
The solid birch table was smashed to pieces by the huge force. Veins popped out on Paul's forehead, and his face turned red with rage.

"Los Arkham! Los Arkham!!!" Paul growled through gritted teeth.

Reis' face on the side was also very ugly. In the past ten minutes, they had received three news in a row that shocked them and even made them unbelievable.

The secret auction house for slaves exploded and all the slaves were taken away.

All the more than 20 people who supported him were injured and suffered fractures.

All Arkham police officers were arrested and imprisoned!

This lightning-fast force caught them off guard.

"How could this happen? Los Arkham definitely does not have such strength!" At this time, Reis's heart was still filled with disbelief.

Everything must be logical, but there is no logic in this matter.

Paul's eyes were red at this time, and he growled at Reis: "Take the men and blow up Los Arkham's house for me right now!"

Leis was shocked after hearing this: "Sir! You have to calm down. This matter is not trivial. Doing this will not do us any good."

Paul was naturally not a reckless person. After hearing this suggestion, he suppressed his anger, took a deep breath and whispered: "What a good person, what a good Daryl, what kind of benefits does Arkham use?" Make you willing to sacrifice your life for him like this?”

Reis on the side heard this and immediately said: "Sir, I just heard some news."


Immediately, he told him about Calvin's finger and Trish.

"Is there such a thing!?" After hearing this, Paul's eyes widened and he was horrified.

Reis nodded: "Yes, I have confirmed it. Kurvin's hands have recovered, and Tracy will resume school tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"So it seems that Heim was indeed killed by Arkham, and there is a special force behind him that we don't know about." Paul gradually calmed down.

This is no longer comparable to ordinary means, this has already involved that incredible special field.

"You continue to monitor the situation."

After Reis left, Paul immediately picked up the phone and then said: "It's me, Paul, passing on the following information to the owner..."

At the same time, in a manor in the wealthy area of ​​Arkham, an old man in his fifties wearing casual clothes listened to the servant's report.

After hearing this, the old man raised his head slightly. There were strange lines in his pupils, and you would feel inexplicable pressure when you looked at him.

This old man is Reagan Rhodes, the once famous figure in Arkham and the founder of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce.

At this time, he said with contempt: "Los Arkham, it seems that our little mayor is not willing to be a puppet."

"In that case, let others do it and let Quincy settle the matter."

"In addition, the poor people who heard that woman's speech today actually want to stand up? I really don't know how high the sky is. Let Duke handle it and let them know who their real master is."

"Yes! Master."

After the two orders were issued, the old man seemed to say to the air: "What suggestions does the Pope have on this matter?"

As the light distorted, a woman covered in a black robe suddenly appeared.

"Kill Los Arkham and bring his body to the Pope."

After hearing this, the old man stood up, smiled and nodded: "I understand."


This matter was quickly spread to all nine areas of Arkham under Daryl's operation.

For a time, the focus of everyone's discussion was on this young, vigorous and resolute young mayor.

"How long do you think this Los Arkham can live?"

"I'll bet you ten rosas that he won't survive a week."

"I bet on four days!"

"I bet for two days!"

The most heated discussion among these is how many days their new mayor can live.

While ordinary people are talking about it, the various forces in other districts will not see such a superficial problem.

The other three forces, who mainly wanted Lose to dismount, saw this scene and were immediately filled with vigilance.

Since Ross dares to openly attack the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, it is natural that he may also attack them.

But they have no intention of helping Rhodes Chamber of Commerce.

The Rhodes Chamber of Commerce and the Hand of Chaos have been operating for so many years, so it is not easy to stumble.

And they would like to see the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce suffer.

The central area has the largest population in Arkham, and other forces have been coveting it for a long time and want to get a hand in it.

They wish that both sides would suffer losses, and then they would step in and reap the benefits.

At the same time, the core of everyone's discussion was driving back home.

After putting the car in the garage, Ross opened the door and entered the house while humming a tune leisurely.

As soon as he entered the house, he was startled.

At this time, the thirteen girls bowed at the same time and said with gratitude and respect: "Thank you, Mayor Arkham, for your life-saving grace. You are our reborn parents!"

Ross was a little confused when he saw this, and turned to look at Lilith, who was standing aside with a smile on her face: "What's going on? I just came back!"

Lilith came over and said: "I just let them know who their real benefactor is, and at the same time provided them with some "psychological counseling""

When Los heard the words "psychological counseling", he knew that the actual situation was definitely not what these four words showed.

"Let's talk about the situation first!" Los didn't care about these. He believed that Lilith was now sensible.

Lilith then told her the information she knew.

Most of these girls were girls from the surrounding villages. They were captured for various reasons. There were even four girls who were sold to the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce by their parents.

They had been there for five days. During these five days, they had been subjected to various mental brainwashing and oppression to erase their self-consciousness and resistance instincts and become obedient and well-behaved.

Then they would be sold to the sponsors at the auction the day after tomorrow.

When Lilith rescued them, they had lost their consciousness of resistance and their instinct to escape. They sat there sluggishly even though the cages were opened, with numbness and fear in their eyes.

For the first time, Lilith, who knew people very well, used her magic power for positive purposes.

Through her words, she restored the girls' tamed mental shackles and restored their spirits to normal.

Then they regarded Lilith as an angel from heaven and quickly left with her.

Of course, although their consciousness was restored, the psychological trauma still existed.

In the past hour, Lilith did a good enough psychological counseling to help them completely get out of that dark experience.

Of course, she, who had witnessed the ugliness of human nature since childhood, instinctively planted a psychological hint in the minds of these girls.

That is, Los Arkham is the real benefactor who saved them, their savior, and their great and kind future master.

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