Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 286 Monster rescues the bandit

At this time, a group of soldiers had surrounded these people behind a big rock on the hillside.

The officer kicked the bloody body of the scarred man away, fired a few shots at the big rock, and said with a cruel look on his face: "F*k, I waited for so long and only waited for these rotten fish and shrimps, and they still dared to resist! Break their hands and feet for me! I will skin them alive!"

On the other side, the people hiding behind the big rock, Artes was pale and his eyes were sluggish. He was completely scared.

Joel bandaged the wound and looked around: "Where is the guide?"

The guide was the young man riding a big dog. He had been responsible for the transportation on this road.

The bearded man on the side spat out a mouthful of blood and said: "The cowardly coward, took advantage of the chaos to escape when we opened fire!"

Joel's face gradually darkened, and he reached out and touched the backpack behind him. There was his bright future, and he couldn't die here!

"Haha, I just killed two soldiers. Killing one is not a loss, killing two is a profit, and it's worth dying today!" The bearded man had a hole in his stomach. He could still be saved if he went to the hospital, but if he continued to delay, he would surely die.

The other bandits were all ruthless people who would lick blood on the edge of a knife. At this time, despair aroused their ferocity. At this time, they were like a group of trapped beasts, extremely ferocious.

Bang, bang, bang!

At this time, more stray bullets came, and everyone could feel the opponent approaching.

Several people counted their bullets and then shouted: "Fight!"

Then they turned around and shot.

But at this critical moment, they suddenly heard a scream from the military.

"Look! What the hell is that!"

Then, the shooting stopped.

Before Joel and his men could react, they felt a strong wind suddenly blowing on the hillside, and a large amount of snowflakes flew with the wind, like a blizzard.

"What's going on?"

Ah ah ah!

When several people hesitated, suddenly a scream came from the other side of the stone.

"What the hell!?"

Several people looked at each other, then slightly raised their heads and turned to look.

As a result, everyone was stunned!

More than a dozen huge monsters were flying in the clear sky.

They had sharp spikes, huge wings, and a pair of feet that could easily crush a tank.

The ferocious huge iron mouth could easily bite a person's bones.

They had never seen such an incomprehensible strange creature.

But they instinctively felt that this creature should not belong to this world.

This group of monsters kept making bursts of piercing sounds, flying in the air at a very fast speed, and then kept swooping down, like an eagle slaughtering chicks, and each swooping down could easily kill several soldiers.

And the soldiers' guns hit their skin, just like sand blown by the wind, and even left no trace.

"God, what are these...? "Ates saw this scene and felt that he was dreaming.

But soon, everyone knew that they were not dreaming.

Amid the continuous miserable screams, most of these soldiers were quickly slaughtered.

At this time, a larger monster appeared from a distance, falling with the wind and snow.

Behind this monster, there stood a man.

This man was wearing very thin clothes, bald head, and bare hands.

He held a wine bottle in one hand and a spear in the other, looking very casual and calm.

His skin was a little dark in the sun, and the severe cold and wind and snow seemed unable to erode his skin.

The moment this terrifying monster came down, a pair of claws directly grabbed the pale commander's body and pressed him directly into the snow.


The huge pressure directly crushed all the commander's internal organs, and a large amount of blood spurted out of his mouth, splashing on the white snow around.

"Just you? Still want to kill our Arkham trading partners?" A plain and cold voice sounded, making all the surviving soldiers present pale.

It was as if this voice was a special cold wind that could easily freeze their souls and make them shudder.

At this time, the monsters in the sky swept down again, accompanied by desperate screams, crazy roars, splattered blood and broken bodies, and the hillside returned to peace again.


The cold wind blew, allowing the survivors to still have a clear consciousness.

"Hui...Hui...Mr. Ket!?" At this time, all the survivors widened their eyes and looked at the figure that seemed to have fallen from the sky in disbelief.

Standing on the Baiyage, Huikt turned his head slightly, looked at the dazed people and smiled heartily: "It seems that I came in time."

Trembling, the remaining six people limped out from behind the big stone full of bullet holes, looking at Huikt on the Baiyage with awe.

Huikt waved his hand at this time, and the other Baiyages quickly disappeared in the air with a piercing scream.

"This is... This is..." Everyone pointed at the largest Baiyage and was speechless.

At this time, Whicket jumped down from the Baiyage, looked at the wounds of the bearded man and others, and after a simple treatment, he said: "You can hold on to Arkham, let's continue on the road!"

At this time, the guide who had just disappeared came over with a group of big dogs.

At this time, everyone realized that he had just gone to ask for help.

"We only lasted five minutes, how did you..."

You know, they are an hour away from Whicket's tavern.

The guide smiled and did not answer: "Okay, get in the car! No one should dare to disturb us on the road later."

At this time, this group of fierce bandits had become as dazed as Artes, sitting on the sled in a daze, and couldn't recover for a long time.

"Just now... was..." Artes asked tentatively.

Joel smiled bitterly: "Don't ask, I just found out that Mr. Whicket is so terrifying and powerful."

You know, they had drunk and played crazy with Whicket before, and now they are scared when they think about it.

"When the injury is healed this time, I must go to Mr. Whicket to kneel down and admit my mistake." The bearded man's face was full of awe and admiration.

They are very direct. When they recognize someone, they will respect and worship him unconditionally without thinking.

For the next hour, everyone was immersed in the absolute massacre just now, and their minds were full of the shadow of Whicket commanding monsters to slaughter soldiers.

Unconsciously, everyone has successfully entered the central area of ​​Arkham from the northeast of Arkham.

At the call of the guide, Artes looked at the ancient town now covered with snow.

It is said that this is the source of countless legends, ancient, mysterious and backward.

But at this moment, he found that this place is more lively than the imperial capital, with rules and order.

"Welcome to Arkham! The place where reality and dreams are connected!" Joel introduced with a smile.

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