Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 280: The Legend of the Potion

The provincial capital of Massa Province, Provincial Police Department.

Kane coughed twice with difficulty and took the lead to look at the two high-spirited young police officers in front of the desk.

Although they are young, they are already in their thirties. These two people are now the backbone of the Provincial Police Department, Section Chief Church and Section Chief Bude.

"Director, we have recently captured another group of unscrupulous black marketeers who are entering Arkham through various methods." Section Chief Church spoke.

Kai said weakly: "Is there anything unusual?"

Chief Qiu Qi said angrily: "This group of undead gangsters is getting more and more rampant. They only dared to be sneaky before, but in recent days, they suddenly seemed to have some confidence and started to become blatant."

"But the most bizarre thing is that we discovered a very strange problem during the arrest here."

"One of the outlaws this time suddenly mutated during the battle and turned into a giant with all muscles and a height of two meters. This guy is not afraid of gun attacks at all, and he is extremely strong. He can easily use his hands to Lift up our police car and throw it like a stone!"

"How is this possible?" Section Chief Bude looked unbelieving.

Chief Qiu Qi's eyes widened: "What's impossible? All my police officers saw it! Now there are three brothers who were seriously injured and lying in the hospital."

Chief Bude said angrily: "Your subordinates are naturally the same as you said. Are there any other witnesses?"

Although the two are colleagues, their relationship is not easy due to serious competition. Instead, they often undermine each other and create obstacles for each other.

Kane raised his hand at this time, and the two of them shut up.

Now as the top police officer in the entire province of Massa, the fifty-two-year-old Kane has a strong prestige in the police circle. He was born into a prominent family and is a top student who graduated from the police academy. After graduation, he did not show any pampering attitude. , not only is he strong in handling cases, but he also often rushed to the front line to catch criminals when he was young. He has six gunshot wounds on his body, which are proof of his honor over the years.

Now, whether it is the provincial capital or the top police officers in major cities, it can be said that he single-handedly led them. Over the years, they have been called the Tigers of Massa.

Kane's family has also relied on his prestige to become the fifth most powerful family in Massa Province.

However, such a person is now suffering from an incurable disease in his prime, and he looks to be in his sixties.

Kane asked: "Church, continue."

Chief Church said seriously: "Director, in view of Chief Bude's subjective issue, I hope I can report to you separately."

Kane grunted, turned to Bude and said, "You go out for a while first."

Bud didn't dare to disobey, and when he turned to leave, he gave Church a vicious look.

After only two people were left in the huge office, Church continued his report.

"I have been keeping an eye on this group of guys for a long time. They used to resell arms, but the amount of arms they carried the last few times was very small. They looked more like they were trading other things under the guise of arms."

"So we conducted a month-long investigation on them, and then we found out that they were dealing in a weird drug that looked like blood, which was very weird."

"We rushed in while they were trading and surrounded them all. One of them suddenly drank the stuff and turned into such a monster!"

"Also, another one of the people was shot three times by us and fled into the woods. We thought that the other person was seriously injured and could not run far, so we did not rush to chase him. However, we did not expect that after tracking for a while, we suddenly found that the blood stains disappeared. "Then we found three bullets on the ground, the same ones that had been shot into his body."

"Afterwards, we analyzed the footprints. The guy seemed to be taking out the bullet while running, and after the bullet was taken out, the wound was completely treated. We had a bullet hit his calf, but in the subsequent footprints , he can be said to be as fast as flying.”

Hearing this, a glimmer of light flashed in Kane's somewhat cloudy eyes: "What do you think?"

Church said seriously: "I then investigated the entire black market and found that recently, a batch of special potions appeared in the hands of this group of black market merchants. These potions seemed to have flowed out of Arkham, and these potions were all There are supernatural powers."

"Among them is a potion called Angel's Gift, which can quickly heal physical injuries, while another potion called Super Strength can turn people into muscle giants."

Kane looked at Church: "Are you starting to believe this too?"

Church smiled bitterly: "I didn't believe it before, but now that I've seen it, I have to believe it. And I believe even more that this is technology, rather than those weird things that are far-fetched."

Kane put his hands in front of his nose, pondered for two seconds and then asked: "Have you caught anyone alive?"

"The muscular man returned to normal after ten minutes and was captured alive by us. However, it has been interrogated for two days now and various methods have been used, but he has not said a word." Qiu Qi said with a look of helplessness.

"Where's the buyer?"

Church said tentatively: "The buyer committed suicide on the spot, but according to our investigation, he was one of the bodyguards of the young master in the Aled family."

"Because there are too many involved, we have not yet investigated the Aled family."

Kane nodded slightly: "Well, since the buyer is dead, let's end it here. Prepare interrogation room No. 0 for me. I will go to interrogate him personally."

Church nodded immediately after hearing this: "Understood!"

After Church left, Kane wanted to stand up, but found that his legs were not very useful, so he picked up the cane beside him and supported his body.

He turned his head and looked out the window at the bustling and lively streets outside. This was all his territory.

He did not have much power in administration, but in this market, he was an absolute local emperor.

"I have worked diligently all my life. Although my purpose was for power, I have done many more good things than those hypocrites. Why... did I get this terminal illness when I reached my peak!" Kane's face was a little distorted, and his face was full of resentment.

He is now suffering from a terminal illness called ALS, and is gradually losing control of his body. This disease is completely incurable and will eventually paralyze him completely, making it impossible to move a finger.

He is only 52 years old this year. Due to proper exercise and maintenance, his physical strength is very good. It is time to enjoy a good life.

He still wants to control his kingdom, he still has three beautiful celebrity mistresses waiting for his nourishment, he still has a lot of channels, and countless Rosa coins.

He is not willing to give up!

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