After the stone in Anita's heart fell to the ground, Los's first question had also been answered.

Immediately, Ross asked: "The second question for me this time. I need you to observe Dunwich through the ley lines. A special mutation seems to have occurred there."

Anita agreed readily after hearing this: "Yes, but mayor, the observation will take some time. After I conduct the observation tonight, how about I report to you tomorrow morning?"

Ross nodded and stood up: "Okay."

After sending Lose away, Anita breathed a deep sigh of relief. Ross's existence had always been like a sharp sword hanging above her head, with the possibility of falling at any time.

But she couldn't take the initiative to negotiate with Los. She couldn't figure out Ross's thoughts and could only make vague observations through her own power.

In recent months, as the city has developed better and better, although the sword has been slightly lowered, it has not been completely put down.

Now after negotiating with Los, Anita can feel completely at ease and does not need to worry about so many worries.

"Dunwich... something seemed to have happened in that place seven years ago, but my teacher was still guarding the earth line at that time. I really don't understand."

Anita thought to herself, preparing to take a good look at the observation logs passed down by their guardians over the years at night.

There are very detailed records on it, all about the major events that have happened around Arkham in recent years.

After leaving under the admiring gaze of all the students, Ross also temporarily put aside the matter of Carrington.

Although Arkham is prospering now, the external situation is even more severe.

The power of the military that has been operating in the empire for many years has gradually emerged. On the other side, the Redemption Society of Father God has also begun to use its own energy to blockade Arkham. It secretly wants to make a comeback and investigate who the elite team was last time. For some reason the entire army was suddenly wiped out.

"Borg is following up on the shipyard matter. I don't need to worry about it. Elizabeth is here at the port, so there is no problem. But even if these two places are built, they must be connected with the market, otherwise there will be no ships." After unloading the goods, the ships produced cannot be sold, and in the end it is still a waste.”

While deep in thought, Ross had already driven to Arkham Sanitarium.

It seems that although Arkham Sanatorium has not changed much, there is currently a lot of construction work going on underground to build that magnificent asylum.

As soon as I walked into the sanatorium, I saw a large number of workers transporting a large amount of sand out of a channel.

The sand is mined from the ground.

This is not because some special mineral deposits were suddenly discovered underground in Arkham. The sand was made from skulls that were captured in the hospital.

In this era, the industrial level was not developed, and the manpower and technology required to conduct such a large-scale and deep underground excavation were not something Arkham could afford today.

At this time, the fourth containment object in Arkham, a special existence named "Yellow Sand Skull" came into play.

After detailed measurements and tests, the Yellow Sand Skull can form a huge yellow sand field filled with tremendous pressure, and then turn all materials in this field into sand.

Depending on the energy given, the range of use is also different.

The original area surrounding the entire hospital required the creation of a special area, so it was not its ultimate distance.

According to Ross's personal testing, as long as enough energy is given, the Huangsha Skull can release its ultimate ability once and can turn all the material in a cube with a side length of fifty meters into sand of the same weight.

The soil beneath Arkham is very special. Even the most advanced machines are difficult to dig, but this skull can easily handle it.

As a result, in the past three months, Ross personally controlled the entire skull twice and mined out all the space needed for the entire asylum.

And the transformed sand is terrifying. Until now, a small part of the sand inside has not been transported out.

Instead of going to the underground construction site, Los went to Morsi first.

Under the research of Morsi and Wayne, the foundation and framework of the overall blood therapy technique have been established, and they already have their own system.

As his current core method, whether he is dealing with those businessmen or developing technology in the future, this fantastic technology will be indispensable.

When I came here just now, I happened to see Morsi, Wayne, and Kurwin studying something.

"Master!" The three of them saw Lose coming and turned around to say hello.

Ross smiled and asked, "Any new discoveries?"

"We are in the process of classifying blood therapy in detail," Morsi explained.

"Oh?!" Los Angeles suddenly became interested.

Wayne pointed to the notebook in his hand and said: "As our current technology gradually matures, there are many things we can do. Recently, the demand from the black market merchants has increased, and we have researched more and more categories. When I came back after the meeting and studied the supply and demand process, I suddenly discovered that we didn’t have a detailed catalog.”

Kurwin clapped his fingers: "We can now perform surgeries to save lives, regenerate broken limbs, enhance physical performance, obtain special abilities, and also have various permanent effects of blood and temporary effects of blood. All items added together, there are six or seven Ten kinds.”

Losin said, "We will need to use blood therapy to seduce those upper-class people to come to us. At that time, we must show them enough maturity and professionalism. Such classification is necessary."

Murthy raised the notebook in his hand and said, "Based on the current situation and discussion, we will temporarily divide blood therapy into four types: health care drugs, body modification, human body enhancement, and terminal illness treatment."

"The health care drug series currently has fat inhibitors, mainly for women; sexual function enhancers, for men; anti-aging drugs, for all wealthy businessmen."

"The body modification series includes mechanical prosthetics modification, genetic modification, organ addition, and bloodline modification."

"Human The physical enhancement system is divided into three types: muscle enhancement, ability enhancement, and system enhancement. "

"The treatment of diseases includes limb regeneration, terminal illness treatment, and rebirth."

"Drugs include enhancement, treatment, and auxiliary types. Permanently effective drugs are temporarily not open to the public."

Los looked at the contents of the book in detail, nodded with satisfaction and said, "Very good, it is already very comprehensive, just change it like this."

"In addition, the name is too simple, change it to something cooler, such as the name of the health care medicine department, which can be changed to Super Fantasy Amplification Department."

When the three people heard the name, they looked at each other and didn't think the name was very good. Instead, it was a little... too weird.

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