Putting on a hat and scarf, Giroud walked along the street to Arkham Central Hospital.

Although he had experienced such a serious incident before, the entire hospital had fully resumed operation two months ago, and the relevant medical staff also took up their posts in a new, more professional and powerful form than before.

Since then, all the efficiency of the entire hospital has at least doubled.

The doctors who are in better health can see patients faster, and the arms replaced with mechanical prostheses are several times more stable than before. The physical enhancement can allow a female nurse to easily move 70 to 80 kilograms of medical supplies.

Giroud lives in the North District, not far from here. It takes about 700 meters to walk along Hyde Street to reach the City Center Hospital. This is also why he has never bought a car.

Woof woof woof!

Passing by an intersection, Giroud suddenly heard a dog barking. He turned his head and saw a sled dog with a black back, white limbs, and a pair of deep blue eyes digging snow in the corner of the wall while barking.

This dog looks very special and has a very rich expression, but looking closely at its eyes, it seems that the dog's IQ is not high.

When Giroud saw the dog, he immediately stopped and waved at it: "Come here! Erha!"

This was a wild dog that broke into the northern suburbs of the city from the mountains about two and a half months ago. At that time, everyone thought it was a wolf.

But the mayor seemed very happy when he saw it and said, "Isn't this Erha?"

Then the mayor prepared to let the dog roam freely in the city, saying that it could protect the city.

After that, people also followed the mayor's name and called the dog Erha.

Since Erha had been active in the northern suburbs of the city, very close to Arkham Sanatorium, and Mursi and Kurvin were both dog lovers, the two had been feeding the dog for more than two months.

This dog also seemed to be very human. After getting to know it more, it became bolder. In the past half month, it could even trot all the way from the central area to the commercial area.

Due to the mayor's order at the time, this special dog was on the newspaper, and the residents of the city knew it, so no one made things difficult for it.

The Erha, who was called by Giroud, wagged his tail and came over happily to pull Giroud away.

Giroud saw that there was still time, so he smiled and walked with Erha for a while.

Erha led Giroud to an alley. Before Giroud could react, he suddenly felt two figures suddenly appear and then directly held him hostage.

"Who are you?" After experiencing the previous things, Giroud was very calm.

"Take off your mechanical arm." The person who strangled his neck whispered.

While speaking, another person took out a piece of meat and threw it on the ground. Erha ran over and ate it happily.

Seeing this, Giroud laughed and said, "The mayor is right."

At this time, Giroud remembered one of the words the mayor said about Erha.

"Don't trust Erha's guidance casually, because this thing has a low IQ and can easily reach a consensus with the enemy."

At this time, he could feel the person behind him taking out a knife and putting it on his neck: "Be honest, otherwise I will kill you directly."

Giroud replied calmly: "To be honest, with the wisdom of you people, even if you take back all the prosthetic limbs, you can't understand the technology involved."

As he said, Giroud tilted his head slightly, with a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Because, you are too stupid."

"You are looking for death!" The masked strong man who gave Erha meat was suddenly angry, raised his bowl-sized fist, and hit Giroud's head.

At this time, Giroud shouted: "There is blood to drink!"

This sentence seems to have a special magic.

The moment this voice came out, the huge fist that was about to hit Giroud's face froze in mid-air.

At this time, Erha's body has grown many times taller, from the normal size just now to a shoulder height of 1.5 meters!

In addition to the enlargement of the body, a large number of blood-red lines appeared in the black and white hair, and the shape was very similar to the tiger's lines.

Moreover, one side of its eyes was ice blue, and the other side was blood red.

At this time, Erha's huge mouth directly bit the strong man's mouth, and then suddenly exerted force.


A harsh sound rang out, and the strong man's arm was actually bitten off by Erha.

A large amount of blood gushed out with screams, dyeing the frost on the wall and the snow on the ground red.

"What's going on!?" The person who held Giroud hostage had never seen such a battle, and was immediately confused.

This is when Giroud suddenly pushed back, and then the mechanical palm quickly and accurately pinched the blade next to his neck and broke it directly.

The man was immediately panicked, and his feet slipped while his body retreated, and he sat on the ground with his buttocks.

Giroud looked at the two people and said calmly: "It can lure me here for a piece of meat, so it can bite you to death for a bowl of special blood."

"Remember, don't cooperate with Erha casually, because it may reach a consensus with the enemy at any time."


Five minutes later, when Giroud was petting the dog, two ghoul policemen rushed over.

After a simple inquiry, the policeman on the left said disdainfully: "They are all a group of guys who are greedy for money. If this continues, our prison will not be enough!"

With the increasing number of blood therapy and mechanical prostheses, those outside have begun to envy this special technology and are trying to obtain some things through various methods to take them back for research.

Among the robbers and thieves caught recently, there are as many as 120 people who are related to mechanical prostheses!

Another policeman said: "It's okay to bring a few superhumans for us to practice. It's been so peaceful recently that my hands are itching."

Giroud smiled and said: "I think this kind of life is pretty good."

After that, there was no need to ask. The two policemen carried the robber covered in blood with a smile on their faces.

Following the police, Erha also left.

Because it had just made another contribution, it was going back to Arkham Sanatorium to receive the reward.

For more than two months of feeding, Erha drank a lot of special blood in Arkham Sanatorium. In order to increase the dog's deceptiveness, the three doctors Mursi, Kurvin, and Bochi joined forces to conduct special intensive training for Erha.

And successfully set a switch in his subconscious.

That is "There is blood to drink" These are the four words it likes to hear most on weekdays.

After the switch is turned on, Erha will first reveal its true extraordinary form, and protect the residents of Arkham and attack outsiders.

After the switch is turned off, it is still the seemingly harmless Husky with low intelligence.

Feeling that time is running out, Giroud ran all the way to the hospital.

"Dr. Giroud, you are finally here! Come and have a look. There seems to be a new type of influenza that attacks the human respiratory system!"

"Here I am!" Giroud, wearing a white coat, started a new day of work.

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