Hessen City is the closest city to Arkham in the present-day Massa Province. In the past, it only took three hours to reach Arkham from Hesse City and follow the Miskatonic River south.

If you drive yourself, it only takes two and a half hours.

But now, all waterways, highways, trains, and all modes of transportation from the empire are blocked.

There are also a large number of troops patrolling at major intersections. If anyone enters without authorization, the troops are qualified to shoot directly.

Because of this, Hesse City has developed well in the past three months. Not only because of the arrival of the army, the safety factor has been improved, but also because it is an important barrier to isolate Arkham and has received some very special features. investment.

The stubble-stained and dusty Artus has been in Hesse City for two days. He thought he could easily go to Arkham from here, but he found that he had thought the problem too simply.

The entire road heading to the southeast was blocked. It seemed that the territory of the Rosas Empire ended here. Going forward would be an extremely dangerous dead end.

This made Artus very worried. He had already circled the city twice. Due to the unfamiliarity of the place and the strange atmosphere, he did not even dare to ask how to get to Arkham.

Fortunately, he got some information from an old man last night with a few bottles of wine.

After several bottles of yellow soup, the old drunkard's mouth was as broken as the mouth of his former neighbor, Mrs. Lawson, and he was moaning endlessly.

It took Artus a full hour to filter out some useful information from the countless complaints and nonsense.

The entire southeastern part of the Rosas Empire is dominated by mountains and hilly areas. Nowadays, several roads are blocked, so if you want to go to Arkham, you can only go through those steep mountain paths.

But now that winter has entered, the snow and severe cold in the mountains may kill the people who entered the mountains at any time.

But if there is a very remote mountain village about 20 kilometers northwest from Haisen City. The village is full of a group of hunters who make a living by hunting and mountain products. They know many trails in the mountains, and there should be one among them. Relatively safe, the road to Arkham.

So early this morning, after Artus waited for two hours and paid the sky-high fare of twenty Rosa coins, finally a car was willing to take him for a ride and take him to the place called Hunter. Small village.

"What's your name?" Sitting in the car, Artus asked this well-dressed young man in his thirties.

The young man smiled and said, "Joel, what about you?"

"Just call me Artus." Artus said cautiously.

Joel looked at Artus and said casually: "You are not a local, right? Why do you think of going to the Hunter Village? Not many locals know about that damn place."

Artus was a little nervous and hesitantly said: "Nothing... I just want to... go hunting."

Joel didn't give any clues and said casually: "Looking at you, you must have been a successful person before, right? Why do you want to go to that place?"

After hearing this, Artus was moved in his heart, looked up at Joel, and asked tentatively: "You want to go too..."

Joel shook his head: "As long as you know, don't say it."

Artus understood immediately and squeezed him into a fist: "Of course it's for revenge!"

"Go to Arkham for revenge!?" Joel was stunned.

Artus shook his head: "Just looking for the power to take revenge."

"Hahaha!" When Joel heard this, he immediately knew that Artus was a guy with a story.

And this kind of guy is the most suitable as a companion...to be used and betrayed.

So, he was happy.

"Why are you laughing?" Artus still didn't know what Joel was thinking.

Joel held the steering wheel tightly, looked forward with bright eyes and said, "Congratulations, you came to the right place!"


At twelve o'clock at noon, the light snow had stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, and the blue sky appeared again.

Although the snow stopped, the wind became stronger again.

In the valley between the two mountains, a small village sits quietly. At this time, a few curls of smoke rise, which not only represents the smoke and fire here, but also declares the remoteness and loneliness here.

However, more than a dozen wooden houses are covered with snow, and the surrounding hillsides and paths are pure white under the sun. If exposed to such an environment for a long time, it is easy for people to suffer from very serious snow blindness.

At this time, in a certain wooden house, about a dozen people were wearing thin clothes and drinking wine.

"Hey! I made a lot of money when I went out this time! The mayor is here! He must be protecting me!" A bearded man with a red face yelled, holding his wine glass high.

Others immediately started shouting: "Just you!? The mayor doesn't like a rough guy like you!"


The others suddenly burst into laughter.

"You know nothing!" The bearded man glared, and then said to the bartender behind the counter: "Boss! I'll treat you this round! Except for the red nose!"

"Oh oh oh oh! Except for the red nose!" After hearing this, the others immediately raised their glasses and cheered loudly.

The middle-aged man with a big beard and a red rosy nose who just made fun of him suddenly looked a little deflated after hearing this, and curled his lips and said: "Next time I go out, I will definitely earn more than you!"

After a few rounds, these guys became more and more energetic as they drank.

"The rumors have become more and more serious recently. I heard that Joel has been arrested." A scar-faced man said.

"Really? That guy is so cunning, he was caught?" Others were a little unconvinced.

Scarface glared: "How can I lie? I saw it with my own eyes."

"You saw shit with your own eyes!" At this time, the door was pushed open, and Joel, who was covered in snow and had a red face and nose from the cold, walked in and cursed.

Everyone laughed again after hearing this, as if these guys had countless happy things every day.

Following behind Joel, Artes looked at the group of fierce and fierce men in the room cautiously, and suddenly felt guilty and dared not come in.

At this time, the dark-skinned middle-aged man behind the counter showed a hearty smile and said: "Come in, dream chaser."

"Hey! Another dream chaser!?" Everyone became curious.

Joel glanced at Artes and walked over and said, "Mr. Whicket, two cups of water of life."

Yes, the bar owner here at this time is the former director of the Arkham Post Office, Director Whicket, who believes in the Yellow King, kills the invisible, and can summon and ride the Byager.

After hearing this, Whicket picked up two cups skillfully and poured out two cups of liquid that looked like water.

Joel pushed a cup to Artes and smiled, "Drink it, the water of life can keep you warm on the way. I won't tell this secret recipe to others casually."

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