When Astor followed Joel's advice and drank the glass of "water" without any hesitation.

Instantly, a hot feeling spread rapidly from his mouth along the esophagus, and then exploded completely in his stomach!

Only a dozen seconds passed, and Artes' face was as red as a monkey's butt, and his face was extremely ugly.

"How can this be water!?" Artes, who had received a good education since childhood, did not swear even at this time.

Joel took a sip and said: "The water of life is the strongest wine in this tavern, with a purity of 96%. It can make you arrive in Arkham with a hot body!"

"I..." Artes wanted to speak, but felt dizzy, and then sat down on the chair, unable to speak.

Others laughed and said: "The thirty-second one!"

Since Arkham was blocked, this mountain path has always been an important transit station for their travel. At the beginning, it was very simple.

But with the continuous improvement of everyone, there is actually a good bar here.

The owner of the bar, Whicket, was a postman in Arkham before. He was injured for some reason, and then by chance he became the owner of this place, responsible for managing the sled dogs here and related transportation preparations.

It can be said that this owner Whicket is the one who guards the gate of Arkham here.

Under the operation of this group of gangsters, the legend of Arkham gradually spread, and many desperate people wanted to go to Arkham to seek the last hope.

Among these people, there are naturally various spies.

The level of the Water of Life is a test. Now, including Artes, 32 people have been tested.

Eighteen of them have left this world, and the remaining 14 have successfully entered Arkham.

When Artes was hazy, everyone asked him a simple question. After confirming the details of this guy, Artes survived.

Half an hour later, Artes gradually woke up. Just when he opened his eyes, he saw that each of the gangsters was fully armed, wearing thick leather coats, wearing animal fur hats on their heads, and their necks were tightly wrapped with scarves.

Both feet were covered with thick cotton boots, and both hands were covered with heavy gloves. Everyone had become a bloated fat man.

Joel, who had gained two circles of weight, threw an old fur coat to the confused Artes and said, "You will freeze to death on the way to Arkham in this coat."

Artes was a person who was willing to listen to other people's advice. He put on the coat without hesitation.

When Artes followed these people out of the tavern one after another, he found that seven very strong sled dogs had appeared on the white snow outside.

These sled dogs were very strong, and some of them were even out of the category of canines.

The dark back, snow-white limbs, some silly expressions, and a pair of blue eyes full of quirks all declared that these sled dogs had special spirituality.

Coming behind the sled dogs, Artes found that the group of sled dogs stood there normally, with a shoulder height of 1.5 meters, like a small horse.

At the same time, their limbs are thicker than normal dogs. On the claws that are slightly sunken in the snow, Artes can still vaguely see the sharp and somewhat abnormal claws.

"This... is a dog!?" Artes was confused.

The scarred man on the side laughed and said, "I was also shocked when I saw it for the first time, but I got used to it. After all, this is Arkham's dog."

At this time, a young man in thick clothes came over and said, "The old rules, two people per sled, fasten your seat belts, if you fall off and die, I will not be responsible!"

Hearing this, Artes shuddered and turned to look at the very simple sled, which was a seat welded by some steel bars and iron sheets.

Joel smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, it's very exciting! Sit with me!"

"Thank you! Thank you!"

During the conversation, everyone had already sat on the sled. Artes used a strap as wide as his palm to firmly fix himself on the steel chair, but he was still a little unsure.

"Let's go!" With a command, the young man just now actually rode a bigger...dog to lead the way forward.

On this side, Artes first felt his body leaning back, and then he saw the big dog pulling the sled and moving forward rapidly with endless wind and snow.

This speed was not even slower than the cars on the road.

"My God! What kind of monsters are these!" Artes felt that his worldview had collapsed at this time.

On the next road, Artes really felt the excitement that Joel said. The big and strong dog pulled the sled and ran, constantly turning and drifting in this white mountain stream.

Either on the cliffs or on the steep slopes.

Artes felt very uncomfortable at first, but when he overcame his inner fear, he actually felt that such a journey was full of poetry and romance.

"How happy it would be if I could watch this scene with Lin En and Paul?" At this time, Artes suddenly thought of his wife and children.

An hour later, the whole journey had been halfway.

The convoy...or should it be said that the dog team also stopped one after another to let these people with frozen hands and feet move their bodies.

But just when they stopped, the young man in front of them suddenly shouted: "There's an ambush!"

The gangsters immediately pulled out their loaded guns and stood guard around them.

At this moment, a team of hundreds of people suddenly appeared in the white snow and surrounded them.

They wore snow suits and held sophisticated military standard weapons. Everyone had a gloomy expression, as if they would be beaten into a hornet's nest if they moved a little.

"It's over!" Seeing this scene, Artes' face turned pale.

"You damn rats are really good at hiding. You actually thought of going to Arkham from here." Along with the voice came an officer holding a gun.

Joel smiled and said, "Sir, I'm just asking for a life. Let me live!"

"Huh, let me live. You humble rats dare to say such things?" The officer said, raising his hand.

"Shoot them all! Leave these dogs behind!"


As the gun was loaded, Artes seemed to feel the pain of being shot through the chest.

The number difference is ten times. The other side is a well-trained army, while this side is just a group of rabble.

"Fu*k! We're all going to die! Fight them!" The scarred man yelled and shot with his gun.

Bang, bang, bang!

In an instant, dense gunfire rang out. This group of battle-hardened bandits skillfully found a shelter and began to deal with this group of regular troops.

However, they were surrounded and could only survive.

In just five minutes, five people had died.

The rest were also injured, disabled, and desperate.

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