Joel never thought that he would get out of the police station so easily, and he never thought that he would have the opportunity to cooperate with the legendary big man, Masa Tiger.

People who have been in this area for many years know very well how powerful this Masa Tiger is.

And this Masa Tiger is not the kind of person who is unyielding and upright. Joel had dealt with his men before, but at that time they were competitors and he was hiding from them.

"The future is very tempting, but I don't know if this condition can impress the mysterious big man."

Although Joel has been hanging out in Arkham for the past three months and has met many people, he has not seen the senior management of the mental hospital, let alone who is responsible for these magical drugs.

And those guys who have undergone surgery are even more secretive about the situation inside, for fear of leaking any secrets and getting killed.

"Mayor of Arkham... What kind of magic do you have?" After staying in Arkham for a long time, even if he is far away from that place, Joel has a lot of respect for the young mayor.

In Arkham, a paradise on earth, the mayor is an absolute existence with absolute authority.

The first thing a group of desperate criminals felt after seeing the mayor's photo in the newspaper was incredible.

It was hard to imagine that such a young guy could lead the entire Arkham and build Arkham to such a level in just a few months.

Joel has been a frequent visitor to Arkham in recent years, and he has some understanding of that conservative, xenophobic, backward and ancient town.

At first, the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce was in power, and several big men in the underworld maintained the market order, but more than four months ago, the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce suddenly collapsed.

Taking the collapse of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce as the starting point, the newly appointed Los Arkham began a wave of iron-blooded governance, especially the hunting night when the first batch of troops entered Arkham.

What happened that night, no one knows until now.

But what they knew was that when the sun rose the next day, all the soldiers who entered the city either disappeared or went crazy, and the tanks and vehicles that drove in, accompanied by countless blood and broken bones, turned into a pile of scrap metal and were piled up in the public square.

Joel was not at the scene at the time, but he heard some stories from his fellow travelers.

Originally, they thought it was just exaggeration, but after seeing the newspaper reports and asking local residents, they found that it was all true.

It's just that the local residents don't seem to care about these, and don't even think it's something worth bragging about.

In meditation, Joel, who had been interrogated for several days, fell asleep silently.

The next morning, after getting up early and washing up, Joel found that a black suitcase appeared beside his bed at some point.

On the note next to it was written: "Give it to those you should give it to, this is the sincerity of the Masa Tiger."

Joel naturally knew the rules, picked up a lighter and burned the note, without any curiosity, and rewrapped the suitcase.

Grilled sausages, sweet white bread, caviar, mashed potatoes, vegetable salad.

After enjoying the delicious breakfast of the Imperial Five-Star Hotel, Joel swore that this was the most delicious and perfect breakfast he had ever eaten since he was a child.

"The life of rich people is so damn good!" Joel wiped his mouth, put on his clothes and prepared to leave.

Years of licking blood on the edge of a knife did make him have a lot of money, but doing their business also costs a lot, and they can only live like mice, and they can't be too high-profile.

Joel walked out of the hotel with a suitcase in his hand, with a smile on his face.

Today, there is light snow and northwest wind. Although the temperature is the same as yesterday, minus twelve degrees, it gives people an extra sense of coldness.

Putting up his collar, wrapping his leather coat tightly, and lowering the brim of his hat, Joel embarked on a special road back to Arkham.

Now the entire Massa Province is carrying out a very serious traffic blockade on Arkham. All the main roads leading to Arkham are blocked, and there are a large number of people they can't afford to offend patrolling on them.

Fortunately, this group of rats who are good at running in the sewers can always open up their own path.


The Massa Center Building is the tallest building in the entire Massa Province. It has a height of 15 floors and was completed three years ago.

Now it has become the real center of the Massa Province. The Massa Branch of the Imperial Central Bank, the Rocco Brothers Bank, the Massa Chamber of Commerce Headquarters and other heavyweight business organizations are located here.

In the large conference room on the 15th floor, Judy, the current helmsman of the Charlemagne family, sat casually on the sofa.

There were six other people beside her, and these people were the economic pillars of the entire Massa Province.

"Then the decision about Kane has been made. He has been sitting there for too long. It's time to change someone." The speaker was Jean Vernon, the president of the Massa Branch of the Imperial Central Bank.

Judy had no objection to this issue, because she had long wanted to replace this important position with an obedient guy.

Although Kane was an ordinary person, he was very capable and had a strong purpose, which was not a good thing for them.

"So what are you going to do about the blockade of Arkham?" The speaker was Henry, the vice president of the Massa Chamber of Commerce.

"Just keep it like this. Economic sanctions, transportation sanctions, personnel sanctions, and commercial sanctions are enough to contain Arkham." said the elder Rocco, the older brother of the Rocco brothers.

Henry's small eyes flashed with brilliance and said, "But we heard that Arkham is preparing to trade with people from the other two empires recently."

"How can it have any trade when it has nothing? Moreover, all roads are now cut off. The only way now is to start from the Sacred Sea. Don't forget that General Fox's pirates are ready." said Rocco Jr.

Judy said lightly at this time: "Don't underestimate Los Arkham."

Hearing this, Rocco Jr. smiled and said, "Beautiful Lady Charlemagne, I remember that your husband seems to be still in the Arkham Sanatorium."

A cold light flashed in Judy's eyes.

Rocco Jr. shuddered and smiled: "Look, I'm really mean! Sorry! Sorry!"

In the entire Massa high-level, Judy is a famous black widow.

At the same time, she controls the huge resources of the two families and is a top beauty, but no one can get close to this perfect woman.

Because everyone knows how venomous and cruel this woman is.

Judy didn't seem to like them either, and said lightly: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Others didn't stay for long, as if everyone was uncomfortable with her.

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