After Rum left, Joel stood there stiffly and nervously introduced himself.

Kurwin smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, I'm not a man-eating monster, just relax."

Seeing Kurvin's very normal smile, Joel instinctively relaxed a little, then handed the box over and said, "This is the sincerity expressed by Director Kane."

Kurwin did not look at the box anxiously, but asked: "How do you know Kane?"

Joel naturally did not dare to lie. He told all the stories about being attacked, drinking medicine, being caught, being interrogated, and Kane's invitation.

During this period, he emphasized over and over again that he had not said anything about Arkham.

Kurwin still had a peaceful smile on his face: "Don't be nervous. Although the matter in Arkham is not a hidden matter, I still recognize your perseverance."

Hearing this, Joel breathed a deep sigh of relief and said, "Thank you for your trust."

Kurwin looked down at the box made of steel and asked, "What's the password?"

Joel shook his head awkwardly: "Director Kane is afraid that I will open it, so I don't know what the password is."

Kurwin didn't care. Under Joel's gaze, he raised his index and middle fingers and placed them on the iron plate of the box. Then he pressed lightly, and the two fingers pierced it as easily as cheese. That's a steel plate one centimeter thick!

"Oh my God! Mom! What did I see!" Joel was completely dumbfounded when he saw this.

If the little girl's weirdness and the boy's power were just side hints before, then he finally saw the power and terror of the people in this sanatorium most directly.

That's a one centimeter thick steel plate!

Not to mention that the bullet penetrated through, it could only leave a shallow mark on it.

But now, this steel plate is as fragile as a piece of paper in the hands of this strong doctor.

Squeak! Squeak!

A harsh sound came.

At this time, Joel saw that after Kurtin's finger penetrated, with a casual stroke, the seemingly ordinary finger tore a huge hole in the one-centimetre-thick steel plate.

Then I saw the doctor's hands pulling at random, and with the harsh friction sound of the steel being squeezed, the box was torn open alive.

This casual look is as relaxed and comfortable as a human being playing with an origami toy.


At this moment, Joel finally knew why they, a group of desperate gangsters, were so afraid and awe of this mental hospital.

Because the two sides are not on the same level at all.

He tore open the small box and took out a document bag from it.

Shaking the iron filings on it, Kurwin took out the documents inside and looked at them. Then his eyes lit up slightly: "It seems that Mr. Kane is still very sincere."

Joel suddenly felt excited: "Then cooperation..."

Kurwin put the documents away and said, "You go back and wait for two days. I will inform you of the follow-up situation."

Joel didn't dare to disobey or ask any more questions, so he nodded obediently and left.

After walking out of Arkham Sanitarium, Joel exhaled and immediately felt energetic, because he felt that a better life was waving to him!

"Become the bridge between Arkham and Director Kane, in the future! I, Joel, will be the gang king of this province of Massa!" After a brief fantasy, Joel has even begun to calculate which female stars he will support in the future. .


At noon, Ross, who had been lazy all morning, put on his clothes. After a brief thought, he decided that it was not suitable for him to intervene in Dunwich affairs now.

He still needs enough time to develop, and there is no need for him to actively provoke Dunwich's situation.

As for Carrington, if nothing else happens, Carrington has become the nail that fixes the dream because of the blood of the ancient gods. He will not be in danger in a short time, and may even get some benefits.

"If nothing else happens, it should be a dreamland when it appears in Dunwich now. It is trying to fit itself into this big world. This process is not without benefits for me."

"There are many fantastic creatures and minerals in the fantasy dreamland, and it is also an opportunity for me to contact more dependents. What I need to pay attention to now is the time when the stars are correct, and the arrival of the Son of God, but this is likely to be a long-term process ”

While Los was looking in the mirror and thinking, Lilith reported: "Kulvin is here."

In the living room, Ross took a detailed look at the information that Kurvin brought over, and said with a satisfied smile: "I have to say, Kane did make an offer that I can't refuse."

Kurwin said excitedly: "Master, if we have Kane as a foreign aid, our external expansion plan will be much smoother."

Los said, "But for this kind of expansion plan, blood therapy alone is not enough. These things are destined to only be used by the upper class. What we really need now is the kind of technology that can benefit the people and is an epoch-making technology!"

"Only when an absolute technological monopoly and technological dependence is formed, will those guys beg us to cooperate."

Kurwin frowned: "We don't seem to have such technology now."

"Really? I think it's almost there." Ross smiled.

He has made a lot of preparations in the past few months. It is not just the blood therapy that is developing rapidly, but also the modern technology he brought from the earth, such as the most practical, color and sound movie storage and projection technology. .

He entrusted this technology to the owner of New Era Cinema, Ms. Hull, a true science geek two months ago.

Recently, there has been a breakthrough.

Kurwin naturally knew that the young master was the most visionary and creative, and then he asked: "Master, how should I reply to the other party on this matter?"

Los said casually: "What Kane wants now is nothing more than a healthy body. We can give them this very easily, but since we have this opportunity, we naturally have to seize it and nail Arkham's nails to the horse." Saskatchewan."

"Then at least send a senior cadre, but we don't seem to have any extra manpower now." Kuervin said.

Ross chuckled: "Who said no? Aren't I idle?"

Hearing this, Kurwin and Lilith were stunned at the same time: "Are you going to Massa yourself?"

Ross: "This step is very important. You may not understand some of my ideas, so it's best for me to go in person."

Lilith was a little worried: "But if Arkham doesn't have you..."

Ross said confidently: "Have confidence in yourselves. You have grown up and have perfectly solved the major crisis in Arkham. I believe in you."

Hearing this, Lilith said nothing more: "Then please bring more people. It's not because I'm worried about your safety, but it's just that you don't need to do it yourself for some small things."

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