Bi-lunar calendar January 9, 1931, the capital of the Rosas Empire, Ania City.

Manuel District, Marcy Bar.

For the people in the bar, the world has no meaning, because as long as they drink a few bottles of yellow soup, they can forget about it, easily ignore the mortal time, and embrace the happiness after drinking.

Today’s Marcy’s Bar is no exception.

Nine days have passed since 1930. Although it is said that there will be a new atmosphere in the new year, the number of drinkers here has actually increased a lot.

This is not surprising, because the capital city today is not peaceful.

More than three months ago, after completing the investigation from Arkham City, the Great Queen returned to the capital. She did not "cover" the military department in any way. She held a press conference the next day. At the same time, all the various matters in the general department were The crime is made public.

This immediately caused the people of the entire empire to boycott and denounce the military. Even the dignitaries and two members of the empire were unable to ignore and contain such an uproar of public opinion. For the sake of their own votes, they did not hesitate to directly rebel against the military and fight against the military. draw clear boundaries.

At this time, the queen's reputation was getting higher and higher, and more and more MPs and dignitaries supported the queen.

And because of the reduction in strength, the fight between them became more intense.

Naturally, the military department would not sit back and wait. They directly united the six major chaebols in the empire's two major industries, the military industry and the chemical industry, to start crazy lobbying, suppression and bribery.

And in this matter, the omnipotent attribute of money has once again been demonstrated.

Newspapers and reporters who had generously criticized the military the day before quickly turned back. The mainstream media in the empire, which had long been controlled by the major chaebols, also began to keep silent about this matter, and began to secretly change their concepts and muddy the waters.

Suyi was not surprised by such a scene. She did not put too much effort into the media. Instead, she directly used her queen's privileges on the third day after returning. That is, to this day, everyone has The Arkham Development Act shocked many people.

The entire bill was specially prepared for the city of Arkham, which first promoted Arkham to a special zone, with economic and administrative independence, directly under the jurisdiction of the Queen.

At the same time, because of Los Arkham's perfect performance in this matter, the Queen commended the mayor of Arkham and a person who had made contributions in this battle.

Los himself is the owner of Arkham City, the lord here.

The Queen once again directly conferred the title of Marquis of Los.

With such a title, Ross himself can have his own private army of 500 people and more territory.

After holding the title, the Arkham family's land naturally expanded.

Subsequently, Arkham's area rapidly expanded to the southeast, directly absorbing all the land formerly known as Innsmouth.

At the same time, the bill gave the entire Arkham very preferential policies, such as free trade rights. When trading with foreign countries, you only need to pay a 1% tax. Such trade taxes are only one-tenth of those in other parts of the empire. one.

At the same time, if a company is established in Arkham, the entire company can receive government support, obtain low-interest loans, and also receive a 50% tax discount.

Since Arkham has autonomous rights and the same administrative rights as the Province of Massa, many related import and export approvals can be processed here.

And the efficiency of Arkham in this regard is 100 times that of the province of Massa!

Yes, what takes five days to do in the provincial capital of Massa can be done in just over an hour here.

Such a policy made all businessmen eager to see through Arkham, but at the same time they did not dare to act rashly.

Because this bill caused huge waves, especially the dissatisfaction of various provinces and major chaebols.

The military clearly understood what the Queen meant, so it started relevant countermeasures on the day the bill was released.

The Queen only has five absolute privileges in her life. These privileges do not require rationality and are absolutely legal as long as they are used.

Suyi has used it twice before to protect herself, and she used it twice more in this bill.

Although the bill is absolutely legal, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below.

The military has already thought of countermeasures, and has abolished the Queen's two privileges for this matter, which they are also happy to see.

In their opinion, they have gradually pushed the queen into despair.

Although the implementation of the bill was recognized and passed by the law and parliament, the actual response was not large.

Because at the same time as the bill was released, major chaebols and banks successively imposed sanctions on Arkham.

For example, if a company enters Arkham for development, it will not be able to cooperate with its related companies, or it will not be able to obtain bank loans, or use relevant transportation routes, etc.

Because of this incident, these small businessmen did not have the courage to offend these behemoths in the empire.

Now that things have come to this point, the war between the two sides surrounding Arkham has moved from a secret competition to an open and honest all-out war.

The first wave of attacks is transportation.

Because the previous development of Arkham was not good, the passenger flow was not high.

In addition, most railway companies across the empire are private companies, so almost all railway companies directly canceled the Arkham station.

From then on, trains could not reach Arkham directly, and the closest station to Arkham was the city of Hesse, one hundred and twenty kilometers away from Arkham.

Railways were just the beginning, followed by roads, shipping and so on.

Even some suppliers of goods are prohibited from selling to Arkham, and are also prohibited from purchasing goods from Arkham.

"What the hell, are those people in the country full of shit? They give such policies, but they want to impose such sanctions. Do they really want to develop Arkham? Can we only watch with envy at such preferential policies?!"

In the bar, several businessmen gathered together, drinking and cursing.

"Wait and see, the bill has been announced for more than three months, and now the only one who dares to deal with Arkham is that lunatic Borg Sulk."

"I heard that because of his cooperation with Arkham, he has been expelled from the Sulk family?"

"Expelled, what company can take away 30% of the family's resources and wealth after being expelled!?"


Listening to the conversation of everyone, Astor, who was sitting in the corner, took a deep breath and drank the bottle of wine.

Now that he has lost everything, he naturally doesn't need to worry so much.

"Since you bastards won't let me live, don't blame me!"

Arts raised his collar, wrapped his scarf and coat tightly and walked out of the bar.

Tonight, it snowed heavily in the capital.

Arts, with a stubble on his face, just carried a box and bought a train ticket, and took the train to Heisen City overnight.

That was the nearest station to Arkham.

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