When Anita left, Los was still in deep thought.

Lilith sent her to the door, looked at the increasingly obvious wrinkles on her face and said: "The master has always been clear about rewards and punishments. If you have time, you can go to Arkham Sanatorium to find Dr. Murthy there."

"What?" Anita always had a lot of hostility towards Lilith.

Lilith reached out and touched her face: "I remember you are five years older than me, right? Look at my face, then look at your face, don't you feel the difference?"

Hearing this, Anita was so angry that she almost fainted.

No woman doesn't love beauty, and Anita is no exception. Over the years, she has been carefully maintaining her body and skin, hoping to live a few more years and witness the real changes in Arkham.

But no matter how hard she tries, humans still can't resist the erosion of the years.

The reason why she is so hostile to Lilith may be because of a kind of inferiority and jealousy.

After all, the two people are considered a generation, but the gap now is so obvious.

"What do you want to say!?" Anita gritted her teeth.

Lilith looked at Anita and smiled happily: "Nothing else, as a reward for your work for the mayor, you can go to Arkham to get a bottle of Longevity Dragon Blood, mix it with wine every day, take three cups in the morning, noon and evening, and after a month, you will find that you can be ten years younger."

Hearing this, Anita said angrily: "Let me tell you! I help the mayor not for these rewards! I do it for Arkham!"

Lilith smiled and looked at her, saying nothing.

Anita put on her hat and gloves angrily, and walked out of the door. Suddenly, she turned back and asked tentatively: "Really... effective?"

Lilith pressed her extremely smooth skin and asked back: "What do you think?"


Anita swallowed her saliva and turned away in thought.

After sending Anita away, Lilith returned to the living room and found that Los had turned into an ancient god.

"Master, what did you think of?" Lilith asked.

The armor gradually faded, and Los, who had returned to normal, said: "The problem in Dunwich is serious."

"How serious?" Lilith was a little curious.

Los raised his head: "It involves the destruction of the whole world."


Borg Sulk got out of the car wearing thin clothes. His summer leather shoes stepped on the cold ground, but he didn't feel the slightest bit of cold.

The blood of the original vampire combined with the blood therapy specially made for him gave him a strong physique that ordinary people couldn't match.

Not to mention the minus 16 degrees, even if it was minus 36 degrees, he wouldn't feel cold.

"Master, are you really not wearing more clothes?" asked the casual butler behind him.

Borg waved his hand. He was going to go to the city government to communicate with Daryl about the progress and the gains this time, and then go to meet the mayor of Arkham.

Just as he was about to walk into the hall, his keen ears suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Listen to my explanation! I'm really not a spy! I'm a businessman! I'm a businessman!"

He didn't have many acquaintances in Arkham, and these acquaintances would not be troubled by these things.

Then he turned his head and looked. His sharp eyes instantly crossed a distance of 100 meters. At the intersection not far away, he saw a dusty man being pulled by two citizens.

"You are sneaky, you are not a good person! Let's go! Let's go to the police station." The speaker was a middle-aged man in ragged clothes.

"We Arkham locals have poisonous eyes. I know you are not a good person!" said another young man in an old coat.

After the man kept begging, the two people turned their eyes and said that they could express their identity as long as they gave fifty Rosa coins.

The man was confused when he first arrived. Just when he was about to pay, Borg came over with a wind and said lightly: "Get out!"

The two were stunned. When they turned around and saw Borg in a single piece of clothing, they immediately left like a mouse seeing a cat.

The man was stunned when he saw Borg: "Borg Sulk?"

Borg smiled and said: "The last time we met was a year ago, Viscount Artes."

Hearing this title, Artes' face was full of bitterness and said: "I am no longer a viscount."

Borg patted his shoulder: "I heard about your story, I don't believe you would do those things."

"But the judge believed it." Artes whispered.

Suddenly, the two fell into an awkward silence.

Artes quickly came to his senses and looked at Borg, who was refreshed and flushed at this time, and said: "You look very good. To be honest, I felt that you were sick when we met last time, but now I feel that you are better than ever."

Borg said happily after hearing this: "Your vision is still so sharp and vicious. I was indeed sick at that time, and then I came here, and all my diseases were cured."

Hearing this, Artes' eyes lit up immediately.

Borg naturally noticed all this and said, "Arkham is a magical place. As long as you are willing to pay enough, all your fantasies can be realized here."

Arts' heart surged immediately after hearing this, but then he withered and whispered, "I now... have nothing to exchange for."

"Don't worry, there are more things that can be exchanged than just wealth." Borg patted Artes on the shoulder, as if he saw the scene of Artes serving Arkham in the future.

Since he was transformed here last time and witnessed the magic and power here, Borg instinctively regarded this place as his base camp and home.

A few months ago, he showed his powerful strength to his father and expressed his foresight.

In view of the struggle between the queen and the military, and the rise of Arkham, old Suk made a hedging decision with foresight.

He expelled Borg from the family and, according to the inheritance rules, let him take away 35% of the family wealth.

Then Borg began to migrate secretly. With the help of Los and others, Borg has successfully transferred the core personnel and funds here.

And he has become a part of Arkham today.

Artes didn't expect to meet acquaintances with good relationships here.

It's just a pity that he has nothing now and can no longer invite his friends to hold luxurious cocktail parties as usual.

Borg smiled and said, "I have some things to do here. If you don't have anything else to do, you can wait for me for a while. I have some connections and contacts here."

"If you want, I can help you make connections, but you have to remember."

"Don't lie, always show your greatest sincerity."

Hearing this, Art, who just felt that the future was bleak, suddenly became excited: "Understood! I... am willing to give everything I have except my life."

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