Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 273 Dr. Giroud and his family

Tuesday, January 10, 1931, bimonthly calendar, light snow.

At 7:30 in the morning, Dr. Giroud had finished washing and was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom to tidy up his makeup.

Dr. Giroud is 35 years old this year, 1.75 meters tall, well-proportioned, and looks like an ordinary young man.

Who would have thought that such a young doctor is now an expert in the respiratory department of Arkham Central University.

Looking at this young man in the mirror, who looks young and energetic, it has been three months now, but Dr. Giroud still feels a little incredible and novel.

Three months ago, because of long hours of overtime work, he was already bald and fat at the age of 35, and the whole person looked almost fifty years old.

And now the young man in the mirror looks like a young man of 26 or 27 years old who is full of vitality and vigor.

Reaching out his left hand to tidy up his light brown hair, he can see that Dr. Giroud's entire left hand and forearm are not human tissues, but a silver-gray, very tight mechanical palm.

This mechanical hand is very flexible and seems to have the function of automatic heating. With a burst of steam, the hair grabbed by this iron hand is fixed, as if it has been treated by an electric iron.

After combing himself, Giroud took a deep breath: "Today, I will also work hard and save people to repay the great mayor's kindness."

He will never forget the fear, despair and panic he experienced three months ago.

He was consulting in the hospital at the time and walked into the corridor. His colleagues and those patients had turned into terrifying madmen.

Before he could escape, he felt that he had witnessed an indescribable horror and became the same as them.

He didn't know how long he had been there. When he came to his senses, he was already in a dark operating room.

All of them were fixed on the bed in a huge space, but that was not what frightened them the most.

The most frightening thing was that Giroud found that his body had undergone a terrible mutation. The forearm and palm of his left arm had turned into a kind of dark and strange tentacle, and this mutation was further eroding his body.

He saw with his own eyes that several of his familiar colleagues had completely turned into monsters, and began to attack frantically without distinguishing between friend and foe, and were finally forced to be annihilated.

Soon he knew that they were infected with a terrible plague and were turning into monsters, which was very dangerous.

If the plague was not eradicated, they could not leave there.

Hearing this, Giroud felt that he was trapped in despair and coldness like an ice cave.

In that dark space, Giroud thought that he would never be able to leave there for the rest of his life and became someone else's experimental subject.

Despair and fear grew in his heart, and he missed his wife and his daughter.

Just when they were in despair, the great mayor appeared, bringing them hope and an extremely bright future.

During the subsequent week of treatment, although it was painful, everyone was excited to see their bodies gradually getting better and the plague under control.

At the same time, for those with limb mutations, the mayor not only provided them with free amputation treatment, but also installed the dreamlike mechanical arm for them for free after the amputation.

Those mechanical prostheses are so powerful and easy to use. Not only do they have some special abilities, they are even more flexible than the original palms, and have powerful strength beyond ordinary people.

And these things that countless people dream of but cannot get, they actually get them for free.

However, not only that, the things that the great mayor injects them every day have special magical substances, which are called magical blood by Dr. Morsi as self-healing blood.

This blood born from blood therapy not only expels parasites in their bodies, but also expels some visible and invisible diseases in their bodies.

A month after returning home, Giroud was surprised to find that his blood sugar and blood lipids were not high, his cervical and lumbar spondylosis was cured, and even the desperate baldness had grown hair again.

Such examples are not just him. All those who have experienced that period of treatment have achieved different degrees of self-healing.

And all of this is free, without any cost or commitment.

Because they are the people of Arkham, they are the people under the jurisdiction of the great mayor!

More than three months later, thinking of the original things, Giroud is still overwhelmed.

She walked out of the bathroom and sat at the dining table in the living room.

At this time, three hearty breakfasts were prepared on the table, two slices of toast, an omelette, a cup of hot milk, and a sausage.

Mrs. Giroud smiled and sat down and said, "We have to work hard today! I heard that Dr. Yar can not only cure diseases and save lives, but also catch thieves."

Giroud was not surprised, but still stared: "Where did you know this?"

"Of course it's the club." Mrs. Giroud stood up and straightened her chest and asked: "How is it? Have I become slimmer?"

Giroud looked around and found that his wife was really thinner now.

Mrs. Giroud smiled and said, "The Arkham Flower Club is really amazing. I only exercised there for a week, and the effect is so obvious!"

Hearing this, Giroud immediately understood.

Now the Arkham Flower Club has become a paradise for upper-class and middle-class women in the entire city.

Giroud pouted and said, "Then practice well and don't cause any trouble. That's Ms. Arkham's club."

Mrs. Giroud rolled her eyes at him and said, "You don't need to remind me! And we are sisters!"

At this time, their daughter Leta ran out and quickly ate breakfast, then went out with her schoolbag on her back: "I'm leaving!"

"Put on your hat! It's snowing today!" Mrs. Giroud hurriedly followed.

The 16-year-old playful girl Leta stuck out her tongue, her eyes turned mischievously and said, "Tracy taught us a kind of aerobics called martial arts. I'm not afraid of this little cold!"

After saying that, Mrs. Giroud saw her daughter stepping on the white snow with both feet, running fast for a few seconds and then disappeared.

"My daughter has grown up. I heard from Principal Anita that Leta and Tracy have a good relationship. I'm sure it's true." Giroud, who had also finished eating, stood up and picked up his coat and scarf.

Mrs. Giroud smiled and said, "That's right, Tracy is the first person in Arkham to be cured by blood therapy, and it was the great mayor who cured her personally!"

The women were very talkative, especially when they were exercising together in the same space.

Tracy's mother Leila was also like this, and she couldn't help showing off.

And everyone in the school knew that Tracy was suddenly cured. Calculating the time, it seems that she was really the first.

The other women were very envious and naturally wanted their children to have more contact with Tracy.

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