Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 275 Three Months of Development

At ten o'clock in the morning, the light snow outside had stopped, and the dark clouds dispersed, like a huge blue crystal covering the entire sky.

The bright sunlight shone down from the sky, reflected by the white snow on the ground, making the whole Arkham enter a white and glorious mode.

At this time, Los was sitting in the large conference room of the city government, listening to the daily work report.

The meeting was chaired by Daryl, and Los came once a week to listen to the most important progress.

At this time, there were about twenty people around the desk.

Among them were the heads of nine areas, the heads of relevant departments and structures, and three special record typists.

With the gradual abundance of talents, as well as the queen's policies and help, Los's new plan for Arkham has been fully realized, and people have accepted the division of Arkham's new areas.

The first to report was the current district chief of the North District: Father Hester.

With the death of Dr. Laban, the incident he caused this time, and the relationship between the Redemption Society and the Father God Redemption Society, after the end of the plague, Los immediately ordered the liquidation and arrest of all members of the Redemption Society in Arkham.

Those who didn't know the inside story were all driven out of Arkham, while those who knew the inside story were left in Arkham forever.

"Although merchants and chambers of commerce in the empire dare not come here due to the continuous sanctions within the empire, with the opening of new shipping, caravans from the other two empires have gradually come here. From the current contacts, the intention to cooperate is very strong, but we can't solve the problem of freight now."

After listening to Father Hester's introduction, Losen said: "Calm down these merchants first, and the problem of freight will be solved soon."

Hearing this, everyone was immediately shocked, because the core problem that now curbs the development of Arkham is freight.

You know, at this level of blockade, construction steel and cement used in construction cannot be transported to Arkham.

After the introduction of the North District, it is the East District.

Now the district representative of the East District is Xina. Today, Xina's ability and loyalty have been well proven, so she has the qualifications to become the district head of the East District.

Of course, the real person in charge of each area is not on the surface, there are other people on the surface.

Xina reported with a serious face: "Everything is going well in the East District recently. The relevant housing planning has been designed and we are just waiting for the engineering team to arrive and start construction."

"In addition, the Arkham Cultural Center has been officially established and can be opened to the public. It is located at 656 Federal Street in the East District. There are currently 16 civilian staff members, 10 combat personnel and Black Glove members, and a total of 26 employees in the department."

Los nodded with satisfaction: "In the past three months, Xina and her Black Gloves have performed very well. I am very satisfied."

Xina was immediately happy after hearing this, and hurriedly said: "Thank you for your praise!"

"Your bonus has arrived and will be distributed to them today."

"Yes! Mayor!"

After the East District is the last district on the North Shore, the previous River District, and now the Port District.

The Port District is the busiest today. With the replanning and reconstruction of the entire Port District and the establishment of the Royal Port, it is bustling every day.

The person in charge here now is Minissa. She and Elizabeth are responsible for the construction of the shipyard and the Royal Port at the same time.

After all, Minissa was also the Pope before. Although she is young, she is diligent and studious, and she has some experience and can get started quickly.

Although he was a little flustered at the beginning, he was fully competent in the second month and everything was handled in an orderly manner.

"The foundation of the shipyard has been compacted. After testing, we can start building above the ground from the day after tomorrow."

"The Royal Port is faster than the shipyard. Now the dock and the inner command tower of Pier 1 are being built at the same time. It is expected to be completed within ten days."

"The engineering team supported by Her Majesty the Queen and the new technology are very practical. According to the construction team leader, their current construction speed is about five times faster than before."

Los nodded and asked, "Are the employees I introduced to you useful?"

Hearing this, Minnie's eyes suddenly lit up, and she nodded like a chick pecking at rice: "Very useful! You are really... so great! My dear mayor, Seth and the others' arrival solved my urgent needs."

Los sent six mermaids to Minnie. They have strong physiques, can work underwater for a long time, and have good combat effectiveness. They have been of great help in these days.

After reporting on the commercial district, college district, and other areas that did not change much, it was time for each department to report.

The most critical one was the once impoverished banker, Lewis.

There were not many people in Arkham who really understood finance, and Lewis was one of them.

Now he was not only the president of Arkham Bank, but also the minister of the city's finance department, responsible for the use and planning of money.

A normal Lewis would have died of exhaustion long ago, so two and a half months ago, he became a beneficiary of blood therapy and became a level 15 superhuman.

After that, Lewis worked every day as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and he was full of energy.

Lewis reported directly: "Last week, the various departments of the city spent a total of 560,000 Rosa coins, which were mainly used to pay wages and purchase materials, as well as the construction of residences for relevant departments."

"Last week, the city's total income was 720,000, of which the main income was loans and taxes."

"Although the Empire is now imposing sanctions on us in various aspects, they still underestimated the temptation of this place to those people. Now a large number of black market merchants come to us for purchases, and they have become our main source of tax and loan income."

Hearing this, Los laughed: "The main income of loan interest and taxes for a city government is actually a group of black market merchants and a group of desperate criminals. It turns out that reality is much more magical than fiction."

After listening, the others thought about it, and then couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

This is indeed a bit funny. It turns out that the group of lawless lunatics are the ones who feed the city government!

Lewis smiled and said: "It is thanks to Ms. Sheena, Mr. O'Banion, Director Harden and the general public that these guys can pay the interest and taxes obediently."

Aside, Harden with a wild beard, as well as Sheena and Danny, all showed "happy" and "relieved" smiles at the same time.

It is not easy to make these black-hearted black market merchants and undead pay. It is difficult to investigate their transaction flow and whereabouts.

But all this is not difficult for Arkham, because the citizens of Arkham are warm and hospitable, and they like to pay attention to those strangers, especially those who are sneaky and like to go out at night.

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