Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 276: Desperado's Paradise

After receiving enthusiastic reports from the masses, Chief Harden led the police to take the lead.

Then, the self-righteous black market merchants and killer mercenaries soon realized what the horror of the police was.

When they found that the police here were invulnerable, powerful, and even faster than cars, they finally understood why the government here was so powerful that they dared to collect taxes from them, the group of undead.

However, this is not the end.

If some people can get away from the police's eyes by chance, or even prepare to do something, then they will be greeted by the "hospitality" of the lovely staff of the Arkham Cultural Center.

And the "enthusiastic adjustment" of the Arkham Community Committee.

When these guys came out, they suddenly found that money was really nothing compared to life.

Then people suddenly found that this group of desperadoes seemed to have suddenly realized the true meaning of life. Even when smuggling, they became a little Buddhist, and from time to time they lamented the brevity of life and said strange things about cherishing life.

However, this is how it is, these guys gradually found that they can no longer leave Arkham.

Because this is a self-made special zone, it has conveniences that are not available in other places in the empire. They can trade weapons with merchants from other empires at any time and understand the international market.

At the same time, they found that they did not need to be so sneaky when trading here.

As long as they don't make trouble and pay the venue fees and taxes, they can not only get the treatment of normal merchants, but also get loans from the city government when they are short of funds!

When they found these huge conveniences, they regarded the whole Arkham as a paradise.

Even many desperate people who have nowhere to go will run here to hide their names and take refuge.

For them, Arkham is now a paradise isolated from the world.

However, the most important thing for them is the huge business opportunities and the hidden extraordinary existence here.

In an accidental opportunity, a killer with missing arms and legs disappeared for a week and appeared in their underground bar again. Not only did all his limbs recover, but he also gained powerful strength beyond normal people.

This immediately shocked everyone on the road at that time. Then, under their constant questioning, the killer collected enough intelligence fees and told what he knew.

Desperate, he came to the outside of a mental hospital without knowing when, and was found by a doctor in a white coat who was feeding a dog.

The doctor took him to the mental hospital and cured him with a blood therapy technique. Then he not only grew his broken hands, but also gained great power.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and countless rumors and legends suddenly appeared about the mysterious mental hospital.

Under the constant legends and desires, this group of ignorant people sneaked into the mental hospital to see what was going on.

Then the first five people who went in all turned into mental patients who could only make a sound, which shocked everyone.

You know, these five people are all good at them!

At this time, a well-known old man on the road, the mercenary leader nicknamed Scar Tiger, took the initiative to enter the mental hospital because he lost an arm.

Then, under the expectation of everyone, Scar Tiger came out three days later. His arm did not grow out, but was replaced by a mechanical arm, a terrifying mechanical arm that can be turned into a sharp blade and has great power!

Scar Tiger killed all his enemies overnight with this arm, and then he retired and became a resident of Arkham City.

Later, he and the killer became the only two links connecting the dark world and the mental hospital.

As time went on, these guys who lived on the edge of a knife suddenly discovered a brand new world.

There, as long as you are willing to pay enough, you can be saved even if you only have one breath left.

Broken limbs can not only be regenerated, but also equipped with powerful mechanical arms.

If you are willing to pay more, you can also buy some potions.

These potions can speed up the healing of your wounds, or you can temporarily gain super strength, or a strong body that is not afraid of water and fire...

Various consumable potions for powerful bodies kept coming out, which immediately made this group of desperate people who lived in battle every day see a brand new world.

Immediately afterwards, they found huge business opportunities here.

A bottle of potion that can heal deep bones in five seconds costs 50,000 Rosa coins to buy here, but if it is secretly transported out, it can be bought for 70,000 Rosa coins, or even more!

Such horrific profits and such magical technology completely stuck this group of the most ferocious desperadoes in this city.

Unconsciously, they have become inseparable from this place and the medicines delivered from the mental hospital.

"How is the hospital?" Los asked.

Now Arkham's main income is still from the Arkham Sanatorium, because the consumable medicines developed by Murthy are too magical. After using them once and feeling the magic, the desperadoes can no longer leave.

With a smile on his face, Murthy said: "In the past three months, a total of 15 patients have been received, six of whom were carefully selected by Kurvin and me. After receiving treatment, they have become our people and help us supervise them."

"The total medical income is 7.2 million Rosa coins."

"Oh my God!" Hearing this number, the others took a breath.

Especially Lewis, after hearing this number, he realized that the real income was here.

Ross smiled and said, "Don't be surprised, this is just the medical income, Morsi, what about the medicine?"

Morsi's mouth corners gradually widened, and it seemed that he could no longer suppress his inner joy.

"A total of 100 consumable potions were sold in three months, and different potions had different prices. The total income was 6.34 million."

"Oh my God! Wait! Let me calculate!"

At this time, Lewis, who was most sensitive to numbers, felt that his mind was a little blank.

It's only been three months! How much is Arkham's current financial total? It seems to be more than 7 million.

And Elizabeth was secretly shocked when she heard this number. This is too profitable.

Kulven then reported: "Ninety-two of the one hundred potions have been used. There are still eight left, which have flowed into the hands of the top leaders of various underworld organizations. The price of each potion has exceeded 150,000."

Los praised loudly: "Murthy, you are really a great contributor to Arkham. This consumable potion can not only bring huge profits, but also solve the problem of rarity. You are really a genius!"

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