While Artus and Borg met, Joel on the other side thought about it. He did not hand over the box in his hand to the two agents. He was worried that his bright future would be taken away by others, so he prepared to Take the initiative.

After lingering outside Arkham Sanitarium for almost a quarter of an hour, Joel took a deep breath and strode towards the door of the sanatorium.

The door of Arkham Sanatorium is open on weekdays, but there are not many people coming and going. Outsiders like them do not dare to approach here on weekdays.

Because for them, this is the source of wealth, and it is also a monster that makes them extremely afraid.

Just when Joel had just walked to the gate, a black shadow suddenly came and landed in front of him with a harsh sound of wind.

He looked down and saw that it was a metal sword as wide as two of his hands and one meter long.

This big sword just looked very heavy. Joel roughly estimated that it weighed at least fifty pounds.

At this time, half of the metal sword's blade penetrated into the soil as easily as cutting bread, and it was less than five centimeters away from his feet.

Seeing this scene, a huge amount of sweat suddenly broke out on Joel's forehead under his hat.

Not to mention that the winter frozen soil of Arkham is as hard as marble, just having such a terrifying giant sword with such speed and such fine control has already made Joel very scared.

He stood there motionless, as if someone had cast a spell on him.

He knew that this was a superhuman being warning him that if he dared to take a step forward rashly, what the giant sword would cut next would not be the ground, but his body.

After two seconds of contemplation, Joel hurriedly summoned up the courage to say loudly: "I don't mean any harm, I'm here to seek cooperation on behalf of a big shot!"

As he spoke, he raised his suitcase in the air with both hands to show that he was not aggressive at the moment.

His voice was quickly answered, and under his nervous gaze, a sturdy young man with a tiger-like head and a thick head walked over briskly.

This young man looks to be only twelve or thirteen years old. His face is full of childishness but he is already 1.75 meters tall.

It was already late winter, but he was wearing a sleeveless sweatshirt, and the strong muscles on his chest could be clearly seen through the collar.

And the exposed arms are as steady and powerful as a rock.

The moment he saw the boy, Qiao suddenly felt that he was being targeted by an extremely ferocious beast, and he didn't even dare to move a finger.

The two people were about fifty meters apart at first, but in just a few blinks, Joel suddenly noticed that this young man was coming to him with a gust of hot wind.

It was as if there was a huge furnace in this young man's body.

The young man looked at Joel and asked calmly: "Who are you?"

Joel hurriedly introduced himself in detail, and then added with an apologetic smile: "This time, on behalf of Director Kane of the Massa Provincial Police Department, I am here to explore the possibility of cooperation with your organization."

The young man grunted, nodded slightly, and then under Joel's gaze, the rock-like arm grasped the hilt of the sword as thick as the child's arm.

Then with a harsh friction sound, the young man pulled out the big sword as easily as if he were holding a branch, put it on his shoulder and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to Dr. Kuervin."

Joel's brain was still recalling the scene when the boy had just pulled out the giant sword. The harsh sound was like metal friction, like a mountain range being pulled out of the earth by a giant.

Joel found that even if he used the mutated form of the potion, he could not reach the level of terror of the young man.

"Have you ever used muscle strengthening drugs?" As he walked, the boy moved his nose and asked.

Joel was shocked: "You...how did you know?"

The young man said casually: "You smell of that medicine."

Joel asked curiously: "Are you familiar with this potion?"

The young man scratched his brown hair and said, "It's not too familiar. I'm just the first batch of beneficiaries of the muscle strengthening drug."

! ! ! !

Hearing this, Joel felt his spirit shaken, and for a moment, he felt extremely shocked.

"Just the first batch of beneficiaries?" Joel's heart was filled with envy and jealousy.

While they were talking, the two people had already walked into the hall from the main entrance of the nursing home.

The moment he entered, Joel saw a little girl wearing adult clothes standing aside and looking at the notice board on the wall.

The little girl looked very beautiful, but her petite body was dressed in men's clothes that were very ill-fitting.

The little girl turned her head slightly and said dissatisfiedly: "I finally have control today, why do I have to go underground to take turns?"

While speaking, the little girl's deep and cold eyes swept over Joel.

Joel saw endless coldness and viciousness in those eyes, as if the little girl's heart was filled with all the negative emotions of human beings.

At this moment, Joel almost peed.

The little girl said calmly: "Rum, stay away from him, he is about to pee."

Joel's expression froze when he heard this. The undead man who licked blood from his knife felt very ashamed at this moment.

The young man smiled and said: "Teacher, if you don't want to go, I will go in your place."

"Teacher?" Joel's world view was impacted again.

It is already very scary for a young man to have such huge power, but now this little girl who looks seven or eight years old is actually this young man’s teacher?

The girl was very satisfied after hearing this. She was only 1.2 meters tall and stood on tiptoe to touch the head of the 1.75 meter tall boy.

The boy cooperated very well and bowed his head to let the girl touch him.

"Rum is still the most sensible. Then you can help me take turns today. I have to go to the New Era Cinema in a while." The little girl said happily.

Joel, who was not far away, was already dumbfounded at this time. He stood there blankly, not knowing what to do, or what expression to show.

The little girl jumped away happily. The boy named Rum came over and said, "Let's go. I'll take you to see Dr. Kurvin."

Joel nodded dully and followed the boy mechanically.

Walking in this quiet corridor, there was a burst of strange shouts or piercing screams from behind the doors, which constantly stimulated Joel's nerves.

As a fierce gangster, he didn't see any blood or corpses at this moment, but he was almost tortured crazy by this weirdness and depression.

The two of them quickly stopped in front of a door, and then Rum knocked on the door: "Dr. Kulvin, someone said he was the messenger of Director Kane."

"Come in." The steady voice clearly penetrated the door.

Joel followed the boy in with trepidation in his heart. After seeing the steady and strong Dr. Kulvin, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally, I saw a normal person. Although he is a little too strong for a doctor, he is at least a normal adult."

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