The entire weekly meeting took two hours. While Los understood the overall progress, the heads of each region also had a full understanding of the overall situation.

At twelve o'clock, everyone left the conference room and prepared for new work after lunch.

After the meeting, Ross took some time off.

He has now assigned all the work at hand and related tasks to these grown up subordinates.

Now he just needs to be a leisurely mayor, eating desserts, reading books, hugging beautiful women every day, and living the fairy-like life he dreams of.

"Tonight, you can let Lilith try a new trick." Lose leaned leisurely on his rocking chair, thinking about the erotic scene tonight, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised crazily.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Lose suppressed his smile and said, "Come in."

Then a somewhat dusty Charles walked in and said, "Mayor, we didn't find it."

"How are things going in Dunwich?" asked Ross.

Char replied: "It looks very normal, still as lifeless as before. I asked the locals and they saw Carrington about a week ago. At that time, Carrington was in a trance and very vigilant. "

Los Angeles frowned when he heard this: "Carrington is a super human transformed by me myself. He has pure blood of the ancient gods in his body. He already had level 37 strength when he left Arkham more than three months ago. , how could it become like this?”

Dunwich has been very calm since the incident seven years ago, eight years ago to be precise, and Carrington didn't say anything dangerous when he said it was over.

As a low-level dungeon that allowed Dr. Armitage, who was only level 10 at the time, to directly deal with it, it stands to reason that Carrington, who was level 37, could be said to have been devastating in the past and could simply use unparalleled power to sweep through.

But what Ross didn't expect was that Carrington had been gone for more than three months without any news. Ross had sent six waves of people over, but no one could find Carrington.

Every time I went there, people said they had seen Carrington a few days ago, but they couldn't find Carrington.

Los asked again: "How about the topographical survey of the entire Dunwich?"

"Everything is normal, there is nothing abnormal. I investigated every household living there, and then focused on the Sentinel Ridge where the divine descending incident occurred, but I found nothing abnormal."

As a senior elite investigator, it goes without saying that Char's investigative abilities are not to be overstated. After being strengthened and nourished by blood therapy in the past three months, he has reached level 36 strength.

Ross nodded slightly: "Okay, thank you for your hard work, let's go and rest!"

Char did not leave, but continued to report: "Mayor, when I came back this time, I found a lot of people with very strange movements wandering around outside the town of Arkham, and some people began to destroy railroad tracks and roads. "

Los said casually: "We don't need to worry about these. The group of desperadoes from the dark world will help us solve these troubles."

Charles understood and finished his final report: "Mayor, I had a weird dream the night before I left Dunwich."

"In the dream, I came to a special world with rugged rocks but very beautiful scenery. It seemed to be an independent world, and there were many weird monsters there."

Los's eyes flashed when he heard this: "Can you remember what those monsters look like?"

Char shook his head: "I can't remember. It's very blurry. It's like I was separated by a hazy glass. I clearly know that the other party is a monster, but I just can't remember what they look like."

After the report, Char left to rest.

Ross leaned on the chair and looked at the brown ceiling: "Independent space? Or a special barrier? Can Carrington, who has my blood, be trapped or controlled? Is he a person of this world? Or does he not belong to this world? monster?"

Lose, who had been thinking for a long time and felt that he had no idea, got up and went out, preparing to seek help from others.

Arkham Public High School, 665 Church Street, College District.

As the city government's finances get better and better, Arkham Public High School has also been expanded to a certain extent. The old facilities that had been used for nearly 20 years were replaced with brand-new equipment. The entire school seems to have become a brand new building. An average aristocratic school.

During the lunch break, Tracy and her two good sisters, Lieta and Jane, happily played in the snow by the school's flower bed after having lunch in the school cafeteria.


The snowballs formed by Tracey could be thrown several meters away very easily, while the snowballs made by Lieta and Jane fell apart after being thrown less than one meter.

"Wow! Tracy, you are really amazing!" Jane, who has light blue hair, has bright eyes and a look of envy on her face.

Trish looked a little proud, looked down at her increasingly powerful palm, and then said with admiration: "These are all gifts from the great mayor."

More than four months have passed now, but the god-like figure standing under the afterglow of the setting sun has become more and more profound in her heart, so much so that whenever she closes her eyes, she is filled with that figure.

"Praise the mayor every day, and the progress is 11/20!" Lieta said with a smile.

Tracy's face suddenly turned red and she said in embarrassment: "No counting!"

Then the two girls burst into laughter like silver bells.

After playing for a while, the three of them built some snowmen. The three of them squatted around the snowmen, their little faces flushed, and with their lively eyes and the hot air they kept exhaling, they were full of youth and vigor.

"Tracy, do you think we will have the opportunity to become as powerful as you in the future?" Leta asked with envy.

Nowadays, not many people know about Tracy's special power, and the two good sisters are one of them.

Tracy smiled and said, "Of course, I heard from my father that the blood therapy developed by Dr. Mursi has become more and more powerful. As long as you can make enough contributions, you can gain special powers through blood therapy."

"We are all ordinary people, how can we make contributions?" Jane blinked.

Tracy looked around, and then said mysteriously: "I'll tell you a secret, don't tell anyone else."

The two girls nodded solemnly.

"There are two ways!"

"I heard from Sister Hina that in the French Mountains, Ms. Arkham is going to set up a special school to teach some special knowledge and abilities. If you can pass the exam and enter there, you can get the blood therapy enhancement for free."

"In addition, I heard from Uncle Conte that the Arkham Police Department has set up the Arkham Police Academy to train excellent police officers. If you are successfully admitted to the police academy, you can also get the blood therapy enhancement!"

Hearing this, the two girls' eyes lit up, and the doors of two new worlds opened to them!

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