Ross's family was not big, and there were only three people including Lilith. Even if they needed servants, only three or four would be enough. The sudden arrival of thirteen girls immediately put Ross in a bit of trouble.

Although he said that all comers are welcome, but is this too much?

Lilith looked at the silent Los with curiosity, and asked curiously: "Dear master, do you have any questions? You can ask any questions. Most of these girls have no family members now, and they are eager to get you. protection, and at the same time reflect one’s own value.”

The thirteen girls standing in the living room were also very uneasy at this time. Although their angelic and beautiful eldest sister had told them that the future owner was very kind and kind, they were still worried that the kind-hearted mayor would not want him. Own.

After all, there are indeed more people here.

Ross thought about it and then came up with a plan.

"Which of you can cook and do housework?" Los asked.

Then, the four girls here raised their hands.

Of these four girls, only one was in her early twenties, and the rest looked to be sixteen or seventeen years old.

But it can be seen from their rough palms that they should be veterans in this field.

After all, children in rural areas in this era start helping their families with work from around the age of twelve or thirteen.

Ross nodded: "Well, if you are willing, you can stay with me as a servant."

"I do! I do!"

Before Lose could raise the salary, the four girls started nodding like chickens pecking at rice.

After experiencing such horrific things, they now only hope to find a safe place to live, and they dare not ask for anything else.

Los turned his head and looked at Lilith, with helplessness in his eyes.

Lilith held Los's hands with a smile and said, "This is their way of expressing their gratitude. You have to get used to it."

Ross sighed and turned to look at the other nine people.

At this time, these nine girls were extremely nervous. They were afraid that the mayor would not want them, send them back, or let them live their own lives.

They are very aware of the power of those gangsters. If they leave here, they will probably be recaptured by those demons tonight.

Ross continued to ask: "Do you have any other specialties or skills?"


The nine girls looked at each other in shock when they heard this, unable to react.

Lilith explained: "Whatever you know, report it to the master."

Then one of the eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl with chestnut hair said: "Report to the mayor! I can... draw."

Someone took the lead, and the other younger girls said timidly.

"I can...herd sheep."

"I can...sing."

"I can... weave garlands."


After listening to these girls introduce their talents, Ross sighed inwardly, but still said with encouragement: "Well, they are all good skills."

Hearing this, the nine girls immediately felt relieved, and their little faces were filled with relief.

Los stood up and said to all thirteen girls: "Strictly speaking, your current technology is not very good, and it does not have much practicality, but don't worry, as long as you are willing, I will not abandon you. you."

"I have a lot of work on my hands now. My family owns a nursing home, and there will be a shortage of doctors and nurses there in the future."

"Today, I dismissed all police officers in the city police department. If you want to be a police officer, I support you, but you need professional training before that."

"I also have a newly built research institute where we need some medical researchers and apprentices."

"In the future, after I finish dealing with these gangs, there will be a need for many other positions, such as lawyers, accountants, clerks, and typists. I have many positions in hand, but these positions all require relevant skills and efforts."

Hearing this, the girls' eyes suddenly showed yearning and brightness.

"Master, can we choose from all of these positions?" the oldest and tallest red-haired girl here asked tentatively.

Ross smiled and nodded and said, "Of course you can, but you need to undergo special training after choosing a job. Don't worry about other issues. Until you are fully qualified, all food, accommodation and training expenses are free. Of course, these expenses will come from you." It will be deducted from subsequent wages.”

Excessive giving is not kindness, giving must be done in a right way.

When the girls heard this, their faces were filled with joy, and they chirped: "Long live the master! Long live the mayor! The mayor is the greatest!"

Los turned around and said, "You will be responsible for these girls. Explain the stakes here clearly, and then train them according to their interests."

Lilith nodded and said, "Understood!"

Afterwards, these dozen girls stayed here temporarily. After tomorrow, nine of them will be sent to Arkham Sanitarium, which is spacious enough and has various training facilities.

After taking care of this, Ross returned to the study and once again set his sights on blood therapy.

He is currently short of manpower, such as the police station that is now completely shut down. He can even foresee that there will be a very serious attack tonight.

Being a police officer in Arkham is not easy. The situation here is too complicated, so Ivan plans to let the new batch of police officers become the beneficiaries of blood therapy first.

He even directly planned to turn these thirteen girls into superpowers and let them become police officers.

Their hatred of gangs and their low-level background and experience can ensure their ability to enforce the law, and they are also loyal enough.

"Although you have strength, you also need some brains. It is impossible to solve all cases with fists."

Thinking in his mind, Los turned around and found some materials that had been dusty for a long time from the old boxes in the study.

There is no shortage of righteous people among the Arkham police, but they are unable to resist the corruption of this group, and in the end they resigned directly in frustration.

Now Los Angeles plans to restart these people.

Looking through the files, which were at least one or two years old, Ross found a separate file bag inside, which was marked: Good police officer who left.

It seems that his father is also thinking of ways to change the situation and has made some preparations secretly.

"Let me fulfill your wish."

Los said, taking out such a thick stack of documents, blowing the dust on it, and took it out to look at it.

His cheap dad has prepared files on about a dozen people who have left the police force. The oldest among them left the police force four years ago. He is fifty-two years old this year and is now a private detective.

The youngest one left his job a year ago and is now 34 years old. Now he has opened a grocery store, but the business seems not to be very good.

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