Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 287 When the Stars Are Right

In the morning, Ross stretched lazily in silk pajamas.

Beside him, Lilith, who was wearing the same pajamas, pursed her lips slightly, holding a hairband in her mouth and arranging her long black hair that was envied by countless women in front of the mirror.

Lose looked at her graceful and sexy back, couldn't help but walked over, hugged her from behind, and at the same time put his palms dishonestly through the collar.

"Does your hair still need to be taken care of?" Los asked.

Lilith's hair is connected to her spirit, and each hair can not only be greatly extended, but also more flexible than her fingers.

Lilith blinked her eyes, and said with a little woman's shyness on her usually holy and mature face: "It's different. Every woman hopes that she can become beautiful with her own dress. Putting on makeup and taking care of her hair are all part of it." A process of enjoyment.”

Ross played with it for a moment, then asked: "Recently, Arkham has been relatively rich in talent, but it is still lacking in some aspects."

"For example, in finance or construction, you should pay attention here in the next few days."

Lilith nodded and asked, "Yesterday you said you were looking for Anita. How was it?"

"You said you would give it to me today, so it should be here soon!"

As soon as Los finished speaking, the doorbell rang.

Ross didn't change his clothes, so he just walked down and opened the door. He happened to see Anita, who was wearing a plush coat, a knitted hat, a handbag, and leather gloves, standing at the door awkwardly.

"Mayor, am I here early?"

Ross waved his hand: "No, I was too busy some time ago. I recently gave myself a holiday and had some time to be lazy. Come in!"

Anita heard this clearly and said as she walked in: "Mayor, I observed Dunwich yesterday and found that it was shrouded by a special force. I could only feel that it seemed to be surrounded by something from this world. It’s like being separated, I don’t know the internal situation.”

Ross pondered for a moment: "Are there any other characteristics?"

Anita took off her coat and hat and said: "Yes, that special power seems to be the power of the earth's veins, but what is weird is that Dunwich does not have its own earth's veins. Its earth's veins were established two hundred years ago. It has been integrated with Arkham."

While they were talking, the two of them sat down, and Lilith, who had changed into pink home clothes, walked down.

The jet-black hair was combed into a high ponytail and scattered behind her. The hair was neatly combed, revealing her standard oval face and slightly wide forehead. She looked so virtuous and elegant.

Who would have thought that such a saint-like woman could actually be a devil with an extremely twisted heart?

Anita took another look at Lilith and couldn't help but sigh in her heart again.

That extremely twisted demonic woman would only behave like a little woman in front of the mayor.

"Arkham is so lucky to be able to welcome the mayor."

Thinking in her mind, Anita took out a newly bound book from her handbag: "These are the results of Dunwich observations in the last twenty years that I compiled last night. Take a look."

Los's eyes lit up when he heard this. This kind of record can be said to be very important.

I opened the book casually and found that the contents were not recorded carefully. They mainly recorded some problems represented by astrology and some special fluctuations.

"In 1891, two red meteors streaked across the sky, and two people who should not exist appeared in Dunwich."

"This should be the son of two demigods born in the Vitelli family, Bubble's son."

The content that followed was similar to what Ross had seen before, until seven years ago, eight years ago to be precise.

Dr. Armitage and Dr. Henry drove it away, and calm returned.

No other anomalies were discovered over the next eight years.

"Huh? What does this mean?" Ross suddenly pointed to one of the symbols with the date October 10, 1900.

Anita came over and looked at it and said, "This is an astrological omen."

"What's the sign?"

Anita thought about it seriously and said, "That horoscope is called the time when the stars are correct."


Upon hearing this name, Lose immediately felt a buzzing in his head.

He knew very well what this thing represented.

Then he asked, "What does this sign mean? Do you know what it means when the stars are aligned?"

After hearing Los's continuous questions, Anita immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

Then Anita thought carefully and replied: "The number 1 represented by this star sign is the omen. According to our understanding of astrology, this is the beginning of a star sign."

"But this star phenomenon may last for a long, long time, as short as ten years, or as long as hundreds of years."

"As for when the stars are correct, we don't have many records here. We just say that when this star phenomenon occurs, something bad seems to happen."

Hearing this, Ross smiled bitterly in his heart: "This is more than just a bad thing."

Ross looked at the content carefully, pointed to that page and said: "Starting from today, let's explain in detail what the follow-up means."

Anita took the book and said: "The omen begins. The dream comes from illusion to reality. It connects to the far end, or the end of the world."

"With the fusion of dreams and reality, the world will be connected with the starry sky. At that time, the great son of the stars will come to the world, and He will bring vitality and opportunities to the world."

"The illusory birth egg needs the nourishment of dreams and the breath of stars. He needs the thief to return the stolen nutrients. It needs the rhythm of the world and the blessing of the moon."

These three paragraphs interpret all the astrological signs about Dunwich in the past eleven years.

After hearing this, Los leaned on the sofa and fell into deep thought.

At this time, Lilith brought two cups of hot coffee. Under Anita's gaze, she poured four tablespoons of sugar into one of the cups. This scene made Anita's scalp numb.

She attaches great importance to her health and figure. For many years, she has rarely come into direct contact with sugar. In her opinion, sugar is a scourge that affects her body.

The four tablespoons of sugar just now are almost the total amount of sugar she has eaten in the past thirty years. (It's sugar, not sugar content)

After drinking this cup of coffee that's sweet enough to make your teeth fall out, Los seemed to have gained enough energy. He looked at Anita with his spirited eyes and said, "Continue to observe Dunwich for a while. I have a feeling that at some point in the future, Dunwich will become a huge threat to us."

Hearing this, Anita naturally didn't dare to underestimate it, and immediately nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, implementing Dunwich will be one of my daily tasks in the future. Do you have any other instructions?"

Los shook his head and fell into deep thought again.

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