When Lilith was promoting Los's bright future plans, a middle-aged man with raven hair stood calmly at the intersection two blocks away.

In front of him, six black T-model cars were crowded in the middle of the road, but no one dared to move the car.

Because these six cars belonged to the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, and the people in the cars were from the Vanks Gang.

It's just that the more than twenty people in these six cars were already lying on the ground at this time, either holding their stomachs or holding their arms and wailing in pain.

None of the men died, but each had at least two broken bones.

People passing by and in the shops were extremely shocked when they saw this.

On the one hand, for the first time in so many years, someone dared to attack the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce in an open and honest manner.

Everyone knew tacitly that the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce controlled those two gangs.

But today this guy actually attacked them, and he took the initiative.

On the other hand, this guy beat up more than 20 people single-handedly, and he was still a big, strong man, which is a bit incredible.

Standing here is naturally Carrington.

Carrington looked down at these gang members, looked around at the crowd of onlookers, and said calmly in words that were not loud but could be heard by everyone: "You gang members are the cancer and moth in the entire Arkham City." , the mayor said that he has had enough of you torturing his citizens, and starting from today, the mayor will quickly clean up your evil gang. "

Carrington did not have that kind of magical power, nor could he speak impassionedly, but his indifferent and cold words had an indescribable power that convinced everyone.

Looking around, Carrington saw the surprise and surprise in the eyes of these people. He lowered his head and thought for a long time before slowly saying: "My young master, your Mayor of Los Arkham, does what he says, so don't worry. Within a month, all gangs in the central area will be eradicated."

"This is just the beginning."

After speaking indifferently, Carrington turned and left.

Just as Carrington turned to leave, a gang member who was lying beside the car suddenly took out a pistol from the car and shot Carrington.

"Uncle! Be careful!" a passing little boy warned loudly.


A shot was fired, and Carrington didn't even look back. He dodged the shot by turning his head slightly to the side. Then he casually took out a very ordinary table knife from his arms and flicked his arm.

A cold light flashed, and the man who had just fired was immediately stabbed through the head by the table knife. His eyes were filled with disbelief and he fell to the ground and died.

"Who else?" Carrington stopped and turned slightly to ask.

Seeing this scene, the other gang members were immediately frightened. Their faces turned pale and their whole bodies were trembling. They held their heads and stopped talking. They didn't even dare to look at Carrington.

Is this still a human being? ?

Carrington stood at the intersection for about ten seconds, then turned around and walked to the North Shore Market. He came to a flour shop and said, "Boss, give me thirty bags of flour."

The owner of the store had been dumbfounded just now, but he quickly came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Mr. Carrington, I didn't expect you to be so powerful!"

"There are exactly thirty bags. Do you want to open a bakery?" The boss tried hard to find a topic to ease his shock.

Carrington shook his head: "Suddenly there are more people at home."

"Oh! Okay! Okay! John! Prepare the carriage! Send it to Mr. Carrington!" The boss nodded after hearing this and hurriedly called his son to deliver the goods.

While shopping at Carrington, just opposite the police station.

Daryl stood calmly in the front office area of ​​the police station with Kurvin.

The phone calls here were all buzzing just now. There are thirty people here including the chief, superintendent, detective, and related patrol officers.

At this time, the thirty people gathered together with all kinds of expressions on their faces. They seemed to be about to go out, but were blocked by Daryl and Kurwin.

The leader of these policemen was an old policeman wearing a jazz hat and a black police uniform.

His name is Nikhil Assad, he is sixty-one years old and the police chief here.

"Daryl, you are just the city manager, not in the police system." Nickel said with an ugly face at this time.

Daryl said calmly: "Yes, I am only the city manager, but I am the representative of all citizens. I know exactly what I am doing today, and I also know that he will have a positive effect on all people."

Nicole whispered: "Daryl, you are playing with fire! You have no idea what they represent behind them!"

As an elite spy, Daryl was not intimidated. He said calmly: "Nichol, I have been here for ten years. I deal with Reis and the others every day. I know the factions better than you."

"Then you dare to stop us!?" A bearded police detective on the side shouted angrily.

Daryl casually took out a document: "This is a ban signed by the mayor himself. Starting today, all officers of the Arkham Police Department will be suspended. The mayor suspects that you are colluding with gangs and harming citizens, which involves corruption and bribery." , eight counts of murder, extortion, and extortion.”

Hearing this, the expressions of the other policemen suddenly changed. None of the policemen here are clean. If this is found out, all of them will go to jail!

"In that case, don't blame me for not missing our old friendship!" Just as Nick was about to take out his gun, he felt a strong figure flash past.

Then he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck and fainted.

Before anyone else could recover, the three police detectives and three police officers in front also fell to the ground.

The patrolman behind was stunned when he saw this. He didn't know what happened. He even took out his gun and didn't know where to shoot.

For a moment, the documents on the desk flew into the air, and a ferocious beast quickly shuttled among them.

boom! boom!

"Ah! Don't come here! You monster!"

"let me go……"

Suddenly there was a burst of gunshots and screams from inside.

Daryl, who was standing outside, lowered his head and looked at his watch, thought for a while and said, "Tracy likes ice cream very much. Buy her two vanilla-flavored double-ball ice creams today. She will be very happy."

Denison's Ice Cream is very famous in Arkham, and its location is right next door to the North Shore Market opposite the police station, very close.

"It's a good idea. Children like to eat this food, and my son also likes it very much." Kurwin came out at this time and adjusted his collar.

"Resolved?" Daryl asked.

Kurwin turned slightly sideways: "With a brand new body, the strength is a bit out of control. Some of these people may have some concussions."

Daryl turned around and saw these people staggering and fainting on the ground, their hands already handcuffed behind their backs.

"It's almost the same with Lilith and Carrington." Kurvin turned to look at the person lying on the ground outside the window and said with a smile.

Daryl sighed: "As expected of the mayor, if you don't move, it will be fatal. In just one hour, the public foundation of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce has been almost severed."

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