Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 270 Everything is under control

After Whitaker's affirmation, Morsi said: "Now most of the parasites have died, but there are still some parasites that have not died, but have gradually adapted to such an environment. If it is troublesome to let them out, we will Make sure these things don’t leave the hospital.”

Whickert was silent for a moment and said: "This kind of brain-eating insects like water and are weak to fire, but they are not cold-tolerant. When they are frozen in ice, they will not all die, but they will lose all activity. As long as the ice does not melt, , it won’t wake up.”

After hearing this, Morsi rubbed his chin and said, "You mean to trap them with flames first, then lure them into the water, and finally freeze them directly?"

"Or you can burn them all in one fire."

"No! No! This won't work!" Morsi's eyes sparkled.

"These bugs are so amazing. They are truly alien creatures. Killing them like this is a huge waste!"

Whickert picked up his weapon and said: "If you can really achieve the ability of fire and frost at the same time, I can help you drive and lure you to ensure that no fish slips through the net."

Morsi laughed: "Of course!"

The angle hound that had been squatting aside suddenly barked, as if it sensed something.

Dr. Porch said: "Minisha has arrived."

Morsi laughed: "Let's go!"

Immediately, several people came outside the hospital again through the ability of the angle hound.

At this time, as the barrier disappeared, the wind and sand inside could be faintly seen outside.

At this time, Jike and other police officers had expelled all the surrounding people and were standing guard around the hospital.

And Minisha was standing there at this time, eager to try.

Whickert reminded: "Brain-eating insects have no consciousness and no ability to reproduce themselves. Although they can float in the air, they have no ability to fly. As long as we can control the air flow inside, they will not come out. ”

"In addition, when the brain-eating worms enter the human body, they will directly integrate into the human body and will not escape from the human body, causing a second infection."

After hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Someone is coming out!" Jike looked at the door and said.

Everyone turned around and saw the old dean walking out with Debbie and a group of medical staff with strange expressions.

Jike and others hurriedly rushed forward and made a warning gesture at the same time.

But when they saw the old dean, they felt a special aura spreading, making people instinctively believe that there was no danger in such a field.

"Dean Orleans." Seeing the old dean, Morsi walked over with a respectful look.

He has been famous in the medical field for many years, and before that, he had received guidance and help from the old dean.

The old dean nodded slightly, touched Debbie's hair and said, "Heinrich, you did a good job and taught two good students."

Heinrich T. Morsi is Dr. Morsi's full name, and only three people in Arkham call him that today.

Wayne, Kelvin, and the old principal.

Dr. Morsi said shyly: "It is an honor for me to be recognized by you."

"How do you deal with the parasites inside?" the old dean asked.

Morsi immediately revealed his plan.

The old principal frowned slightly: "Are you sure this won't destroy the entire central hospital?"

"Of course not, because there is Ms. Minisha." Morsi turned slightly and said.

Minisha slightly raised her round and delicate chin at this time, showing her confidence.

Afterwards, everyone gathered together and started making plans.

It only took ten minutes. After the plan was finalized, everyone started taking action.

Prepare pools, prepare isolation strips, and prepare for strong winds.

Because the hospital was too large, Minisha's ability could not cover the entire hospital with a wall of fire, so everyone made an eviction plan.

Minisha created a huge wall of fire in the hospital's backyard, with two large buckets underneath.

Whickert used his ability to create a strong wind, and all the remaining parasitic insects were blown over there.

These parasites would instinctively enter the water after getting close to the flames, and then Minisha took action and froze both buckets.

Ten minutes later, everything was ready.

At this time, the last storm subsided and the action began.

I only saw a terrifying flame ten meters high and twenty meters wide burning instantly behind the central hospital.

From a distance, the entire street was covered in flames.

On the other side, Whickert took a deep breath at this time, facing the entire hospital.

Along with a strong wind, a large number of remaining parasites flew out along the wind.

Debbie, who was in charge of monitoring at the side, clearly saw the direction of these parasites and kept giving instructions and reminders.

Other people around were holding other torches on both sides to help drive them away.

Five minutes later, after making sure all the parasites were in the bucket, Debbie yelled, "Freeze!"

Minisa took a step forward and placed both hands on the edge of the bucket.

Click, click, click...

In an instant, the two large buckets of water turned into two large lumps of ice exuding a terrifying cold air.


After exhaling, Minisha touched the sweat on her forehead. This was the first time she had released such a large-scale flame.

The problem here had just been solved when Hardy suddenly appeared and said: "Ms. Minisha, Mr. O'Banion needs your help."

"Come here!"

When Minisha left, a group of police officers had entered the hospital and controlled all the infected doctors and patients.

There were a total of 156 infected people, including 52 medical staff, 83 patients and 23 family members.

These people have fallen into madness. Those with mild interference are just crazy, while those with severe ones have begun to mutate.

Twenty of them have already turned their limbs into black tentacles, sixty have at least one limb turned into a tentacle, and the rest are just crazy.

But as time goes by, it is only a matter of time before these people turn into monsters.

"We have no way to save them now, we have to find a way to keep them in this state temporarily." Mursi said.

Wayne was a little confused after hearing this: "How is this possible? We don't know anything about parasites now, how can we prevent their condition from getting worse."

"If... there is a way to stop their body time from being lost..." Debbie said.

"Where is this ability!" Dr. Bochi sighed.

"Who said there is no?" Accompanied by a mature and sacred voice.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Lilith in a white suit coming over.

At this time, a handsome middle-aged man in a black uniform was following him.

"Stationmaster Morton?" Everyone was stunned.

This man was the middle-aged female idol who liked to paint, smoke, and perm her hair, the stationmaster of the railway station, Stationmaster Morton.

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