When Los was happily driving back home, a large-scale commotion was taking place in the southern area of ​​Federal Street, southeast of the central area.

Because a strange battle had just taken place here.

A hot spring hotel located here suddenly exploded violently, and it seemed that many people were killed inside.

But strangely, the dense old-style houses around were not affected at all.

The explosion attracted the attention of the residents around, but no one dared to approach here.

This is the territory of the Vanks gang, and these ordinary poor people dared not provoke this group of vicious gang members.

They only dared to watch carefully around, hoping to get some exclusive news, or sell it to those reporters in exchange for some blood wine money, or want to serve as a topic of conversation before and after drinking.

What surprised them was that, in theory, with such a big commotion here, other Vanks gang members should come soon, because they seemed to value this place very much, and often used cars to transport some wooden boxes inside, which seemed to contain some beasts.

People were also very curious, but as a hotel that provides meals, people didn't care too much.

"Something seems wrong today! It's not far from the police station. Why haven't those damn police come yet?" A gray-faced teenager hiding in the corner asked in a low voice.

For these lower-class people, there is no difference between those police and these gang members.

"Who knows? Go back and study quickly, Rum. How about we become doctors together in the future? Then open a private clinic on Yujin Street in the East District. I like the quiet there." A tomboy next to the teenager who is two or three years older than him said.

"I want to see if seeing these hateful guys get humiliated can make me happy for a week." The young master said with his eyes looking at the hotel with thick smoke.

Just as the two were talking, the first person finally walked out of the hotel after the explosion.

It was a woman with a great figure, perfect. She was wearing a white robe, a veil and a veil, and her appearance could not be seen clearly.

Her pair of well-trained long legs made the young Rum's eyes dazzled.

"This woman must be very beautiful!" Rum said, turning his head to look at the tomboy beside him: "Debbie, if you can be one tenth as beautiful as this woman, I will definitely marry you when I grow up!"

The tomboy named Debbie rolled his eyes at him after hearing this: "If I can be one tenth as beautiful as this woman, I still don't like you!"

"Oh my God! What's going on?" When the two people were bickering as usual, the people around them suddenly exclaimed.

At this time, everyone turned their heads and saw that behind the beautiful woman, there were girls wearing very inappropriate men's clothes.

These girls were only sixteen or seventeen years old, and the oldest was only in their early twenties. They all looked very good. Although they were very clean, they had black shackles on their palms and feet.

And from their appearance after surviving the disaster, everyone's first reaction was: slaves.

The empire has abolished slavery for more than fifty years, but there are still many rich people who like this dirty and illegal slave trade, especially those beautiful girls, who are important commodities for these human traffickers.

Seeing this, everyone present suddenly remembered that the wooden boxes that were usually transported into the hotel were not filled with animals, but these living girls.

"God! These damn scums!" Many citizens present cursed in a low voice when they saw this look of horror.

There were thirteen girls, and at this time they followed the beautiful woman very obediently, as if they were following the gods who saved them.

As the group of girls walked out, more onlookers came around.

When almost half of the people in the slums came, the beautiful woman made an intellectual, elegant, dignified and mature voice.

"These girls are all people trafficked by the Vanx Gang. Most of them come from the surrounding villages and were forcibly abducted by these people. Some of them have even been killed."

"Some people are missing people in our Arkham City. These people should have been enjoying their beautiful youth, but these damn traffickers ruined their lives!"

Hearing this, all the residents around were very angry. At the same time, they suddenly remembered their neighbors and even the girls who had been lost in their own homes over the years. They hated them even more and were excited for a while.

The magic in Lilith's language was fully utilized at this time.

"For so many years, the problems of human traffickers and gangs have been plaguing the central area and all the kind and hardworking people. I am announcing that this aspect will be greatly improved from today!"

"My name is Rita, and I am a subordinate of our great mayor, Los Arkham!"

"Mayor!? That young mayor!?" Everyone was a little surprised when they heard this.

Because they had just marched against the mayor under the instigation of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce.

Lilith said loudly: "Yes, the great mayor conducted a long investigation and took great risks to locate the den of this human trafficker, and then ordered me to come here today to rescue these poor girls."

"You may still have some questions as to why these gang members did not have reinforcements, and why the bad police officers who usually collaborate with them did not come to the rescue, right?"

Although everyone thought so, no one dared to nod at this time because the remaining power of these gangs was still there.

Lilith said loudly: "Don't be afraid! I can tell you here that the remnants of those gangs have been wiped out by my companions, and the bad policemen among the police have also been controlled by the mayor's other hands!"

"So I can rescue these poor girls by myself and give them a new life!"

"Don't be afraid! Our great Mayor Los Arkham is not what you have heard. He has great ideals and ambitions. He is setting out to change the current situation in Arkham. He is making plans that can make everyone happy. He has a medical system that can provide medical treatment, and he also plans to renovate this neighborhood so that you can live in a more comfortable and spacious house!”

Lilith may not be a good speaker, but the magic in her language helped him make up for all these shortcomings.

At this time, everyone immediately fell into a beautiful fantasy about the future after listening.

"Listen up, everyone! Fighting gangs and human traffickers is only the first step for our mayor to make reforms. Don't worry that our mayor is a false politician who only talks but does not do anything. You will soon get more benefits. and a better life, your house will be renovated within a year!”

Hearing this, everyone could no longer suppress their inner joy and excitement: "The mayor is great! Long live the mayor! The mayor is great! Long live the mayor!"

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