.

Eve said hoarsely: "But if we don't act, these people will die. They came here because of my guidance. Now that they have become like this, I must be responsible for them!"

As she said, she came to the fourth crew member, a court official in a black robe, and continued her work.

Charlemagne was silent for a moment, turned around and ran out.

At the same time, the battle in the sky had already been won or lost.

There was a huge gap between the level 53 Desert Emperor and the level 65 Kos.

At this time, Kos had already suppressed him firmly.

At the same time, with the continuous "rebellion" of his subordinates, the subsequent power of his royal court gradually dried up, and even the physical injuries had no power to recover.


With a flash of dazzling blood, the body of the Desert Emperor was split into dozens of pieces, and scattered all over the ground with the cessation of wind and sand.

The hymn to the King in Yellow ended here.

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