Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 282 Cooperation of Greedy People

Hearing Joel's answer, Kane clearly saw a kind of awe and fear in Joel's flashing eyes that he had never seen before.

It's hard to imagine what kind of existence one has seen that can make a person develop such awe that can overcome the fear of death.

Although Kane is very curious and wants to study it carefully, he doesn't have much time now.

The preparation has been completed, and Kane begins his second stage.

After majesty and intimidation, naturally comes empathy.

"Joel, you and I are both the same person. We cherish life because we are afraid of death. We are an extremely selfish egoist." Kane said calmly.

Joel looked at Kane's chin and said nothing.

Kane picked up his cane and said: "I am interrogating you today not to find out the person behind you, nor is it a so-called normal case solving, but to seek self-rescue."

"Seeking self-rescue?" Joel raised his head slightly, just in time to see Kane's thick arm holding a cane and shaking constantly.

Kane said flatly: "ALS is an incurable terminal disease. I have lost control of my left leg. This damn disease is eroding my hands. The doctor said that in another month, I will lose control of my hands." , can’t even lift a table knife.”

Hearing this, there was a clear change in Joel's eyes. The hostility and alertness were greatly reduced at this moment, but an extra look appeared.

Hope and reflection.

Joel naturally does not intend to be tortured here all the time and then go to prison to spend the rest of his life.

At this moment, Kane made Joel realize that he still had bargaining chips.

Kane put down his cane at this time: "I listened to the reports about fighting you, and also collected some information related to Arkham. Over the years, I have been looking for a suitable opportunity to find something I desire. "

"Joel, I won't ask you where those potions come from, or what your purchasing channels are. I'm just asking you now, can my disease be cured in Arkham?"

Upon hearing this, Joel suddenly felt that the legendary Director Kane was a little pitiful, and at the same time he was also very direct and practical. Of course, he would not be naive enough to completely believe him and say too much.

He looked at Kane with both eyes and answered briefly and forcefully: "Okay."

Kane smiled when he heard this and said: "Perhaps there is a possibility of cooperation between you and me, Joel."

Joel smiled slightly at this time: "As expected of the Massa Tiger, you can always think of things that I can't think of in advance."

Kane said: "Arkham is now isolated from the world, and it is not easy to get in and out. Joel, I can open a special channel for you to make it easier for you to trade, and to provide you with more protection and shelter. "

"And the prerequisite for you to get these is to put forward greetings and conditions to the place you know on my behalf."

Joel did not agree directly, but simply explained: "That place is very mysterious, and our group of people cannot approach there casually. We also need to contact there through two intermediaries. I can do whatever you want." Convey it, but I can’t guarantee whether the other side will be interested.”

Kane's eyes in the darkness shone with a special brilliance: "I will make an offer they cannot refuse."

After hearing this, Joel said happily: "The deal is done."

Both sides are smart people, and Joel knows the consequences of offending Kane.

And Kane can grasp all of Joel's pain points, knowing that if he wants to live a prosperous life in the future, he must make relevant transactions.

And if you want to carry out these transactions, getting your own asylum is the best choice.

After reaching cooperation and making relevant agreements, Kane walked out of the interrogation room and had a two-minute conversation with Chief Church.

Then five minutes later, all the charges against Joel were dropped, and everything was framed.

Ten minutes later, Joel got all his belongings and was arranged to a nearby high-end hotel to wash up and get a good rest.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Joel came to the police station again to provide relevant testimony and the "filth" of this incident.

When providing testimony, because of the previous misunderstanding, the Massa Tiger personally expressed concern and condolences to Joel. After the two chatted for ten minutes, Joel left the police station with a smile on his face and disappeared into the night.

In the office, Kane took a sip of coffee, leaned on his chair, and looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the three most prosperous urban streets in the provincial capital of Massa.

Here there is feasting, here there is drunkenness, here there is luxury and prosperity.

Money and women are everywhere here, and everything is within reach if he wants it.

But this presupposes that he has a healthy body and a group of absolutely loyal subordinates.

In deep thought, the office door opened.

"Director." The person who came was a young man wearing a smart suit, a windbreaker and a hat.

The young man was dressed in Xu Wenqiang style clothes, handsome and elegant.

Kane turned around and asked, "How's it going?"

"It's not optimistic. Your wife is joining forces with the deputy mayor, council members and others to start working on the issue of carving up the territory and positions after your paralysis."

"Your nephew is conspiring with someone from the Imperial Capital to control the smuggling route from Massa to the Imperial Capital."

"In addition, your brother and sister are also helping their own group to gain more rights."

Hearing this, Kyle laughed in anger: "Good! Very good! They are really my good brothers! My good sisters! My good wife!"

The young man whispered: "Director, do we need to deal with them?"

Kane shook his head: "No, let them jump around, I want to see how many people still want me to die."

The young man did not continue to say more, but said: "Today, five councilors including President of Fo Neng Bank made suggestions on whether your body can still be competent for the position of director. Although it was temporarily suppressed by senior officials, the relevant rumors are becoming more and more impetuous."

Kane clenched his fists. He was not afraid of the open and secret arrows around him. What he really feared now was that he would be forced to retire in the administrative aspect.

You know, as long as he stepped down from this position, even if he was healthy, there would be no hope of coming up again.

"How is your investigation going?" Kane asked.

The young man shook his head: "They are all a bunch of liars, without any real skills. I did find a few people with special abilities, but they can't do anything about your situation."

"What about Arkham?" Kane asked.

He certainly wouldn't put all his hopes on Joel alone.

"It's a mysterious rumor over there. The mayor of Arkham, Los Arkham, seems to have created a system called blood therapy, which seems to be able to cure many terminal illnesses and even regenerate severed limbs, but no one has seen the real situation."

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