Arkham Central Hospital.

After the skull on the altar was taken away, the special parasites floating in the entire hospital died quickly like humans who lost oxygen.

At the same time, the terrifying sandstorm outside the hospital gradually subsided.

The dark sky outside, which was shrouded by the sandstorm, quickly became bright at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the corridor on the fifth floor, broken glass and bricks of the wall were scattered in the corridor. The huge monster had disappeared for some reason.

Covered in blood, Director Whickett, who was lying on the ground, kept coughing up blood foam from his mouth and was about to die.

"After I die... there is no need to bury me in the ground, no need to erect a monument, just scatter my ashes into the sky." Whickett said with difficulty.

Dr. Murthy beside him said: "Don't say such stupid things."

Then he took out a thumb-sized syringe from his pocket.

This syringe comes with a needle, and the syringe is made of special metal and looks very strong.

Most of the silver-gray needle tube is silver-gray, with only a vertical transparent structure with precise scales on it.

Through the transparent structure, you can see that there is a mixture of milky white and blood-red liquid inside.

Whicket said weakly: "I know my body well. The tentacles of that guy have crushed my stomach, liver and all my intestines."

As he said that, Whicket's bloody hand pinched the corner of Dr. Morsi's clothes and said: "Morsi, we have some friendship. I hope I can fulfill my last wish."

Dr. Morsi picked up the needle, reached out and touched Whicket's left chest. After determining the location of his heart, he directly inserted the needle into it and injected all the liquid inside.

"You are not dead yet, don't be so anxious to talk about your last wish."

"It's a waste of effort, I..." Whicket said halfway, and suddenly his mouth froze.

Then you can see that the muscles all over his body began to wriggle rapidly.

At this moment, Whicket only felt an extremely strong warm current bursting out of his heart, and then quickly swept through his whole body along the blood.

After that, he felt his meager consciousness becoming clearer and clearer, and at the same time, a severe itching came from all over his body.

He was very familiar with this itching, because it was the process of wound healing.

He wanted to use all his strength to raise his head and look at his chest, but suddenly found that his body was much stronger than he thought.

He raised his head easily, and then found that the wounds on his skin and the big holes on his body were healing rapidly.

"This... what did you inject me!?" Whicket asked in shock.

Mursi smiled mysteriously: "Sacred blood, as long as you have a breath, you can't die."

Mursi looked at Whicket and said: "It's a pity that the opponent's attack method has a very special power. This blood can only heal the wounds on your body, but it can't regenerate your organs."

At this time, Whicket's missing left eye, right arm, and internal organs of the body cannot be repaired.

This is impossible for a normal person to survive, but Whicket is a high-level extraordinary person with a power close to level 40, so he can still live normally at this time, but his overall strength will drop by 50%.

At this time, Whicket felt that he had recovered to a normal person's physique. He stood up and touched his abdomen with his remaining left hand. Although it was empty inside, the skin had completely healed.

"How do you have this thing?" Whicket was shocked at this time.

Mursi said proudly: "This is the blood therapy invented by the young master."

While speaking, the muscle enhancer on Mursi's body expired. Under Whicket's gaze, he turned from a muscular giant back to an ordinary person.

"Is this also... the power of blood therapy?"

Mursi nodded: "Of course."

At this time, the door on the side suddenly opened, and Hardy hurried out with Charlemagne.

"Is there any sacred blood?" Charlemagne asked hurriedly.

Mursi handed over the second iron injection and asked, "Who will use it?"

Charlemagne quickly said, "Eve, the head of the Grand Theater, Mr. Kos has eliminated the Desert Emperor, but in order to save those who are possessed by the undead, Eve is ready to become the container of the script of the King in Yellow and keep the power of the entire Desert Royal Court, but now her physical fitness is a bit behind."

Hearing this, Mursi knew that this was a good thing for his young master, and directly handed over the injection and said, "This injection is probably not enough, Wayne, you take Charlemagne back and get him three more."

"Okay!" Wayne, who had turned back to normal at this time, took Hardy and Charlemagne to leave.

Whitt, who heard the whole story clearly, said, "Princess."

"What?" Everyone was stunned.

Whicket said: "The weakness of the Desert Emperor is his concubine. There is no concubine among all the actors in the Grand Theater this time, right?"

Charlemagne thought for a while and nodded: "Indeed, there is not."

"Tell Eve to find a concubine and become one. Only in this way can he appease the Desert Emperor. Otherwise, even if she becomes the mother, she will be blown up by the power of the Desert Emperor."

"After all, the power of a demigod is not something an ordinary person can bear."

Charlemagne nodded immediately and said: "Thank you for your advice!"

After that, he left quickly.

Murthy looked at Whicket: "I didn't realize you knew that group of guys quite well."

Whit: "The Desert Emperor is the most outstanding among all the followers of the Yellow King. His stories and deeds are widely circulated in our circle. He believed in the Yellow King to save his concubine, and it was also because of his concubine that he turned from a tyrant into a wise king."

"In the end, it was also because of his concubine's strong thoughts that he took the last step after his death and achieved the form of a demigod."

Murthy did not dwell on this issue too much. At this time, he turned his head and looked around: "What are the parasites in the air?"

"These worms are called Deep Valley Brain Eaters, and they come from a world that does not belong to this world. The mysterious place in the world usually appears with the wind and sand of the Yellow King. They will parasitize in the human body and connect the human spirit with the Yellow King. "

"What are the consequences?"

"The direct consequence is that these people will see the indescribable great existence and go crazy, and then their own existence will be gradually assimilated in the madness, and finally become the servants of the Yellow King."

After a pause, Whicket stood up and added: "This form is irreversible. Once it becomes, it will never come back."

Murthy said seriously: "We need your help now, Whicket."

"If I can help in any way, I will definitely help." Whicket, who was grateful to Murthy, answered seriously.

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