While the three little girls were chatting, they suddenly heard a commotion in the distance. The three of them immediately stood up and turned around to see Ross, who was wearing a black coat, a jazz hat and a long scarf. Smiling and talking to the students surrounding him.

"Oh my God! It's the mayor!" Lieta and Jane's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although their mayor is very kind and does not have any bureaucracy, the mayor is too busy and rarely shows up, so these students have never met.

However, the city's many favorable policies and the praise from parents and citizens made these children look forward to and admire the mayor even more.

"Hurry over!"

The three girls immediately ran over like the other students.

Ross here looked at this group of energetic teenagers and girls with a smile on his face. He knew very well that these people were the future of Arkham. If they were educated well, the future development of Arkham would not have any impact. question.

"Mr. Mayor! Mr. Mayor! Can you give me a signature?" A young man said loudly, holding up his notebook and pen.


"Mr. Mayor, thank you for your efforts. This year my parents and I don't have to suffer from the cold, and we can have warm heating every day." Another girl said loudly, tears of gratitude shed from the corners of her eyes.

"Don't cry, you all won this, work hard!"

"Mr. Mayor, thank you for your blood therapy, which saved my father's life!" Another young man with a tough head said excitedly.


The sounds of gratitude and admiration mixed with the smiles and tears of these teenagers made Loss feel very happy and happy in his heart, because he knew that everything he did had value and was rewarded.

Ever since, the smile on Los's face became happier and brighter, because this is what he wanted, and this was one of his original purposes!

"Mr. Mayor!" A familiar voice sounded. Ross turned around and saw the youthful and energetic Tracy happily waving to him.

Ross looked at Tracy now and showed her a special smile.

This immediately made Tracy blush.

"The mayor smiled at you! The mayor smiled at you!" Lieta and Jane held Trish's hands and jumped up happily.

It seemed that Los's arrival had caused quite a stir. The school's principal, Ms. Anita, came over with the vice principal and dean of students to greet him.

"Mr. Mayor, why didn't you tell me before you came?" Principal Anita asked with a smile on her face.

This was the first time for Ross to see this legendary astrologer. After a brief inspection, he found that in his normal form, he could not see through the details of this mature and kind female principal.

"She is somewhat similar to Moulton. She has a special power that protects them." Ross could feel that special power.

Ross smiled and said, "I just came in on a temporary basis to have a look and cause you trouble."

"Looking at what you said, this is not troublesome! Your arrival has made our school shine!" the vice principal and dean said quickly.

After a brief exchange of greetings, the students gradually dispersed. Anita brought Los to the office. After serving tea and water, Anita sent the irrelevant people away, leaving only two people in the small office.

Lose casually leaned on the sofa and said, "Is this our first official meeting? Ms. Anita."

At this time, Anita's posture was still a bit reserved. Although she could deal with Lilith calmly and even indifferently, it was completely different for Los.

Not to mention the huge power gap between the two, just the natural goodwill and recognition are completely different.

Although the mayor in front of her was hundreds of times more terrifying than Lilith, the mayor's ideas and aura made Anita feel as comfortable as a spring breeze.

Anita said with a hint of apology on her face: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Mayor, due to some special reasons, I can't take the initiative to show my identity and abilities to anyone. Please forgive me."

Ross nodded slightly: "I understand."

After a pause, Ross said directly: "You should be the guardian responsible for controlling and protecting the Arkham Leyline, right?"

Hearing this, Anita was not surprised and admitted directly: "Your wisdom is so profound. You are right, I am the guardian of Arkham's earth line."

"Were all the special powers of Kenneth, Mark, Moulton, Chambers, Hindvall, and Art given to these people by you?"

Anita nodded: "Yes, due to some special reasons, I don't have much fighting power myself. If I want to protect this place, I need a strong enough guard, so I used the power of the earth's veins to guide some special power and poured it into their in the body.”

"Why were they chosen?" Los asked.

Anita answered seriously: "Although these people all have some moral and quality problems, they all have bottom lines and softness deep in their hearts. The most important thing is that they all have a strong enough attachment to Arkham." feel."

After hearing this, Ross agreed. With the abilities of this group of people, they could easily go out and make a name for themselves, but they did not leave here.

"It shouldn't be just them, right?" Los asked.

Anita nodded, then said with a look of embarrassment on her face: "I'm sorry, mayor, I can't speak to these people because of my oath."

Ross smiled and waved his hand: "You don't need to tell me, I probably know who they are."

He said it easily, but Ross was a little confused in his heart.

"How many original NPCs are there in Arkham now that I don't know about?"

Anita said gratefully: "Thank you for your understanding."

After a brief chat, Los said: "There are two main things I came here for this time."

"First, how is the current situation of Arkham's earth vein? It should suppress at least two dungeon mazes."

Anita immediately replied seriously: "It is still stable at present. Arkham's earth vein is a super-large earth vein. This is the convergence of six large mountain ranges. The overall trend is nine turns. It can be said that it is the convergence of half of the Sacred Sea and half of the earth veins of all the lands of the empire."

Hearing this, Los immediately understood: "No wonder, three dungeon mazes are suppressed here, and only such a powerful earth vein can stabilize these things."

Anita asked tentatively: "What do you plan to do with the earth vein?"

Los shook his head: "You don't need to worry. As long as it is not the true god, there is nothing in this world that is qualified for me to use the power of the earth vein."

Hearing these casual and domineering words, Anita felt excited and relieved at the same time.

The earth veins are where the essence of countless lands and spaces gather. Although they have great power, using them carelessly can cause great changes in the world.

Anita has always been worried about Los's attitude towards the earth veins. Now that she heard this, the big rock that had been hanging in her heart has finally fallen.

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